东北三省三校2021届高三第三次模拟考试 英语答案

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1、第 1 页 共 2 页 2021 哈师大附中高三第三次模拟考试 英 语 试 卷 参 考 答 案 【听力理解】 1-5 CABCA6-10 BBABB11-15 ACCBA16-20 AACCC 【阅读理解】 21-23 DBB24-27 BDCB28-31 BDDA32-35 CBAD36-40 FCDBG 【完形填空】 41-45 BADDC46-50 BDADC51-55 CAACB56-60 BBDAC 【语法填空】 61. largest62. was matched63. has been going /has gone64. to sink65. it 66. with67. dr

2、inks68. before69. annoying70. a 【短文改错】 Chinese idioms reflect the Chinese way of thinking and cultural meanings. In order to promote our understanding of it, we have recently set up a new column being called Chinese Idioms in our school them newspaper. In the column, we need some article to introduc

3、e Chinese idioms with English. articlesin You must make brief introduction to a Chinese idiom that impress you most in your article. Besides, aimpresses you should give some situations that the idiom is used, helping us to understand it.Apart from that, you where need to express what you had learnt

4、from the idiom. Neither electronic or handwritten versions are haveEither acceptable. Contributions are expected to be within 200 words. Dont miss this opportunity! We are looking forward to your actively participation! active 【书面表达】 Dear friends, Nowadays, more and more students devote all the spar

5、e time to studying due to heavy school work and lack physical exercise, which has a bad impact on our health. In order to promote our awareness of health and relieve us of the stress, we had better do as follows. First, running in the early morning will make a big difference. Not only does it build

6、up our body but also enables our brain to function well. Additionally, taking an active part in various sports ranging from playing basketball to kicking shuttlecock will both make us stronger and more energetic. Most importantly, we should take an active part in the morning exercise and P.E classes

7、, where we can exercise ourselves under direction. As we know, we have nothing without health. So lets take action from now on, for ourselves, for our country! Student Union 【听力原文】 (Text 1) M: Id like a room for the night please. There are two people, my wife and myself. W: We have a double for sixt

8、een dollars. (Text 2) W: Did you have good weather at the beach last week? M: Well, its cloudy all the weekdays, but it was sunny all weekend. W: Wasnt it windy all weekend? M: Only on Sunday. (Text 3) W: I am getting worried about you. It is late. M: Ill go to bed as soon as I finish the book. It m

9、ust be returned tomorrow afternoon, or Ill be fined. (Text 4) M: Youre never late for work! What happened? Did you lose your keys or something? W: My keys werent the problem. M: Was it because of the road repairs? W: The road that I usually take was fine. My engine stopped and I couldnt start it aga

10、in. Luckily, I didnt have to wait long at the side of the road for help. (Text 5) M: Could you please explain the homework for the next class? W: Sure. Pick out one of the important persons during the French Revolution and write a paragraph about him or her. (Text 6) M: Great party, isnt it? W: Yes,

11、 wonderful. M: By the way, Im Mike. W: Hi, Mike. Im Kyoko. M: Nice to meet you. Where are you from? W: Japan, but I live here in San Francisco now. Im studying at the university. How about you? Are you American? M: No, actually Im Canadian. Im from Vancouver. W: Oh really? Do you live there? M: No,

12、I live in Seattle now. W: Oh, nice city. What do you do? M: Im a travel agent there. Well, it was nice talking with you. W: Me too. 1 第 2 页 共 2 页 (Text 7) M: Its so hot today. W: Yes. This heat wave is killing me. You see, Ive opened all those windows but it doesnt help. M: Oh, Sarah, would you mind

13、 opening the door behind you? W: No, not at all. Hey, whats going on? I cant open the door. Could you give me a hand, John? M: Sure. Well, it doesnt work. I guess, weve got to ring up for help. Why dont you call the repairman? W: Yes. Thats a good idea. Wait a minute. Do you happen to remember his m

14、obile phone number? M: Sorry, I forgot. Maybe our neighbor has it. Ill go and ask him. W: Thank you very much. (Text 8) W: You know, I did something funny one time. M: Really? What happened? W: I was helping my sister cook dinner for some friends. I was making sweet rice cakes. I was really happy be

15、cause I was doing it myself, but it was a lot of work. M: I bet they were good. W: Well, we were eating dinner and enjoying ourselves, and I forgot about the rice cakes in the oven. When I went to the kitchen, they were burnt. I was so upset. Then I ran out to a store and bought some. M: Did anyone

16、notice? W: No. And when I served them, my sister said, “These rice cakes are amazing! Emily made them herself.” So anyway, I just smiled and didnt say anything. (Text 9) M: You lived abroad, right? W: Yeah. Ive been to Australia and Canada. Last year I went to China and stayed there for 11 months. M: Why did you go to China? W: Im studying business now, and I want to work in tourism there in the future. So through my university, I worked part-time in a hotel in Shanghai. I worked at the hotel fr


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