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1、PEP小学英语四年级下册Unit5 How much is it?精品教案A Lets learn Lets talk教学目标1.能够听,说,认读本课主要单词:colourful, pretty ,cheap, expensive。2.能运用句子:Its cheap/pretty/expensive/colourful.来描述商品,价格。表达自己的喜好。3.听懂会说句型:Can I help you ? How much is it ?并能在实际情景中运用。4.演唱本课时的歌谣。在演唱中巩固本课时的句型。教学重难点重点: 听,说,用句型:Can I help you ? How much is

2、 ?难点:在实际情景中灵活运用有关句型进行购物,并能用Its colourful /pretty / cheap / expensive/对商品进行评价。教具准备1、本课生词的单词卡片 . 2、四张不同颜色的裙子图片。若干带有价格的服装,鞋帽的图片。3、配套的教学录音带 .录音机.教学过程Step 1 . Preparation1. Free talk :1) Whats the weather like today?2) What can you wear?3) What colour is your shirt / jacket / T-shirt? ? 2.Sing a song.col

3、our song 【设计意图】通过日常生活用语的问答 和歌曲的演唱,自然地营造英语语言氛围,使学生很快地进入到英语语言学习的情境中来,同时也为后面的新授做好铺垫。 Step 2 .Presentation 1.教师出示colourful dress图片。T: Look ! Whats this? Ss:Its a dress.教师指着连衣裙上不同的色彩问学生:T:What colour is it? S1:Its yellow S2:Its red S3:Its pink S4:Its purpleT:Yes There are many colours on it. Its colourfu

4、l让学生跟读,有节奏朗读等 ,并板书这个单词.师边说边在单词的右边板书:Look at that dress . Its colourful. 师走下讲台,利用本班学生的衣服,物品引导学生说:Look at this shirt . Its colourful. The pencil-case is colourful. The is colourful.2.出示图片 T:Look at that dress . Is it colourful? Ss: No, Its pink. T: Yes .Its beautiful. Its pretty.板书并领读pretty. Pretty me

5、ans beautiful. 引导学生用pretty 造句。如: My mother is pretty. My coat is pretty. My pants are pretty等等。3.出示图片T: Look at this dress. Its very pretty.How much is this dress ? 板书How much is this dress .领读:How much is this dress? 师给出价格:99元。引导学生回答: Its ninety-nine yuan.并告诉学生人民币单位就用yuan,或fen。师故做夸张动作说:Oh! 99yuan?

6、Its too expensive. 多重复两遍并板书expensive.分音节领读: ex pen si ve 引导学生说说自己认为expensive 的物品。例如:T: My coat is 100yuan . Its expensive . Its pretty .I like it. S: My pen is 50yuan .Its expensive. I like it.4.(课前事先安排几生衣服的价格)T: How much is your shirt?S1: Its 98 yuan.T: Thats expensive.T: How much is your coat?S2:

7、Its 10 yuanT:Is it expensive? Ss: No. T: Yes. Its only 10 yuan Its very cheap, very cheap. 学生跟读,学习这个单词并板书 .引导学生说: My pen is 1 yuan. Its cheap. My sweater is 20 yuan. Its cheap.5.Open your books,Listen,point and repeat. 听录音lets learn. Lets chant 各两遍。6.师边向黑板上贴带有价格的服装鞋帽图片边让学生描述: T: How much is the hat?

8、 Ss: Its 6 yuan. Its cheap.Ss: The dress is 100 yuan. Its pretty .Its expensive. 贴完后师指黑板说: Look ! This is my shop. Now Im an assistant .Can I help you ?板书并领读。Can I help you ?引导学生回答: Yes , I want Its pretty/cheap. 多用本句型进行问答。7. Lets talk. T: Amy and her mother want to buy a dress. Lets listen and answ

9、er:1. How much is this dress? 2. Is it expensive?听录音,找同学回答问题。【设计意图】本环节是学习四个新词和对话,从学生已有的认知引出新课,即自然又贴切。由图片到实际,引导学生逐步运用单词。通过单词运用练习和老师创设情景引出Lets talk 的句型,将对话和词汇融入到一起,完成了词汇和对话整合的过程。Step 3.Practice1.跟录音读两遍对话。2. 师领读一遍。3. 师生分角色读一遍。4.小组内分角色读。 5.找个别学生分角色读。6. Group work: 利用教师黑板上的图片或学生手中的图片,对话:Can I help you ?Y

10、es, I want the dress. Its pretty.【设计意图】让学生通过听,读,说,演。训练他们的听力,培养模仿能力。通过Group work发挥学生自主学习的能力,让其自主地去发现,去学习,自行找到答案。Step 4.Production1.招聘营业员: 教师示范做一名营业员和一生进行对话。T: Can I help you ?S: Yes ,I want a skirt.T: This skirt is very pretty. Do you like it?S: Yes. How much is it? T: Its 20yuan. S: Oh, Its very che

11、ap . I like this skirt.然后师做劳累状。T: Now I want someone to help me .Can you help me to sell the clothes?学生模仿营业员进行对话。评出优秀营业员。2. 购物。分角色表演。 学生选择自己的购物伙伴,扮演不同类型的顾客去购物。由学生营业员负责接待。例如:S1: Can I help you ? S2: Yes. I want a hat for my grandpa. S1: This hat is very pretty . Do you like it? S2: Oh, no, I dont lik

12、e black. S1: How about this one. Its blue. S2: Yes, I like it. How much is it ? S1: Its 10 yuan. S2: Oh. Its very cheap . I like it.【设计意图】将课堂中的知识进行延伸,拓展到课外,体现了语言的实用性。同时,通过表演的形式,给学生提供一个发挥的空间。)Step 5.Progress(1)完成配套练习册的相应练习.(2)小结.(3)Homework询问家长或朋友衣服的价格并进行评价。【设计意图】本部分即是对整堂课的总结也是对学生本课掌握情况的一个检测。板书设计Unit 5 How much is it? Part A Lets learn & Lets talkcolourful Look at that dress . Its colourful.pretty Its very pretty.expensive How much is it ?cheap Its ninety-nine yuan. Its too expensive. Can I help you ? Yes, I want



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