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1、第一部分: 阅读理解(共 15 小题,每小题 2 分,满分 30 分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C、D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。ASimply, language is what people and animals use to communicate their thoughts, ideas and feelings. Of course, animals communicate with each other differently from humans, and each type of animal communicates different

2、ly. For example, a bee uses a dance to tell the rest of the bees in the hive (蜂窝 ) where there is food, while whales communicate through the use of pleasant-sounding sounds. One could say then, that animals use different languages.Like animals, people also use different languages. Each culture has i

3、ts own words and symbols that are used by people within that culture to communicate with others in the same culture. For example, a person living in Japan will use the Japanese language to communicate with other Japanese. Unlike animals though, some cultures use more than one language. People within

4、 these cultures are said to be either bilingual (双语的) or multilingual (多语的). One such place is Canada. It is very likely that a person living in Canada may speak both French and English. Likewise, a person living in Switzerland may speak Italian, German and French.Not only do people use different la

5、nguages to communicate, but languages also have different dialects. A dialect is a difference of a language which uses words and grammar somewhat differently from the standard form of the same language. For example, people who live in Manchester, England speak a dialect that is a little different fr

6、om people who live in London, England; however, people in both cities speak English. There are also some people who dont use a spoken language at all. These people use their hands to communicate. This type of language is called sign language and is most commonly used by people who are deaf. Now that

7、 we know how people communicate, we are faced with a question. Are we part of a certain culture because of the language we speak, or do we speak a particular language because we are part of that culture? To put it more simply, is a Chinese person Chinese because he speaks Chinese, or does he speak C

8、hinese because he was born in China? What part does language play in the definition (定义) of culture? 1. The examples of bees and whales are used to show _.A. animal languages are simple to learnB. people can understand animal languagesC. different animals use different languagesD. animals communicat

9、e with each other2. The main idea of the second paragraph is that _.A. people communicate with those in the same cultureB. there can be different languages in the same cultureC. a culture can be expressed in several languagesD. the symbol of a culture is the language spoken by its people3. To judge

10、whether a person speaks a dialect, you can depend on _.A. what words and grammar he uses B. whether he uses sign languageC. where he lives D. who he communicates with4. What would be the best title for the passage?A. The culture of different countriesB. The language in different culturesC. The devel

11、opment of languageD. The meaning of the languageBThe Canadas Most Interesting Towns Contest is started by Readers Digest Association (Canada) and is open to all Canadians. All entries (参赛作品) must be submitted by December 18,2012.Entry requirementsParticipants must submit a story in English or in Fre

12、nch and one photo that tell why their town is the most interesting town in Canada. The story must not be over 250 words and the photograph must not be over 2MB. The story is a must but the photo is optional. Submission will require your full name and the name of the city you are recommending. You mu

13、st write clearly which of the following categories you are covering: Best Destination; Greenest; Healthiest; Best Cuisine; Most Community Spirit; Most Artistic.VotingSubmissions will be voted by people entering the contest. During the Voting Period anyone may vote for their favorite submission by cl

14、icking the vote button online. Each person may vote for as many submissions as they wish in any given day. The Voting Period begins on September 18, 2012 and ends on December 18,2012. You may vote for your own submission.Prize and awardsAt the end of the Voting Period, the top 20 entries will be jud

15、ged by a group of judges. The entry with the highest score from the judges will be the Grand Prize winner, who will receive a $5,000.00 cheque. And the city featured in the Grand Prize winners entry will be awarded a prize as well, a $5,000.00 cheque. The entries with the next seven highest judges s

16、cores will be the seven Runners Up (亚军) each deserving a $1,000.00 cheque. On January 17,2013 at our Montreal office, the prizes will be awarded to winners.5. The Canadas Most Interesting Towns Contest_.A. lasts one month B. is a writing contestC. includes many categories D. allows anyone to take part6. It can be learned that a participant_.A. must submit a photograph B. can vote for his own submissionC. must write the story in E


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