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1、高等学校民族团结教育研究中南民族大学 硕士学位论文 高等学校民族团结教育研究 姓名:陈军 申请学位级别:硕士 专业:思想政治教育 指导教师:杨胜才 2011-05 中南民族大学硕士学位论文 摘 要 当代世界局势正处于政治多极化、经济全球化、文化多元化的深刻变化之中,在和平 与发展的时代主题下,依然面临着两大热点和难点民族问题和宗教问题。处于社会主 义初级阶段的中国,由于各民族之间客观上存在诸多差异,加上国内外仍然存在的一些敌 对势力对于民族关系的破坏和利用,使得民族问题在相当长的时间内,依然显得十分突出。 承担着培养中国特色社会主义合格建设者和可靠接班人重任的高等学校,不单本身面临着 多民族学

2、生齐聚一校的现实,也成为敌对势力进行渗透的重要目标。因此,高等学校的民 族团结教育,不但事关教育事业的发展和学校稳定,更关系到数以千万计的年轻人的政治 选择,关系到中华民族的前途命运。 本文立足于高等学校的民族团结教育,从党和国家的民族理论与民族政策、中国特色 社会主义理论体系、思想政治教育学和多元文化教育的视野中,运用辩证唯物主义和历史 唯物主义的方法,分析民族团结教育各个要素之间的关系,探索高等学校民族团结教育的 有效模式。全文共四个部分,从高等学校民族团结教育的意义入手,着重论述了民族团结 教育的紧迫性和重要性;其次,源于科学发展观、思想政治教育学原理的启迪,提出了民 族团结教育的三条原

3、则和两种基本方法。三条原则是:全面协调、以人为本和多元一体, 作为观察和处理问题的准则,它们指导着高等学校民族团结教育实施的每个步骤和环节。 两种基本方法即灌输与互动相结合、显性与隐性相结合。作为思想政治教育的方法,其本 身就具有实践意义,只是随着时代的发展,各方面环境和条件都在不断的发生变化,在当 今的高等学校民族团结教育中,需要根据实际情况进行不断的调整和创新,构建出民族团 结教育的新模式。第三,作为一项社会系统工程,民族团结教育有着自身的目标要实现, 也就离不开具体的教育内容。文章从理论到实践,从现实成就到政策法规等诸多方面,比 较全面的概括了高等学校民族团结教育的主要内容。第四,通过有

4、效的途径和保障,是实 现高等学校民族团结教育目标的关键所在。本文从课堂内外、显隐环境、理论与实践等不 同层面,论述了进行民族团结教育的多种途径,并且从思想、制度、教学和物质四方面剖 析了如何保障民族团结教育的顺利实施。 民族团结教育作为高等学校思想政治工作的重要组成部分,也有着它自身的特性。文 章力图在前人研究成果的基础上,提升理论高度,拓宽知识视野,更新思想观念,理清工 作思路,以期建立起全方位、多层次、合校情、重实效的高等学校民族团结教育模式。 关键词: 高等学校;民族团结教育;民族理论;民族政策 I 高等学校民族团结教育研究 ABSTRACT The contemporary world

5、 situation is the co-existence of political multi-polarization, economic globalization, and cultural diversity. With the age topic of peace and development, the issue of ethic and religious are still hot and difficult to be solved. China now is in the primary stage of socialism and the objective div

6、ersities among peoples and the hostile forces from home and abroad has complicated the ethnic issue, making it hard and sensitive to deal with for a long time. Even in institutions of higher education, such as colleges or universities, which aims at cultivating the socialist builders and successors,

7、 are facing the situation of the gathering of many ethnic students, where the ethnic diversities are very sensitive, and the destruction of the hostile forces with the ulterior motives. As a result, the national unity education in institutions of higher education matters not only for the stable deve

8、lopment of education, the schools stability, but also the political choice of several generations and the destiny of the party and state. This article , based on the national unity education in institutions of higher education, is trying to figure out the effective model for national unity education

9、 by using the philosophy of dialectical and historical materialism to analyze the relationship between different elements of the national unity education and by referring to many theories, which are the theories and policies on nationalities ,the theoretical system of Chinese socialism ,the ideologi

10、cal and political education and the multicultural education This article includes four parts. First of all, the emergency and importance of the national unity education. Secondly, the three principles and two basic methods the writer distilled from the learning of education principle in political th

11、oughts and scientific development perspective. The three principles are the principle of all-round coordination, the principle of people orientation and the principle of unity in diversity, which shall direct every step of the national unity education. The two basic methods are the method of combini

12、ng the inculcating with the interaction and the method of connecting the explicitness to the implicitness. As the basic education principle in political thoughts, the two basic methods have practical meaning themselves, but adjustments and innovation still need to be attached to construct a new nati

13、onal unity education system, since the circumstance and conditions are always changeable. Thirdly, being a long and systemic social project, the national unity should be carried out with concrete content of education. This part generates the main content of national unity education from aspects of r

14、eality and policies and regulations. Finally, effective approaches and guarantees are the keys to realize the national unity education. This part focuses on how to keep the national unity education going from aspects of ideology and system education. As the important part of the courses in institutions of higher education, the national unity II 中南民族大学硕士学位论文 education has its own features. With the reference to the findings of the predecessors, this article is trying to promote the theory altitude, broaden the knowledge, renew the ideological concept and figure out the working


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