2011届高考英语总复习《学案与测评》Module4 Carnival课件 外研版必修5

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1、Module 4 Carnival,核心单词1. customn. 风俗;习惯; adj. 定制的,定做的易混辨析custom/practice/habitcustom风俗,习俗。指在一个国家、民族或者社会团体中公认的行为方式,有时候也指生活习惯。practice 惯例,做法。habit指一个人的习惯,习性。通常指由于个人长久反复形成的习惯,一旦养成,便难以戒除。Social customs differ form country to country. 社会风俗因国家而异。according to the international practice 根据国际惯例I have the hab

2、it to get up early. 我有早起的习惯。,2. extend v. 延长;继续;延伸;伸展(身体的一部分);给予;提供The headmaster extended our holiday by four days.校长把我们的假期延长了四天。He extended his arms in front of him as if he were praying to God.他向前伸出双臂,好像在向上帝祷告求助。The platforms extend to a depth over 100 feet under the sea.平台延伸到海下100尺的深度。The big tr

3、ee that extends out over the small house.那棵大树伸出了小房子的房顶。联想拓展extension n. 扩大,延伸,延长extended adj. 延长了的;扩展了的,易混辨析expand/extend/spread/stretchexpand展开,扩大。不仅指尺寸的增加,还可以指范围和体积的扩大。extend伸出,延伸。指空间范围的扩大以及长度、宽度的向外延伸,也可以指时间的延长。spread伸开,传播。一般指向四面八方扩大传播的范围,如:传播(疾病)、散布(信息)等。stretch伸展,拉长。一般指由曲变直、由短变长的伸展,不是加长。Water ex

4、pands when it freezes. 水结冰时会膨胀。The hot weather extended to October.炎热的天气一直持续到十月份。The fire soon spread to the nearby buildings.火势不久就波及到了附近的建筑物。The cat stretched out in front of the fireplace.猫在火炉前伸展四肢。,3. pretendv.假装;装作When his mother asked him to help do housework, he pretended illness. 当他妈妈让他帮着做家务时

5、,他假装生病。常用结构:pretend to do 假装干某事pretend to be doing假装正在干某事pretend to have done假装做了pretend+从句假装I can only pretend to be strong before you.在你面前我只能装得很坚强。We mustnt pretend to know what we dont know. 我们一定不要不懂装懂。The boy pretended to be sleeping when his mother entered the room.当他妈妈走进房间时,那个男孩假装正在睡觉。When we

6、asked him to have lunch with us, he pretended to have had it. 当我们叫他一起吃午饭时,他假装吃过了。,4. memoryn. 记忆,记忆力I looked at the map to refresh my memory of the road.我看着地图,想使自己回忆起那条道路。Everything in college will be my great memory in my life forever.大学里的一切将永远是我生命中最美好的回忆。She set up a charitable fund in memory of h

7、er father. 她设立了一项慈善基金以纪念她的父亲。常用结构:have a good/bad memory 记忆好/坏in memory of 纪念from memory 凭记忆联想拓展memorize v. 记住memorial adj. 记忆的;纪念的,5. revivevt. 复兴;再兴起;再流行These flowers will revive in water. 这些花在水中会复活。Shakespeares comedies have recently been revived on the stages. 莎士比亚的喜剧最近在舞台上重新上演。Superstitions hav

8、e recently been revived in some parts of the country.迷信最近在国内有些地区又重新流行起来。When your body is tired, a good nights sleep will revive you.当你的身体疲惫的时候,好好睡一觉你就会恢复体力。联想拓展revival n. 复兴;复活;苏醒,6. wanderv. 漫步,闲逛,走神She was wandering aimlessly up and down the road. 她在路上漫无目的地溜达。The boy wandered off and got lost. 那个

9、男孩迷失了方向,走丢了。The speakers eyes wandered round the whole house.演讲者的眼睛环顾了整个房屋。You might wander from the subject if you dont pay close attention.如果你不认真的话,会跑题的。There is a small stream wandering through the woods.有一条小溪蜿蜒流过树林。联想拓展wanderer n. 流浪者;漫游者wanderings n. 离题;闲逛;神志恍惚,7. transportv. 运输,运送n. 运输,交通(指交通、

