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1、第 1 页 共 29 页 The Seller / 卖方( hereinafter known as “Seller ” / 以下称为“卖方”): The Buyer/ 买方( hereinafter known as “Buyer”/ 以下称为“买方”): This Contract ( hereinafter known as “Contract ” / 以下称为“合同”) is made by and between the Seller and the Buyer whereby the Seller agrees to sell and the Buyer agrees to buy

2、 the under mentioned Product, on the terms and conditions stated below: 买卖双方同意按照本合同下列规定条款和条件交易: Clause-1 Commodity / 条款-1 商品名称 iron ore ( hereinafter known as “Product ” / 以下称为 “货物” ) according to the specifications in clause three(3): Iron ore of Fe 63.5% on dry basis. 铁矿砂按条款 (3) 所定之品质规格:铁矿砂含铁量为63.

3、5% 干基。 Clause- 2 Order Quantity and Shipment / 条款 -2 合同数量和装船 Total quantity: 50,000 DMT ( Fifty Thousand Dry Metric Tons +/-5%). 合同总数量 :干公吨 5% 。 Shipment size: DMT per vessel +/- 5%. 每船装运 :干吨 5%。 Delivery schedule: DMT. The shipment within 30 days after Seller in 第 2 页 共 29 页 receipt of Buyers L/C.

4、交货船期:每月交货干吨。首月交货在卖方收到买方信用证后30 天内装运。 Port of loading: 装货港: Port of discharge: 卸货港: Discharge rate at port of discharge: MinimumDMT per working day guaranteed by Buyer. 卸货港之卸货率:每个工作日至少干公吨由买方保证。 Clause- 3 Guaranteed Specification / 条款 -3 品质规格保证 Clause- 4 Price / 条款- 4 价格 Price based on Fe 63.5% dry bas

5、is: USD$/ DMT CIF Elements / 元素Guaranteed / 保证Rejection / 拒收 Fe 63.5% Below 61.5% 以下 Al2O31.16% max Above 2% 以上 SiO25.39% max Above 6.00% 以上 P 0.01% max Above 0.07% 以上 S 0.01% max Above 0.09% 以上 Moisture / 水分8% max fee moisture at 105C 在 105C下最多不超过8% Granular size / 粒度Below 2.5cm (70% min) / 2.6cm t

6、o 5cm (30% max) 2.5cm 以下最少 70% / 2.6cm 至 5cm最多 30% 第 3 页 共 29 页 Port , China. 价格以含铁量干基63.5%为基础:每干吨为美元 CIF 中国港 ( 成本加保险加运费)。 Remarks: Contracted price will be adjusted every three (3) months according to updated steel index of Shanghai. Second New Price will be fixed on the third months average. 备注:合同

7、价格每3 个月按上海钢铁业指数调整。 Clause- 5 Price Adjustment Relating to Quality / 条款 - 5 价格因品质调整 The price of iron ore stipulated in the clause number four (4) shall be adjusted by the following bonus and penalties. 通过奖罚办法来调整条款(4) 所规定的价格。 5.1 Iron Content “Fe” / 铁含量: Bonus / 增加价格 : For each 1% of Fe above 63.5% (

8、Fe) the price shall be increased by USD3.50 per dry metric ton (fractions prorate). 在铁含量 63.5%的基础上,每增加 1% 则每干吨价格增加3.5 美元( 以此方法按比例计算) 。 Penalties减少价格 : For each 1% Fe below 63.5% (Fe) the price shall be decreased by USD3.50 per dry metric ton (fractions prorate). 在铁含量 63.5%的基础上,每减少 1% 则每干吨价格减少3.5 美元(

9、 以此方法按比例计算) 。 The Buyer has the right to reject the Product if Fe content is below 63.5%. 如铁含量低于61.5%,买方有权拒收。 5.2 Other Elements “impurities” / 其它元素(杂质 ): 第 4 页 共 29 页 If the composition of iron ore in respect of silicon (sio 2), aluminum (al2o3) , phosphorus (p), sulphur (s), and titanium (tio 2) e

10、xceeds the respective guaranteed maximum as set forth in clause number three (3), the Buyer shall accept such delivery of iron ore by imposing penalties provided below , fractions prorate. 如卖方所交货的铁矿砂成分含二氧化硅,氧化铝,磷,硫,超过条款(3) 所规定的含量, 买方将会接受交货并接受按以下降价比例计算罚款。 5.2(1) Silicon (sio 2)/ 二氧化硅 : USD$0.05 (five

11、 US cents) per dry metric ton for each 0.1% in excess of guaranteed 5.39% maximum as set forth in clause three (3). The Buyer may reject the cargo if Sio 2 exceeds 6.00%. 按条款 (3) 所规定最多不得超过5.39%,每超过 0.1%,每干吨降价0.05 美元。 如二氧化硅超过6.00%,买方有权拒收。 5.2(2) Aluminum (Al2o3)/ 氧化铝 : USD$0.05 (five US cents) per dr

12、y metric ton for each 0.1% in excess of guaranteed 1.16% maximum as set forth in clause three (3). The Buyer may reject the cargo if Al2o3 exceeds 2%. 按条款 (3) 所规定最多不得超过1.16%,每超过 0.1%,每干吨降价0.05 美元。 如氧化铝超过2% ,买方有权拒收。 5.2(3) Phosphorus (p)/磷: USD$0.05 (five US cents) per dry metric tonne for each 0.01%

13、 in excess of guaranteed 0.01% maximum as set forth in clause three (3). The Buyer may reject the cargo if p exceeds 0.07%. 按条款 (3) 所规定最多不得超0.01%,每超过 0.01%,每干吨降价0.05 美元。 第 5 页 共 29 页 如超过 0.07%,买方有权拒收。 5.2(4) Sulphur (s)/硫: USD$0.05 (five US cents) per dry metric tonne for each 0.01% in excess of gua

14、ranteed 0.01% maximum as set forth in clause three (3). The Buyer may reject the cargo if s exceeds 0.09%. 按条款 (3) 所规定最多不得超过0.01%,每超过 0.01%,每干吨降价0.05 美元。 如超过 0.09%,买方有权拒收。 5.3 Size/粒度 : In the event that the oversize quantity exceeds 5cm , the respective guaranteed maximum as set forth in clause thr

15、ee (3), the Seller shall pay to the Buyer the penalty at USD0.50 per dry metric ton , fractions prorate for the quantities of ores above 10mm in excess of 30% max. 如卖方所交货的铁矿砂有30% 以上超过条款 (3) 限制的粒度50 毫米,卖方将按超量每 干吨 0.5 美元降价并按降价比例计算罚款付给买方。 5.4 Moisture/水分: In the event that the free moisture loss at 105

16、 degrees centigrade exceeds the respective guaranteed maximum as set forth in clause three (3) , the Seller shall compensate the Buyer for all the losses of actual sea freight and Product weight caused by the excess of moisture content over 8%. The Buyer shall provide the Seller with Certificate issued by CIQ as evidence for the said claim. 如卖方所交货的铁矿砂在105下水分自然流失超过条款(3) 限制的 8% ,卖方须赔偿买 方因货物水分超过规定所损失的实际海运费及货物重量。但买方必须提供CIQ水分检验 超标证明作为赔偿的依据。 5.5 Limit of Liability / 限制责任 : 第 6 页 共 29 页 The Sel ler s l


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