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1、形容词和副词一.形容词1. 语法意义表示人或事物的属性或性质,通常用于修饰、限制或说明名词。如:a book a good book, a car a red cara girl a beautiful girl, a man a strong man2. 形容词的功能(1) 作定语(修饰名词说明其性质或特征)如:This is a difficult problem. I have a happy family. (2) 作表语(与连系动词构成系表结构说明主语的性质或特征)如:The dog is lovely. Lilys dress is beautiful. (3) 作宾语补足语(说明

2、宾语的性质状态或特征)如:I found the book interesting. His words made me angry. 3. 形容词作定语时的位置(1) 单个形容词作定语时,通常置于其所修饰的名词前。如:a black bag(2) 修饰 some, every, no 与 thing 及 body 构成的不定代词时,形容词需后置。如: There is nothing important.(3) enough 作形容词修饰名词时,通常置于名词前,但在一些特别的结构中也可用于名词后。如:We havent got enough time.There will be time e

3、nough for that later. 注意:enough 作副词时需置于其所修饰的词后。如: big enough(4) alive (活着的), alone(只有,仅仅 ), present(在场的), else(其他的), here, there 等必须放在被修饰名词的后面。如:Man alone has the ability to speak. (只有人类有说话的能力。 )(5)形容词短语用作定语时通常后置。 如:All the people young and old are against the plan. 4. 多个形容词修饰同一名词时的排列顺序。限定评尺形,时色源物用。

4、限定词(包括冠词,人称代词,指示代词等)+ 评价性的形容词+尺寸(大小)+形状+时间+色彩 +来源(产地) +物质(材料) +用途+ 名词。如:A lovely small round old red French wood writing desk5. 形容词的级别形容词分为三级:原级、比较级、最高级 原级:不与其他事物做比较的形容词原形。 比较级:用于两者之间的比较,表示程度较高的。 最高级:用于三者或三者以上事物间的比较,表示程度最高的。6. 形容词/副词比较级和最高级的构成(1). 规则变化。一般情况下,单音节的词在词尾加 er 或 est。如:old-older-oldest gre

5、at-greater-greatest单音节词的最后一个字母为 e 时,只加 r 或 st。如:fine-finer-finest large-larger-largest 以辅音字母加 y 结尾的,先变 y 为 i,再加-er 和 est。如:angry-angrier-angriest 闭音节词如果末尾只有一个辅音字母而其前又为短元音时,须双写辅音字母,再加-er,-est。如:big-bigger-biggest thin-thinner-thinnest多音节词和由-ful, -less, -able, -ous, -ing 等结尾的词,在原级前加 more, most构成比较级和最高

6、级。如:important-more important-most important7. 形容词/副词的常见句型(1) 原级句型结构 as+原级+as如:She is as tall as her sister. not so/as+原级+as (= less+原级+than)如: This job is not so difficult as that one. =This job is less difficult than that one. as+原级+名词+ as如: She has as much trouble as I have. Our school has as many

7、 students as theirs. the same as/similar to/different from如:This car is the same as Toms.He is different from his father. (2)比较级的常见句型结构 比较级+than如:Mary is older than me. 比较级+and+比较级 越来越如:The days are getting colder and colder. the +比较级, the + 比较级 “越,越”如:The more you practice, the better you will lear

8、n it. (3)最高级常见句型结构 the +最高级+of/in如:Jack is the tallest boy in his class. be one of/among +the+最高级+ 复数名词如:Qingdao is one of the most beautiful cities in the world. 8:关于形容词最高级用法的几种特殊情况 最高级前通常加 the,但其前有所有格修饰时不加。如:This book is my newest one. most 前用 a/an 时表示“很,非常” ,相当于 very。如:He is a most successful man

9、.他是一个非常成功的男人。 序数词+最高级 第最大、高、长如:Its the second longest one. 二、副词1. 语法意义表示行为或状态发生的时间、地点或方式,主要用来修饰动词、形容词或另一个副词,也用于修饰整个句子。2. 副词的构成 一般在形容词词尾加 ly。如:slow-slowly, clear-clearly 形容词词尾为 y 时,y 变为 i,再加 ly。如:easy-easily, happy-happily 形容词词尾为 le 时,直接改为 ly。如: single-singly, humble-humbly 形容词词尾为 ll,直接加 y.如:full-ful

10、ly, dull-dully 有些副词与形容词形式相同。如:late, early, high 形容词词尾为 ue 的,去 e 加 ly。如:due-duly, true-truly3.副词的分类副词可以分为时间副词、地点副词、方式副词、程度副词、频度副词、原因副词等。(1) 时间副词 :now, today, soon, first, yesterday 等(2)地点副词: here, there, far, near, inside, outside, back 等 (3)程度副词 :very, quite, much, most, too, rather 等 (4)频度副词: somet

11、imes, usually, always, often 等(5)方式或状态副词: carefully, quickly, easily, suddenly 等(6)疑问副词:how, when, where, why 等 (7)连接副词:how, when, where, why,whether 用来引导名词性从句如:Do you know where we will go ? 4. 副词比较级、最高级的构成同形容词。5:副词的位置副词的位置相对比较灵活,可置于句首、句中或句末,但要注意以下情况: 副词修饰形容词或其他副词时,通常置于其所修饰的词前。如:She is a very lovel

12、y girl. 由动词 +副词所组成的动词短语,宾语是代词时,副词放在代词之后;若宾语是名词,副词放在名词之前后都可以。如:Please cut the bananas up / cut up the bananas carefully. Class, please put it up! 有助动词时,频度副词常置于主动词和系动词、助动词之间;句中多个助动词时,则置于第一个助动词之后。如:Youll always be asked to keep silence over whats happened. 注意:副词的排列顺序汉语:时间-地点 英语:地点-时间 修饰动词时,若为不及物动词,则置于动

13、词后,若为及物动词,则置于其宾语后。如: They sang and danced happily. She finished the work easily. 形容词和副词.中考真题演练1. The Internet is really _to us. We can download a lot of things from it.A. useful B. difficult C. different D. safe2. Tom is _ than any other players in the school team.A. tall B. taller C. tallest D. mor

14、e tall3. In the talent show, I performed well and Ann did even _.A.well B.better C.more D.worse 4. A 100-year-old man ran a marathon in Toronto on Sunday. He became the _person to complete the long-distance running in the world. A. youngest B. best C. biggest D. oldest 5. Breakfast is _ meal of the

15、day. It provides us with energy after a long night without food.A. important B. more important C. the most important D. very important6. Wembley Stadium(温布利大球场)is one of the _soccer fields in the world. It will be the place for soccer matches during the Olympics next month.A. famous B. more famous C. most famous7.How is Susan?Oh, she lives abroad, so I _ever see her.A. hardly B. greatly C. clearly D. nearly8. Cathy was born blind so she has _seen our beautiful worldA. often B. sometimes C. seldom D. never9. 6. My friend Frank sings well, an


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