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1、Module 9 Unit 1 Tomorrow is Friday 1 Teaching aims : ask the Ss can grasp the words and the sentences: Will you take your kite to the picnic tomorrow ? Yes , I will . No , I wont and so on .2 Main and difficult points: words and the sentences: picnic , tomorrow , take , will you take?Ye, I will .3 T

2、eaching methods: listening, speaking , acting and playing games.4 Teaching tools: cards, tape , computer and some toys.5 Teaching steps :Step 1. Warm-up. Greeting each otherStep 2. Preview.Pass the boxes to teach some new words: kite, tomorrow and show the sentence: Will you .?Step 3. Presentation.1

3、. Show some beautiful places and teach picnic.2. Show a bag to teach take.3. Play a game to master the words.4. Get the Ss to guess: What will I take? Using the sentence: Will you take.? to guess.5. Get the Ss to draw sth and ask each other: Will you take.?6. Play a game: Touch and choose.7. Play th

4、e tape and answer the questions. Read after the tape.8. Lets chant.Step 4. Extension.Show some places and get the Ss to talk about what they will take.Step5. For todays homework:1. Listen to the tape and read after the tape.2. Talk about their planning of the weekends.课后反思: 这节课是以询问别人去哪要带什么为主要话题,“Wil

5、l you take your kite to the picnic tomorrow? Yes,I will . No, I wont .等为主要句型,以与每位学生密切相关的去不同的地点带不同的东西为主线贯穿始终。为了在课堂上营造一个轻松有趣的学习氛围,促使学生积极主动地学习英语,因此在教学设计中我力求多创设情境与游戏,情境是学习语言的基础,游戏能更好的激发学生学习英语的积极性,这节课为了让这两者更好的结合,我设计了多个活动,每个孩子在课上都能积极的参与,但为了让这些活动更加有效,课后我不断的进行反思:课上其中的一个活动是让孩子们通过摸的形式询问出去野餐时应该带什么,他们都很感兴趣,但参与面

6、比较少,如果把这个活动放到各个小组进行操练,相信这个效果会更好。此外利用好文本这个有声资源,把文本的操练与活动有效的结合起来,会让整堂课更加充实有效。另外最后那个拓展延伸环节,应该与前面所学的知识更好的结合起来只有这样才能让所学的知识得到更好的升华,并把升华后的知识转变成为真实交际的能力。这堂课的施教情况来看,我深深感受到教师具备良好的语言素质和教学组织能力以及富有创新精神的重要性;同时,我也感受到创设和谐的朋友式的师生关系的必要性。在新课程标准改革的大潮中,身为一名稚嫩的小学英语教师,我愿虚心地向同行们学习,以新课程标准的理念积极地去探索、大胆地去尝试、勇敢地去实践! 城阳区四方区携手构建课堂提高教学质量研讨会Module 9 Unit 1 Tomorrow is Friday 教学设计城阳区流亭小学胡林娜



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