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1、做试题,没答案?上自考365,网校名师为你详细解答!全国2005年10月高等教育自学考试语言与文化试题课程代码:00838. Each of the following incomplete statements is followed by four alternatives. Read each statement and the four alternatives carefully and decide which of the four alternatives best completes the statement and put the answer in the bracke

2、ts. (20%)1. In educational settings “depend on others to do his/her work” is often preferred to “_”. A. fail to do ones homework B. fail to do ones schoolwork wellC. cheat in exams D. cheat in class2. A “file clerk” is often said euphemistically to be a(n) “_”. A. information director B. research co

3、nsultantC. office executive D. assistant manager3. I wonder whether Nick isnt better off, after all. _they do look after him, dont they?A. I mean B. In other wordsC. Actually D. Incidentally4. The next morning she was glad and proud that she had not yielded to a scare. _ he was most strangely and ob

4、viously better. A. Though B. At this pointC. For D. So5. “2000年7月25日上午10点” can be translated into _. A. At 10 oclock of the morning of 25 July of 2000B. At 10 oclock on the morning of 25 July, 2000C. At 10 oclock, the morning of 25 July, 2000D. At 10 oclock in the morning of 25 July, 20006. Which of

5、 the following names is associated with Christianity?A. Edgar B. JosephC. Alexander D. Iris7. When you introduce Mary Smith to John Jones, you may say _. A. “John Jones, this is Mary Smith”B. “Mr. Jones, may I introduce Mrs. Smith?”C. “Mary Smith, this is John Jones”D. “Mary Smith, this is Mr. Jones

6、”8. “_” is inappropriate as a reply to an apology. A. Its O. K. B. Its all right. C. Not at all. D. Never mind. 9. It is suggested that Chinese people are good at holistic _. A. writing B. speakingC. thinking D. doing10. The thematic model emphasizes three culture elements:_. A. traits, values and w

7、orld viewsB. personal behaviours, thinking patterns and valuesC. norms, customs and circumstancesD. time, space and dimension11. The Chinese equivalent for “high school” is _. A. 中等学校 B. 高等学校C. 技术学校 D. 职业学校12. In English culture, “old” is associated with all the following except _. A. useless B. tra

8、ditionalC. senile D. skilled13. The phrasal verb “look into” corresponds in meaning to the single word _. A. expect B. investigateC. despise D. watch14. “To be very careful and correct in ones behaviour” is synonymous to _. A. “Mr. Right” B. “keep ones own company”C. “to mind ones ps and qs” D. “to

9、keep ones nose clean”15. “To make a cat laugh” means _. A. to be tragic B. to be comicC. to be proud D. to be serious16. In English culture “white” connotes _. A. innocence B. deathC. cruelty D. reaction17. The English equivalent for “害了红眼病” is _. A. a white hope B. grey-headedC. pinkeye D. green-ey

10、ed18. Uranus is the Roman god of _. A. heavens and father of Saturn B. the sea, son of Saturn and brother of JupiterC. agriculture and father of JupiterD. the sky and the king of the gods19. American English and _ English are two varieties of the English language and they are of equal status. A. Can

11、adian B. AustralianC. New Zealandic English D. British20. Stamping ones foot signifies _ in English body language. A. anger B. strengthC. remorse D. impatience. Each of the following incomplete statements is followed by four alternatives. Read each statement and the four alternatives carefully and d

12、ecide which of the four alternatives can complete the statement and put the answer(s) in the brackets. There might be more than one correct answer. (10%)21. “_” is more offensive than “damn” or “damn it”. A. Hell B. God damn youC. Damn you D. Jesus Christ22. He was the popular candidate. _he will be elected. A. So that B. As suchC. Consequently D. Accordingly23. In the following statements,_ is true. A. English has gone through the stage of explicit grammar, while Chinese has. B. Modern European languages are grammatical simpler and demonstrate less grammatical explicitly than classic


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