薪酬设计--思科的薪酬管理(PPT 17页)

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《薪酬设计--思科的薪酬管理(PPT 17页)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《薪酬设计--思科的薪酬管理(PPT 17页)(17页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、,CISCO C专业管理人才的加盟 产品路由器网络设备和服务整体解决方案 吸引和留住人才是关键 1987,二三人1990,254人1998,13,000人。,战略重点使命:改变人们工作、玩耍、生活和学习的方式.网上交易的80%是通过思科的产品进行的.公司战略扩张扩张的关键成功的收购战略重点可持续发展,C-3,薪酬体系-1,C-4,用薪酬支持企业的基本价值观 现金激励计划和股票期权计划是主要手段 使全体员工关注企业整体利益是关键,薪酬体系-2,C-5,思科企业文化的核心,以客户为中心 团队精神 完成具有挑战性的目标,薪酬体系-3,C-6,现金激励计划,一种年度激励方案 绩效指标体现在两个方面:公

2、司销售收入和赢利能力;个人业绩贡献 一线经理掌握奖金的分配权 高级经理进行监控,保证公平 员工职位是杠杆,决定激励总额和发放的时间周期,薪酬体系-4,C-7,股票期权计划,每年流通股票总数4.75%的股票期权激励员工 Pay policy line combines internal & external Pay grade,薪酬体系-4,11-7,财政年度 收入(百万$) 净收入(百万$) 员工数 股价(年度末$),Compensable Factors,1993 1995 1997,649 1,979 6,440,172 421 1049,1,451 4,086 11,000,5.65 1

3、8.59 53.07,Developing a Pay Policy Line,11-9,PAY,Job Evaluation Points,80,120,160 200 240 280 320,monthly salary ($000),8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1,40,Line of Best Fit : using Market-Survey data in Table 14.4,Developing a Pay Policy Line,11-10,PAY,Job Evaluation Points,80,120,160 200 240 280 320,monthly salary

4、($000),8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1,40,Job Evaluation Points = 315,Predicted Salary = $7,128,Predicted Salary = $6,486,Pay Grade Structure,11-11,PAY,Job Evaluation Points,100,150,200 250 300 350,monthly salary (000),8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1,Process Issues,11-12,Participation Use task forces for suggestions Communication

5、Employees need to understand system Need to keep managers aware of changes Managers need to explain system changes,Current Challenges,11-13,Problems with Job Based Pay Structure too rigid, reduces flexibility reinforces top-down retards changes does not reward behavior change discourages lateral mov

6、es,New Approaches,11-14,Delayering and Banding Skill (knowledge) - based pay increases flexibility firm needs to use available skills,Can the U.S. Labor Force Compete?,11-15,Labor costs are unstable over time Quality & productivity of labor varies Non-labor cost factors also important in locating fa

7、cilities market proximity response time,Comparative Productivity and Unit Labor Costs: Unites States, Germany, and Japan,11-16,Legend: U.S. Germany Japan,Productivity (value added per labor hour),100,50,$100,$200,133,153,100,76,83,100,Chief Executive Officer Pay in Selected Countries,11-17,Multiple of CEO to Manufacturing Employee Total Remuneration,10,20,30,Japan,24,Germany,United States,France,16,11,9,


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