人教PEP英语五年级下册课件-Unit 1 My day

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1、,Unit 1 My day,人教版(三年级起点)五年级下册,Part A Lets try Lets talk,Lets try 视频,Lets talk 视频, Lets try, Lets talk,Warm-up/Revision,What time is it?,Its time for/to,Its nine oclock.,【对应词】 start,Presentation,I finish class at 12:00 in the morning. 我12点结束上午的课。,【用法】三餐前不加the,可以用have替代eat。,I eat lunch at 12 oclock.

2、我十二点吃午饭。,【对应短语】 come back 回来,When do you go back home after school? 放学后你几点回到家?,【对应词】 before,I always do my homework after class. 下课后我总是做作业。,【对应词】 finish,Classes start/begin at 8 oclock. 八点开始上课。,【短语】 eat dinner = have dinner 吃晚饭,We always eat dinner at six. 我们总是六点吃晚饭。,When do you eat dinner?,Try,你在哪儿

3、吃晚饭?,Where do you eat dinner?,I am from Spain. 我来自西班牙。,always-总是,usually-通常,often -经常,sometimes-有时,hardly ever-几乎不曾,never-从不,100%,80%,50-70%,20-40%,5%,0%,【近义短语】 go to sleep,【对应短语】 get up 起床,I go to bed at 9 oclock.,【短语】 go to work,【名词】 worker,I go to work at 6 oclock.,气球飞出时,快速说出你看到的单词的汉语意思,看谁打中的气球多。

4、,游戏时间,go back,eat dinner,start,after,finish,eat lunch,When do you get up?,Look,ask and answer,I get up at 7:00 a.m.,When do you go back home?,Look,ask and answer,I go back home at 5 p.m.,When do you eat dinner?,Look,ask and answer,I eat dinner at 6 p.m.,Lets try,点击“Lets try”,跟我一起读吧!,视 频,Lets try,Whe

5、re are Zhang Peng and Pedro?,Lets talk,点击“Lets talk”,跟我一起读吧!,视 频,At 2:30. Classes start at 3 oclock.,Lets talk,When do you go back to school after lunch?,When do you usually eat dinner in Spain?,Usually at 9:30 or 10 0clock.,重点句型一,When do you usually eat dinner in Spain? 在西班牙你们通常什么时候吃晚饭?,【回答】,主语(+ 频

6、率副词) + 动词(短语) + at + 时间点. / (频率副词 +) at + 时间点.,When do you usually eat lunch at home?,We eat at 12 oclock.,Classes start at 3 oclock. 三点开始上课。,【用法】 When does your maths class start? It starts at 8:00.,重点句型二,When do you get up?,I get up at 6 oclock.,Practice,Role-play,When ?,I . at.,Role-play,When ?,I

7、 . at.,Role-play,When ?,I . at.,一、读一读,选一选。,Test,1. _ do you get up? Usually at 6:30 in the morning. A. Where B. When C. What 2. When do you go to bed? _ 9:30 p.m. A. In B. At C. On 3. I work_. A. in night B. at night C. on night,B,B,B,二、看图片,和同伴一起问答。,When _,_,do you eat dinner?,At 7 oclock in the eve

8、ning.,重点词汇,finish 完成,start 开始,eat lunch 吃午饭,eat dinner 吃晚饭,after 之后,go back 回去,Sum-up,重点句型,Homework,Unit 1 My day,人教版(三年级起点)五年级下册,Part A Lets learn Ask and write,Lets learn 视频, Lets learn, Ask and write,Warm-up/Revision,When do you,At ,When do you,At ,exercise,(名词)活动;运动,Presentation,【短语】do morning e

9、xercises 做早操,【巧记】eat/have breakfast/lunch/dinner 吃早/午/晚饭,【短语】 have English class 上英语课,【拓展】 have a look 看一看 have a good time 玩儿得高兴have a rest 休息一会儿,【拓展】play basketball 打篮球play football 踢足球 play the violin 拉小提琴 play the piano 弹钢琴,【注意】 球类名词前面不加the,乐器类名词前面要加上the。,a.m. 午前;上午,【对应词】 p.m.午后;下午,【用法】 a.m.(或A.

10、M.)和 p.m.(或P.M.)分别表示“午前;上午”和“午后;下午”。,get up 起床,【对应词】 go to bed 上床睡觉,看气球,读单词,做动作,看谁做得又快又对。,游戏时间,Haveclass,eat breakfast,exercise,play sports,get up,Lets learn,点击“Lets learn”,跟我一起读吧!,视 频,Lets learn,When do you do morning exercises?,At 7 oclock.,Ask and write,Ask about your partner s timetable.,7:00 a.

11、m.,8:00 a.m.,9:00 a.m.,12:00 a.m.,3:00 p.m.,6:00 p.m.,9:00 p.m.,I get up at 6:00 a.m. 我上午六点起床。,【详解】 get up是动词短语。at是介词,后接具体的时间点。a.m.指上午,p.m.指下午。,重点句型,When do you?,Ask and answer in pairs.,Practice,At ,Test,( ) 1. They do morning exercises every day. ( ) 2. We have music class at l0 oclock. ( ) 3. Som

12、etimes I get up at 6 oclock. ( ) 4. We often eat dinner at 8:00.,为下列句子选择合适的图片。,A,B,C,D,重点词汇,do morning exercises 做早操,have breakfast 吃早饭,Sum-up,lay sports 进行体育运动,have class 上课,a.m.上午,get up 起床,在家和妈妈模仿“Lets learn”练习对话。,Homework,Unit 1 My day,人教版(三年级起点)五年级下册,Part A Lets spell,Lets spell 视频, Lets spell,

13、When do you?,Ask and answer in pairs.,Practice,At ,Warm-up/Revision,Presentation,Listen and repeat,Please clean your plate.,Listen and repeat,No more eggplants.,No more peas.,Listen and repeat,So clean your plate. Please,please,please.,plate,Lets read,eggplant,please,play,plate,please,eggplant,找规律,p

14、l/pl/,发音固定,总是发/pl/,拼读/pl/组合时,先拼读/l/与后面元音的发音,再连上/p/。,p,l,由/p/向/l/滑动, 前轻读,后重读。,小结,Listen and repeat,Class is over.,At 10 0clock.,Listen and repeat,Lets clean the classroom.,Look at the clock.,clean,class,clock,找规律,cl-/kl/,发音固定,总是发/kl/,拼读/kl/组合时,先拼读/l/与后面元音的发音,再连上/k/。,c,l,由/k/向/l/滑动, 前轻读,后重读。,小结,Lets s

15、pell,点击“Lets spell”,跟我一起练吧!,视 频,Practice,Please clean your plate. Please clean your plate. No more eggplants. No more peas. So clean your plate. Please, please, please.,Read loudly,Bingo game,class clock plate please eggplant clean play people clock clever clothes,Bingo!,Choose, write and say.,1. Cl

16、ean the plate/classroom/room , please.,2. Put two eggplants/clocks/plates in the playground.,Clean the plate, please.,Put two plates in the playground.,Test,一、选词填空(每词限用一次)。 1. I often wash my _on the weekend. 2. Put the _in the fridge. 3. Its cool and _ today. 4. Lets_the classroom. 5. Robin is in a _. He is Robinson.,clean, play, clothes, plate, cloudy,clean,clothes,play,cloudy,plate,Its 4 oclock. Dont play. Please clean your plate. Have some eggplants. Have some grapes. Youre so clever. Youre


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