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1、2021年中考英语必读时事热点(7)文章导读一、阅读理解 数字经济疫情下我们生活在变化,远程办公,在线学习,远程医生,无人商务和服务走进我们的生活,这为中国技术和商业模式的创新创造一个重大机遇这一切都是数字经济的基础。二、完形填空 人物介绍-李兰娟院士,年逾古稀,再战一线,脸上清晰可见的压痕,令网友泪流满面三、阅读理解 方舱医院走向世界,中国经验助力全球抗疫四、阅读理解 9月29日,2019年女排世界杯大阪站,中国女排以3比0战胜阿根廷女排,收获本届赛事的十一连胜,以全胜战绩成功卫冕。中国女排再一次创造了历史,用新鲜出炉的世界杯冠军为祖国献上了一份沉甸甸的生日礼物。五、阅读理解 大兴国际机场:

2、用高科技与高效率惊艳世界。六、阅读回答问题 “粮食危机”来了?专家:中国主粮充足。七、书面表达 疫情过后的思考,建立文明的生活方式,加强健康素养。一、阅读理解 (原创) During the outbreak of COVID-19, Chinese students use online software to continue their studies. Apart from anxiety, the novel coronavirus outbreak has also brought opportunities for some industries and changes to o

3、ur lifestyles. According to the market research company International Data Corp, praises and applauds (掌声) are given to high-tech applications like 5G. New mode for various online activities, like remote offices, online education, and unmanned commerce (商业) and services, has also come to light. Mont

4、hs of staying at home have changed our lifestyles. Online activities have boomed (急速发展) during the epidemic, from telecommuting (远程办公) and online education to online shopping and remote medical services. For employees, especially white-collar workers, telecommuting tools such as video conferences an

5、d online office software make working from home more feasible. According to China Daily, Alibabas all-in-one mobile workplace DingTalk has served more than 10 million enterprises (企业) and over 200 million people. Tencent Meeting can provide free use for over 300 participants per audio or video confe

6、rence. Meanwhile, like DingTalk, many apps have been used by students and their teachers for online classes. “Cloud platforms” have also been provided by the Ministry of Education as an approach to continuing education among students across the country. Internet companies, such as NetEase, recently

7、opened a full chain of contactless recruitment (招募) through online resume submission (提交) and online interviews. The candidates (候选人) can also sign contracts (合同), attend training workshops, and even begin work over the internet. Many museums and galleries in China have also been closed to visitors,

8、 but they have launched various online exhibitions to provide a creative touring experience for the countrys vast number of stay-at-home visitors. To help prevent possible cross-infection (交叉感染) during the fight against the novel coronavirus, virtual (虚拟的) hospitals have been established. For instan

9、ce, the Tianjin Medical University General Internet Hospital has rolled out (开展) a series of services, including online inquiry (问诊), online prescribing (开处方) and drug delivery. According to Raymond Wang, partner at global consultancy firm Roland Berger, the outbreak has further proved the importanc

10、e of the internet and digital economy. He said that the outbreak would improve social efficiency and the digital economy, remote working, and online education. “This is also a big opportunity for Chinas technology and business model innovation (创新) the foundations of the digital economy,” he added.1

11、. The first paragraph mainly tells us_.A. a survey from the market research company International Data Corp.B. praises and applauds are given to high-tech applications like 5G.C. remote offices, online education, and unmanned commerce (商业) and services are booming. (急速发展)Dsome chances and changes in

12、 our life and business after the novel coronavirus outbreak .2. What does the underlined word “feasible” in Paragraph 2 mean?A. Workable B. Changeable. C. Important. D. Necessary.3. What does the article tell us about the work in different fields?A. NetEase has received the highest number of resumes

13、 ever this year.B. Many museums and galleries have held online exhibitions.C. Virtual hospitals have worked more efficiently than physical hospitals.D. Software companies have made a lot more money recently.4. What did Raymond Wang think of Chinas digital economy?A. He is doubtful about its future i

14、n China.B. He criticizes us for our heavy dependence on it.C. Its value has been recognized during the fight against the virus.D. There are many factors in the way of its development.5. From many fields, the writer proves us _.A. the importance and necessity of the Internet and digital economy. B. c

15、hances and challenges in our life.C. the importance of technology and business model innovationD. the importance of education and medical care. 二、完形填空(原创) Every Monday morning, _1_ Li Lanjuan sits in her office at the First Affiliated Hospital of Zhejiang Universitys School of Medicine in Hangzhou, receiving patients.Despite being a leading figure in epidemiology in China, Li regards herself as an ordinary medical worker. So when the novel coronavirus pneumonia _2_ in late December, Li, without any hesitation, _3_ the epidemic expert group on Jan 18 and headed



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