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1、I Believe I can win!,最后的冲刺,我必须做到,必胜的信念 坚强的毅力 平稳的心态 正确地复习 合理安排复习时间和科目 掌握正确的复习方法 训练正确的思维方式 严格完成每天的复习任务 认真反思每天的得失,英语复习总思路,听力,阅读,写作,基础语言知识,基础词汇,固定短语,功能句型,语法知识,掌握基础句型+ 听力答题技巧+ 多听,大量阅读 提高阅读速度 培养思维能力,由输入(通过阅读达到词汇、句型的积累) 到输出(总体框架搭建 +内容的支撑+写作技巧),中考英语写作指导,平时写作存在的问题,由题目要求,根据控制式的内容框架,形成随机的想法进行写作,这样写出的作文不足之处: 想哪

2、写哪,语篇布局凌乱无序 语言表达易受母语干扰,语法知识未能灵活运用 词汇错误率高 写作句子简单、内容单调,最重要的: 以上写作问题容易导致消极的心理暗示: I cant write well! Then, how to write well?,读和写的关系,读是输入 写是输出 只有大脑中输入了足够多的词汇、短语、功能句型以及基本的语篇结构,写作时才不会陷入“巧妇难为无米之炊”的境况。 所以平时的学习中,应有意识地训练以读促写,读写结合!,But how?,平时读到好的功能句型(课文中、习题中、课外阅读材料中,歌词、谚语等)要记下句型结构并能用其脱口造句 (目的:能灵活运用好的功能句型) 教材中

3、课文后的问题要训练用自己的句子来回答而不是找课文中原句回答 (目的:训练自己的语言整合运用能力) 读到好的材料,要有控制不住想要用英语表达自己想法和观点的冲动和行动。 (目的:思维能力的锻炼和提升),A 篇 续写类写作,Before Writing: Read carefully!,读的目的是为了写的需要 ,所以读前文时需弄清以下几点: 体裁、人称和时态? (确定后面续写的总体框架) 2. 开篇的中心句或中心词是什么? (以便结尾处点题,首尾呼应),续写体裁,常见: 记叙文 议论文 书信,2015中考真题,Once I was walking in a park, I was thinking

4、 about something when I noticed I came to a very very narrow road. Just at that time, a young man came towards me from the other end of the road. It was too narrow for both of us to pass through at the same time. We stopped and looked at each other for a while,_,2016中考真题,One afternoon, my father and

5、 I walked in the park near our home. We talked about some social problems. Suddenly, my father saw a wallet on the ground._,2017中考真题,One day , a boy went home happily. He sang and looked everywhere .On the way home, he had to walk past a forest. And he knew it was dangerous for him to walk past it b

6、y himself._,最近 (一模),It was a Sunday afternoon. I was playing in the park with my friend when I saw an old man lying on the ground.I tried to help him stand up,but he couldnt move and seemed in pain._,最近 (二模),As a middle school student , we should behave well. First, I think its very important to do

7、everything on time and keep promise . Never lie toothers or say dirty words. Next we should _,记叙文,1.弄清楚 5个W 和1个H 2.人称时态要一致 3.情节发展要合理 符合主流 不要另辟蹊径 脑洞大开 4.不要太长,三到五句即可结尾(25-45词) 5.句子结构正确,用熟悉的句型写,不要遂字相当然地汉译英。 6.结尾很重要,首尾呼应,While writing:,议论文,1.弄清前文的主要观点,续写一定要顺应观点 2.层次分明,正确用好连词(顺序步骤类) 3.句子结构正确,用熟悉的句型写,不要遂字

8、 相当然地汉译英。 4.结尾很重要,呼应开篇中心句。,B 篇 大作文,以前学过的写作方法: 写作步骤六步走,一读 二审 三确定 四准备 五写 六修改,只能得到中等偏高分数(12-15分),先来看看下面的两篇习作,请你来作阅卷老师评分并说出你给分的理由。(满分20分),HOW?,My Favorite Invention,My favorite invention is mobile phone. I can find out whats going on around the world by mobile phone and I can get on well with my family.

9、 We can talk on mobile phoe, so we like mobile phone very much. Everybody have one or two mobile phone. So my favorite is mobile phone.,作文阅卷评分标准,怎样得高分?,除了达到基本写作要求之外,还需做到: 1. 正确搭建框架结构 用恰当精准的内容支撑 龙头 猪肚 凤尾(运用一定的修辞和复合句) 2. 适当引用格言、谚语(重在平时积累) 3. 连词的运用 4. 正确使用复合句,正确搭建框架结构 1. 三段式、总分总结构 2. 时态准确: 过去的经历多用过去时态

10、问题建议多用一般现在时 打算计划类主要用一般将来时 3. 首尾呼应 恰当的内容支撑 1. 5个W 1个H 2. 叙中适当夹议 (穿插观点感受),记叙文,正确搭建框架结构 三段式、总分总结构 第一段:引出话题,总述观点(总) 第二段:分述观点 具体论述(分) 第三段: 总结观点 表达倡议或祝愿(总) 恰当的内容支撑 1. 分述观点:先总后分 论据 精准 2. 层次分明 条理清楚(连词的运用),议论文,龙头,题目 :My Dream Job 开头:I want to be a good teacher in 10 years. I have a dream that I can be a good

11、 teacher in 10 years. 题目 :写一次难忘的游记 I went to BeiJing last year. It was very interesting. The most interesting place I have ever been to is Beijing. 实练: 题目:A Person I Want to Thank e.g. I want to thank my friend Mary. She helped me a lot. Your better sentences: ?,凤尾,题目 :My Dream Job 结尾: I should stud

12、y hard to achieve my dream. What I should do now is to study hard. Only in this way can I achieve my dream of being a good teacher in the future. 题目 :写一次难忘的游记 This trip was very interesting. I felt very happy. This trip was very interesting and unforgettable . I felt so happy that I hope to go there

13、 again one day! 实练:题目:A Person I Want to Thank e.g. Mary helped me a lot , so I really thank her. Your beter sentences: ?,Topic : The Way to Stay Healthy,体裁? 框架结构? 内容的支撑? 请先看下面的写作案例:,猪肚,The way to stay healthy,Its very important to stay healthy. Then ,what should we do? First , we should do more exe

14、rcises. And we cant eat too much junk food. Second, we cant stay up too late, we should often go to bed early and get up early . Finally, we need to eat more vegetables and fruits. And we should often relax ourselves after studying, such as running, listening to music and so on. Staying healthy is g

15、ood for our bodies. We must follow the advice above .,框架? 三段 总分总 写作内容的支撑? 三个方面: Take exercises Keep good eating habits Relax yourself 问题? 虽用了表顺序的连词,但内容凌乱无序, 条理不清,问题,Keep good eating habits,Eat more vegetables and fruits,Have a balanced diet,Eat less junk food,Drink milk every day,An apple a day keep

16、s the doctor away,Take more exercises,Play basketball,Take a walk after supper,Go swimming,Go hiking,All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy,Relax yourself,Go to bed early and get up early,Talk to friends,Listen to music,Play computer games,Early to bed and early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise,(开头 引出话题) Health is very important for any of us. In order to stay healthy, we need to know some common knowledge. (中间 陈述论点 先总后分) Firstly, keep good eating habits. We should eat lots of


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