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1、福师大学英语(1)在线作业二一、单选题共50题,100分1-(2分)-If I _you, I would go by plane. Flying is much faster.AbeBwasCwereDam福师大作业奥鹏作业满分作业满分100分福师大作业奥鹏作业满分作业满分100分我的答案:C正确答案:C2-(2分)-I dont know whether you happen_, but I am going to study in the U.S.A this September.Ato be heardBto be hearingCto hearDto have heard福师大作业奥

2、鹏作业满分作业满分100分福师大作业奥鹏作业满分作业满分100分我的答案:D正确答案:D3-(2分)-Since the cinema was _ , I had to go home to watch TV.ApackedBcrowdedCfilled withDfull of福师大作业奥鹏作业满分作业满分100分福师大作业奥鹏作业满分作业满分100分我的答案:B正确答案:B4-(2分)-Silver is_the best conductor.AevenBmoreCveryDby far福师大作业奥鹏作业满分作业满分100分福师大作业奥鹏作业满分作业满分100分我的答案:D正确答案:D5-

3、(2分)-You have lovely children._.ANo, no, no. They are notBOh, no, noCYoure talking too muchDThanks福师大作业奥鹏作业满分作业满分100分福师大作业奥鹏作业满分作业满分100分我的答案:D正确答案:D6-(2分)-John does a lot of housework every evening, but now he _his schoolmates with their lessons.AhelpBis helpingChelpsDhas helped福师大作业奥鹏作业满分作业满分100分福师

4、大作业奥鹏作业满分作业满分100分我的答案:B正确答案:B7-(2分)-_ Thursday evening at seven, Dr. Stanley will give a lecture in Bailey Hall on Three Days in China.AInBOnCAtDFrom福师大作业奥鹏作业满分作业满分100分福师大作业奥鹏作业满分作业满分100分我的答案:B正确答案:B8-(2分)-The sun is_ , far away from the earth.AmuchBveryCfarDso福师大作业奥鹏作业满分作业满分100分福师大作业奥鹏作业满分作业满分100分我

5、的答案:C正确答案:C9-(2分)- Would you like to have dinner with us this evening? _.AOK, but I have to go to a meeting nowBNo, I cantCSorry, but this evening I have to go to the airport to meet my parentsDI dont know福师大作业奥鹏作业满分作业满分100分福师大作业奥鹏作业满分作业满分100分我的答案:C正确答案:C10-(2分)-She didnt fancy _ out alone.AgoBto go

6、Cof goingDgoing福师大作业奥鹏作业满分作业满分100分福师大作业奥鹏作业满分作业满分100分我的答案:D正确答案:D11-(2分)-Why_ with him? Hell never change his mind.AarguedBargueCarguingDto argue福师大作业奥鹏作业满分作业满分100分福师大作业奥鹏作业满分作业满分100分我的答案:B正确答案:B12-(2分)-Excuse me, but can you tell me the way to the airport?_.ADont ask thatBSorry, Im a stranger hereC

7、No, I cant say thatDNo, youre driving too fast福师大作业奥鹏作业满分作业满分100分福师大作业奥鹏作业满分作业满分100分我的答案:B正确答案:B13-(2分)-David _himself while he _the machine.Ahurted. was fixingBhurts. is fixingChurt. fixedDhurt. was fixing福师大作业奥鹏作业满分作业满分100分福师大作业奥鹏作业满分作业满分100分我的答案:D正确答案:D14-(2分)-Do you mind my smoking here?_.ANo, t

8、hanks.BYes, I do.CYes. Id rather not.DGood idea.福师大作业奥鹏作业满分作业满分100分福师大作业奥鹏作业满分作业满分100分我的答案:B正确答案:B15-(2分)-I remember_him_the bike needed_.Ahearing . saying . to repairBto hear . say . to repairChearing . say . repairingDto hear . saying . to be repaired福师大作业奥鹏作业满分作业满分100分福师大作业奥鹏作业满分作业满分100分我的答案:C正确答

9、案:C16-(2分)-You were silly not _your car.Ato lockBto have lockedClockingDhaving locked福师大作业奥鹏作业满分作业满分100分福师大作业奥鹏作业满分作业满分100分我的答案:B正确答案:B17-(2分)-People appreciate_ with him because he has a good sense of humor.Ato workBto have workedCworkingDhave working福师大作业奥鹏作业满分作业满分100分福师大作业奥鹏作业满分作业满分100分我的答案:C正确答案

10、:C18-(2分)-He _the Communist Party_2002.Ahas joined, inBhas joined, sinceCjoined, onDjoined, in福师大作业奥鹏作业满分作业满分100分福师大作业奥鹏作业满分作业满分100分我的答案:D正确答案:D19-(2分)-She divided the cake into three pieces and gave her three children _ a peice.AeveryBallCbothDeach福师大作业奥鹏作业满分作业满分100分福师大作业奥鹏作业满分作业满分100分我的答案:D正确答案:D2

11、0-(2分)-What kind of events are you good _?AatBtoCinDafter福师大作业奥鹏作业满分作业满分100分福师大作业奥鹏作业满分作业满分100分我的答案:A正确答案:A21-(2分)-The purpose of new technology is to make life easier,_it more difficult.Anot makingBnot makeCnot to makeDnor to make福师大作业奥鹏作业满分作业满分100分福师大作业奥鹏作业满分作业满分100分我的答案:C正确答案:C22-(2分)-If you have

12、 made a decision, please stick _ what you want.AtoBupCofDfor福师大作业奥鹏作业满分作业满分100分福师大作业奥鹏作业满分作业满分100分我的答案:A正确答案:A23-(2分)-Middle school boys_not to smoke.Aalways tellBare told alwaysCare always toldDis always told福师大作业奥鹏作业满分作业满分100分福师大作业奥鹏作业满分作业满分100分我的答案:C正确答案:C24-(2分)-You should go to the grand opening ceremony, _ ?Aarent youBshouldnt youCwouldnt youDdont you福师大作业奥鹏作业满分作业满分100分福师大作业奥鹏作业满分作业满分100分我的答案:B正确答案:B25-(2分)-This is not my bikeIts _.AMaryBMarysCof MaryDthe bike of Mary福师大作业奥鹏作业满分作业满分100分福师大作业奥鹏作业满分作业满分100分我的答案:B正确答案:B26-(2分)-Would you please give him the paper the moment he _?


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