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1、,人机功效学,主讲人:XXX,时间:XXX,目 录,CONTENTS,1,2,人工搬运的危害与风险,办公室工作环境的危害及风险,Hazards and Risks Associated with Manual Material Handling of Loads,Hazards and Risks Associated with Office Work Environment,Part,章 节,01,人工搬运的危害与风险,Hazards and Risks Associated with Manual Material Handling of Loads,Occupational Ergono

2、mics人体工效学,Occupational Ergonomics is the art and science of reducing physical and psychological problems that might arise from the interaction between people, equipment and the environment. 人体工程学是一门研究减少由人、设备和环境之间的相互作用而可能产生 的身体和心理问题的科学。 Primary focus of an ergonomics program is the reduction of work

3、related musculoskeletal disorders (WMSD). 人体工程学主要关注点是减少与工作有关的肌肉骨骼损伤。,work related musculoskeletal disorders (WMSD). 人体工程学主要关注点是减少与工作有关的肌肉骨骼损伤。,Occupational Ergonomics人体工效学,This is accomplished through the management of employee exposure to workplace hazards 控制下面工作场所中的危害因素,可以达到上述目标 : Awkward postures

4、/不良的、笨拙的姿势 Forceful exertions/用力过度 High rates of repetition/重复性高,Cumulative Trauma Disorder 累积性外伤,Work Related Musculoskeletal Disorder工作相关的肌肉骨骼损伤,Repetitive Motion Injury 重复运动损伤,Repetitive Strain Injury 重复过度疲劳损伤,Carpal Tunnel Syndrome 腕管综合症,Low Back Pain 腰背痛,Tendonitis/Tenosynovitis 肌腱发炎/滑膜炎,Manual

5、 Handling of Loads人工搬运的定义,Manual handling of loads (MHL) is any of the following activities carried out by one or more workers.以下任何一种由一人或多人完成的活动称为人工搬运,Lifting,Holding,Putting down,Pushing,Pulling,Carrying or moving,将物品提升(高),托物,放下,推,拉,运送或移动,Ergo Risk Factor of MHL人工搬运的人体工程学因素,There are several risk f

6、actors that make MHL hazardous and thereby increase the possibility of injury. 下面几个因素会导致作业人员受到损伤,及增加了受伤的可能性,Contact Stress 接触压力,Temperature 温度,Vibration 振动,MHL Hazards lean forward when pushing, lean backwards when pulling 推和拉是用身体自身的重量完成的,前倾或后拉,You have enough grip on the floor to be able to lean fo

7、rward,backwards 在向前或向后倾斜时,脚在路面上有足够的摩擦力,You avoid twisting and bending your back 避免扭转和弯曲背部,Correct Handling Techniques - Pushing and Pulling 正确的搬运技术 推和拉,1.Handling devices have handles/hand grips so that you can use your hands to exert a force; handle height should be between the shoulder and waist s

8、o that you can push/pull in a good, neutral posture 搬运装置有手柄/把手,以便用手加力;手柄高度应在肩部和腰部之间,以便你在自然的姿势下推或拉 2.Handling devices are well-maintained so that the wheels have appropriate size and they run smoothly 维护好搬运设备,车轮大小适当,以便运行平稳 3.Floors are hard, even and clean 地面坚硬、平坦并且干净,视频-人工搬运工作,1.从托盘上搬到传输带上 该视频演示了在工作

9、场所的搬运工作,员工把纸箱从托盘上搬下来,然后搬到传输带上。 2.把成轧的电线放到轴心上 该视频演示了一名员工将成轧的电线从传输带上搬到处在不同高度的轴心上。 3.从传输带搬到储藏室 该视频演示了一名员工从传输带上搬起箱子,沿着走廊走到储藏室。 4.在糕点厂的搬运工作 该视频演示了一名员工从手推车上搬起一箱面粉,到楼上把面粉放在指定位置。 5.合作搬运从桌子上抬到托盘 上 该视频演示了两个人将一重容器从桌子上抬起来,放到地上的托盘上。 6.合作搬运从地上抬到托盘上 该视频演示了四个人将一重容器从地上抬起来,放在地上的托盘上。 视频链接:http:/www.hse.gov.uk/msd/mac/

10、introduction.htm,Part,章 节,02,办公室环境的危害与风险,Hazards and Risks Associated with Office Work Environment,用力,姿势,重复,接触 压力,出现在键盘和鼠标上。大力敲击,“击打”键盘。过度扭转和握鼠标。,锋利的边缘,没有或少量的垫子。大多出现在桌子的边缘或者胳膊悬空的位置。,急速运动而 很少中断来休息。,不舒服的身体姿势。,办公环境下的人机工程风险因素,风险因素,Computer setup for optimum comfort 电脑安装成最舒适的状况 Seating 座椅,办公环境下的人机工程风险因素,

11、Arrangement of other office equipment: 其它办公室设备的安放 Phone 电话 Documents 文件 Reference materials 参考资料 Others 其它 Environmental Factors 环境因素 Noise 噪音 Heat / Cold 热/冷,正确的姿势和工作场所设计,脚放平或者踩在脚踏板上,膝盖成90度,大腿与地面平行,后背挺直,用椅子来支撑,上臂放松,靠近身体两侧,肘关节成90度直角,键盘和鼠标在肘关节的高度,显示屏的上端与的视线的高度,头/颈挺直,不要弯曲,前臂与地面平行,从肘关节开始,到手腕和手指成一条直线,显示

12、屏与人的距离等于胳膊的长度,MSD Hazard Identification in the computer workstation 电脑工作时的肌肉骨胳损伤的风险识别,The tool is to be used to identify job/task related MSD hazards for individual workers performing computer based jobs/tasks. 这个风险评估工具,是用来识别每个使用电脑的人员在工作中接触的肌肉骨骼损伤的危害因素。,MSD Hazard Identification in the computer work

13、station 电脑工作时的肌肉骨胳损伤的风险识别,The tool needs to be used with the full participation and input of the worker who works at the computer workstation where the job/task is performed. Observations alone are not enough, and it is not appropriate for the person using the tool to base decisions only on what they see or think about a job. 使用该工具进行评估时,需要电脑使用人员提供信息,并全面参与。单靠评估人员的观察是不足够的,评估人员不能仅依靠它自己的观察和分析就做出评估结论。,MSD Hazard Identification in the computer workstation 电脑工作时的肌肉骨胳损伤的风险识别,谢谢欣赏,THANK YOU,


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