10、运输的统称,不可数名词);交通工具;手段(为不可数名词)A special bus transported the tourists from the airport to a hotel.一辆专车把游客们从机场送到一家旅馆。The transport of goods by air costs a lot. 航空运输货物花费很高。My car is being repaired, so Im without transport at the moment. 我的汽车正在维修,所以我现在没有代步工具。联想拓展transportation n. 运输,运送transportable adj. 可

11、运输的;可运送的transporter n. 大型载重运输车,重点短语8. dress up乔装打扮;穿上盛装I just love the fun of dressing up in ancient clothing.我只是喜欢穿上古装的那种情趣。The warmongers tried to dress themselves up as “angels of peace”. 战争贩子企图把自己打扮成“和平使者”。We are supposed to dress up as movie characters for the party. 我们在晚会上要装扮得像电影中的角色。易混辨析dress

12、/have on/put on/wear/be in+颜色或衣服类名词dress vt. & vi.既可以表示“穿,戴”的动作,也可以表示状态。后面的宾语常常是人或反身代词,不可以用物作宾语。be dressed in意为“穿(衣服)”。have on可表示“穿,戴”的状态,但一般不能用于进行时态。put on是指“穿”的动作。,wear常作vt. (wore, worn),表示“穿,戴”的状态。常与一般时态、进行时态、完成时态连用,表示状态或结果。还可以指戴手表、首饰、胸章或留长发、胡子等,常接的宾语有clothes, skirt, hat, shoes, watch, glasses, r

13、ing, flower, necklace等。be in+颜色或衣服类名词,意为“穿着”,表示状态。在句中作表语或定语。Mother is dressing her child now.妈妈正在给她的孩子穿衣服。He is dressed in a red sweater today.他今天穿着一件红色的毛衣。The emperor had nothing on in the middle of the procession. 皇帝什么也没穿,走在游行队伍中间。On New Years Day the children had on their new clothes.孩子们在新年那一天都穿着

14、新衣服。Put on more clothes.多穿点衣服。He is wearing a red hat. 他正戴着一顶红色的帽子。Is the girl in the hat?是戴着帽子的那个姑娘吗?,9. see .as .把看作America is seen as the land of opportunity.美国被看成是机会的土壤。Wawu Mountain of Sichuan is seen as the Baimuda Triangle of China.四川的瓦屋山被看作是中国的百慕大三角洲。联想拓展表示“把看作,视为”的短语还有:treat .as .; regard .

15、as .; think of .as .; consider .as .; look on .as .etc.We all think of the plan as a perfect one.我们都认为这是一个完美的计划。The parents look on their children as the best ones.父母都认为自己的孩子是最棒的。,10. come to an end结束;完结Dont cry because it come to an end, smile because it happened.要学会微笑面对事情的发生,而不是为事情的结束而哭泣。The proje

16、ct came to an end last month.这项工程上个月就结束了。After two hours the meeting came to an end.两个小时过去了,会议终于结束了。联想拓展end to end 首尾相连地;头对头地in the end 最后;终于at the end of 在的尽头;末尾from beginning to end 从一端到另一端;自始至终bring .to an end 结束;终止put an end to sth. 结束;停止某事make ends meet 量入为出,使收支相抵,易混辨析come to an end/put an end

17、tocome to an end结束;完结,相当于不及物动词,所以不能用于被动语态,主语一般是物。put an end to sth.结束某物,相当于及物动词,可以用于被动语态,主语一般是表示人或者某一组织的名词。11. consist of由组成;由构成,与be made up of和be composed of同义,不可用于进行时,也没有被动语态。Our team consists of 15 members.=Our team is made up of 15 members.我们队由15位成员组成。Most people are familiar with the idea that all matter consist of atoms. 大多数人熟悉一切物质都是由原子组成的这一概念。联想拓展consist in 在于;存在于consist with 与一致,


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