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1、军事英语基本词汇和表达,Military System 军制,PLAs highest policy-making body: Central Military Commission (CMC) The PLA General Departments are immediately under it. They are: the Headquarters of the General Staff, the General Political Department, the General Logistics Department, and the General Armaments Depar

2、tment. (总参谋部,总政治部,总后勤部,总装备部),The PLA is composed of different arms and services, they are: Army, Navy, Air Force and Second Artillery. The largest army unit is military area commands (军区). The establishment of army unit goes as: group army, division, brigade, regiment, battalion, company, platoon an

3、d squad. (集团军、师、旅、团、营、连、排、班) commander leader 模拟 - simulated ,Military System,Military Services and Arms 军兵种,ThemodernArmyhasmoreandmorearms.They are: Infantry,artillery,armoredforce,engineer, Air defense force, army aviation, specialtroops, reconnaissancetroops, communicationunit, electronic counte

4、rmeasure servicemen and so on. The Air Force comprises fighting aviation arms, bomber aviation arms, parachute corps (airborne troops), missile corps, radar corps, etc. The Navy is composed of surface ship unit and submarine unit, naval aviation, marine corps, coastal defense and so on.,Ranks In The

5、 Chinese Armed Forces,一级上将-General First Class 上将-General 中将-Lieutenant General 少将-Major General 大校-Senior Colonel 上校-Colonel 中校-Lieutenant Colonel 少校-Major,Ranks In The Chinese Armed Forces,上尉-Captain 中尉-First Lieutenant 少尉-Second Lieutenant 军事长-Master Sergeant 专业军士-Specialist Sergeant 上士-Sergeant,

6、 First Class 中士-Sergeant 下士-Corporal 上等兵-Private, First Class 列兵-Private,Ranks In The Navy,一级上将-Admiral, First Class 上将-Admiral 中将-Vice Admiral 少将-Rear Admiral 大校-Senior Captain 上校-Captain 中校-Commander 少校-Lieutenant Commander,上尉-Lieutenant 中尉-Lieutenant, Junior Grade 少尉-Ensign 军事长-Chief Petty Office

7、r 专业军士-Specialist Petty Officer 上士-Petty Officer, First Class 中士-Petty Officer, Second Class 下士-Petty Officer, Third Class 上等兵-Seaman, First Class 列兵-Seaman, Second Class,Ranks In The Navy,一级上将-General, First Class 上将-General 中将-Lieutenant General 少将-Major General 大校-Senior Colonel 上校-Colonel 中校-Lie

8、utenant Colonel 少校-Major,Air Force,上尉-Captain 中尉-First Lieutenant 少尉-Second Lieutenant 军事长-Master Sergeant 专业军士-Specialist Sergeant 上士-Technical Sergeant 中士-Staff Sergeant 下士-Corporal 上等兵-Airman, First Class 列兵-Airman, Second Class,Air Force,Common Orders,起床! 集合! 出(上)操! 立正! 稍息! 向右看-齐! 向左看-齐! 向前-看! 报

9、数! 点名! 到! 立定! 靠拢!,Get up! Fall in! Attend drill! Attention! At ease! Right-dress! Left-dress! Eyes-front! Count off! Call the roll! Roll call! Here! Halt! Close!,Common Orders,向左-转! 向右-转! 向后-转! 齐步-走! 踏步! 跑步-走! 正步-走! 右转弯-走! 左转弯-走! 前进! 一二一!,Left-face (Left turn)! Right-face (Right turn)! About-face (A

10、bout turn)! Forward- march (March off)! Mark time-march! Double (time)-march! March at attention! Right-wheel! Left-wheel! Advance! Left right left!,Common Orders,取(拿)枪! 肩枪! 枪放下! 卧倒! 装子弹! 退子弹! 射击! 起立! 解散!,Take arms! Shoulder arms! Order arms! Down! Load! Unload! Fire! Get up (Stand up)! Dismiss!,400

11、m-Obstacle Race By function the construction of the weapon and principle of operation; By target the type of target the weapon is designed to attack,A. Classification By user,Personal weapon/Small arm handgun, rifle, shotgun, manual, semi-automatic/full automatic weapon man-portable machinegun Light

12、 weapon rocket, missile, grenade launcher, rocket launcher, landmine, antiaircraft gun, mortar, hand grenade, rocket-propelled grenade (RPG) Personal weapon/Small arm + Light weapon SALW 小/轻武器(小武器),散弹枪/猎枪,便捷式机枪,榴弹发射器,火箭发射器;火箭筒,高射炮,迫击炮,手榴弹,火箭推进榴弹,Heavy weapon: missile, combat vehicle, tank, howitzer

13、Infantry support weapon (crew-served weapon): 班组支援武器 medium, heavy machine gun, anti-tank gun, anti-aircraft gun, recoilless rifle, automatic grenade launcher, mortar with caliber less than 120 mm (4.72 inches), shoulder-launched missile weapon, static anti-tank and anti-aircraft missile,A. Classifi

14、cation By user,榴弹炮,无后坐力炮,口径,静态的,A. Classification By user,Fortification weapon 防御工事武器 Mountain weapons pack howitzers Vehicle weapons cannon; sentry gun; remote weapon system (RWS) Aircraft weapons: guns, cannons, bombs, missiles, rockets, air-launched torpedoes,空投鱼雷,远程遥控武器系统,A. Classification By us

15、er,Naval weapons: submarine-launched ballistic missiles Space weapons: Anti-satellite weapons (ASAT) Autonomous weapons: Military robot are capable of accomplishing a mission with limited or no human intervention,潜射弹道导弹,Daksh - Remotely Operated Vehicle developed by DRDO,Guardium- an Israeli unmanne

16、d security vehicle (USV),PackBot - a series of military robots,MQ-9 Reaper, unmanned combat air vehicle (UCAV),MQ-1 Predator, remote piloted aircraft,Non-lethal weapons Suicide weapons Antimatter weapons,B. Classification By function,中国奉行防御性的国防政策。中国把捍卫国家主权、安全和领土完整,保障国家发展利益和保护人民利益放在高于一切的位置,努力建设与国家安全和发展利益相适应的巩固国防和强大军队,在全面建设小康社会进程中实现富国和强军的统一。 China pursues a national defense policy which is purely defensive in nature. China places the protection of national sovereignty, security, territorial integr


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