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1、Unit4知识点讲解1. see the doctor看医生,看病2. toothache牙疼;headache头疼;fever发烧;cold感冒3. have a toothache牙痛;have a fever发烧;have a cold感冒 feel hot;feel cold;feel tired4. -Whats wrong with you?=Whats the matter with you?你怎么了? -I have a . I feel/I cant.(with是介词,后面人称代词要用宾格)5. Let me check.让我检查一下。6. Let+宾格+动词原形7. -Wh

2、at should I do?我应该怎么办? -You should. You shouldnt. should译为“应该”,是情态动词,后面接动词原形。 should的否定形式shouldnt8. have a rest休息一下;at home在家9. take some medicine服药;吃些药(medicine为不可数名词)10. drink some warm water喝点温水11. go to see the dentist去看牙医12. I have a toothache. I cant eat anything.我牙痛。我什么都吃不了。13. anything译为“任何东

3、西”,常用语否定句和一般疑问句。14. a lot of sweets许多糖果15. sweet名词,译为“糖果”;形容词,译为“甜的”16. too many译为“太多”,后面接可数名词的复数17. brush your teeth刷牙(brush的三单brushes)18. before bedtime睡觉前/就寝前19. -Why does he have a toothache? -Because he eats too many sweets.20. Cough:eat ice cream;drink warm water,take some medicine21. Toothach

4、e:eat sweets;eat before bedtime;brush teeth before bedtime22. Cold:watch TV;drink warm water;have a rest23. Headache:watch TV;have a rest;take some medicine24. sit on the bench坐在长椅上25. Chinese food中餐26. in March(月份前面的时间介词用in)27. in the hospital在医院28. come to see him去看望他29. My arm/ear/nose hurts.30. Bobby is happy to help them.波比很高兴能帮助他们。 be happy to do sth.(be happy+to+动词原形+其他)31. -How do you feel now? 你现在感觉怎么样? -I cant write now! / I cant hear well now! -How does he feel now? -He feels.32. point at指着(离自己较近 的人或物) point to指向(离自己较远的人/物)33. feel hot/cold34. like eating sweets喜欢吃糖果


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