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1、七年级英语下期中测试卷笔试部分(100分)一、单项选择。从A、B、C、D三个选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项(10分)1、Can you sing?_.A. Yes, I am. B. Yes, I do . C. No, I cant. D. Yes, a little.2 . He wants to join the _ club. He can _ chess.A. chesss ; play the B. chess ;play C. chessing ; play D. chess; plays the3. Jim often gets_ school at eight and ge

2、ts _ home at fiveA. ; B. to; to C. ; to D. to; 4. What do you usually do_ Sunday mornings.A. in . B. at . C. on. D. for.5. Lets go home_ 6:00 .A. at B. in C. on D. around6.How do you usually go to school? I usually go to school _.A. by mybike B. by bikes C. by bike D. by a bike7.How do you _ there?

3、I take the train.A. reach toB. get toC. arriveD. arrive in8. _play computer games after school.A. CantB. NoC. NotD .Dont9. Dont run in the hallways. _,I wont do it again.ASorry B. Excuse C. Thank you D. No10. _do you like pandas. _they are cute.AWhy; Because B. Why; So C. What; because D. What; So二、

4、单词拼写。(10分)1、-what are you?-I am watching TV.2. Che sing ?-Yes, he can.3. She gets uearly every morning.4.Lets go to the z. I want to see the pandas.5.-Wdo you want to see the monkeys/-Because theyre cute.6. Her mother is(年轻的) and beautiful.7.Jim , you should(洗) your shoes yourself.8.Can she(画)?9.My

5、father always(讲诉;告诉) me to study hard.10.Dont(穿,戴)a hat in the classroom, boys.三、词形变换。(10分)1.His sister usually _ (take) a shower at 8:00 in the evening.2._ (do) your parents_ (run) every day?3.I take a bus _ (go) to school .4.How about_ (take) a bus to school?5.She _ (not do) her homework every day

6、.6.It takes Tom an hour _ (finish) his homework.7._ (do) your homework before dinner.8.Lets _(see)the pandas first.9.Chinese people are great and _ (friend).10.Look! your sister _(do)her homework.四、情景交际。(共5分)根据对话内容,从方框内的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。A:Hello, Jane.B:Hi, Millie. 1. ()A:I am reading a s

7、torybook, but its boring. Whats up(怎么了)?B:Do you want to go shopping with me ?A:2. () What do you want to buy?B:3. () You know I always love skirts.A:That is true. Youre beautiful in skirts.B:4 ()A:5()B:What about 2:00pm?A:OK.A: Sure. I love shopping.B: I dont like it at all.C: Thank you.D. When do

8、you want to go?E: What are you doing now?F: Sorry, I dont know.G: I want to buy a skirt.五、选择正确的单词填空。(10分)having, is , playing, digging(挖), want , writing, reading, washing, are, eatingHi, John,We are 1. a happy time on holiday. Let me tell you what were doing at the moment. Im 2.a postcard(明信片). Its

9、 a postcard to you! My brother 3.Sailing(扬帆). My sister is 4.a hole(洞) on thebeach(沙滩).My father is5.abook and my motheris6.an ice cream. I 7.an ice cream, too!My aunt and uncle 8.also here. My uncle is 9.football on the beach.My aunt is10.some apples for our picnic.See you soon!Yours,LiLei六、完形填空(10

10、分)There is a big 1. _ in our city. We can see many 2. _ there. A(n) 3._,the biggest animal on land(陆地) is also living there. Many 4._fly(飞) in the sky(天空).Some beautiful ducks(鸭子) always 5. _ _in the river. What are these in the trees? Oh ,they are 6. _ .They like 7. _ leaves(树叶). They are from Aust

11、ralia. Arent they cute? There is a tiger in the cage 8. _ the tree . It eats a lot of meat every day. I like the 9. _ best because it lives only in China and it is the symbol of 10._.( )1.A.parkB. zooC. hallD. school( ) 2 A. treesB .students C. foodD. animals( ) 3.A.lionB. giraffeC. elephantD. cat(

12、) 4 . A .birdsB. fishC. tigersD. dogs( )5 . A. flyB. swimC. saveD .sleep( ) 6 . A. elephants B. tigersC. koalasD. lions( ) 7 . A. eatingB. eatC. to killD. killing( ) 8.A.onB .inC. underD. over( ) 9.A.giraffeB .tigerC .pandaD. lion( ) 10.A. smartB .scaryC. cutD. friendly七、阅读理解。(共25分)(A)篇David comes f

13、rom the USA, but now he is in China. He gets up at about six twenty and eats breakfast at seven oclock. After breakfast, he says goodbye to his parents and leave at seven thirty. He usually walks to school. He gets to school at seven fifty-five. He has his first class at eight.Morning classes finish at twelve and he eats lunch at twelve ten


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