外研版(一起)五上Module 3《Unit 1 Today is Halloween》ppt课件2[精选]

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《外研版(一起)五上Module 3《Unit 1 Today is Halloween》ppt课件2[精选]》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《外研版(一起)五上Module 3《Unit 1 Today is Halloween》ppt课件2[精选](21页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Module 3 Unit 1 Today is Halloween.,Mid-autumn Festival,Mooncakes,Spring Festival,Christmas,Dragon Boat Festival,Lantern Festival,TeachersDay,Childrens Day,Womens Day,Easter,Halloween,Spring Festival Lantern Festival Womens Day Childrens Day Easter,Teachers Day Christmas Dragon Boat Festival Hallowe

2、en,masks,.,night 夜晚,They the people. They wear clothes.,scare - scary,scare,scary,吓唬(动词),可怕的(形容词),1. What is Halloween?,Its an autumn festival.,2. What do children wear?,They wear scary clothes.,3. What do children do ?,They go to peoples houses. They scare the people.,4. What do people do?,They giv

3、e them sweets.,日期:万圣节是每年的11月1日,10月31日晚上是万圣节前夜。这一夜是一年中最“闹鬼”的一夜,所以也叫“鬼节”。,万圣节的代表事物就是“杰克灯”(南瓜灯)。它的的样子十分可爱,做法也极为简单。将南瓜 掏空,然后在外面刻上笑眯眯的眼睛和大嘴巴,再在瓜中插上一支蜡烛,把它点燃,人们在很远的地方便能看到这张憨态可掬的笑脸。这可是孩子们最喜欢的玩物了。,东京迪士尼.(7张),万圣节(5张),万圣节南瓜怪(20张),百变万圣节(8张),万圣节词条图册,东京迪士尼.(7张),万圣节(5张),万圣节南瓜怪(20张),百变万圣节(8张),词条图片(15张) 搜索更多相关图片,推荐

4、图册:,分享到: 17 2012 Baidu 权利声明,万圣节前夕,孩子们会提着南瓜灯,穿着各式各样的稀奇古怪的服装,挨家挨户地去索要糖果,不停地说:“trick or treat”(意思是给不给,不给就捣蛋),要是你不肯给糖果的话,孩子们就会很生气,用各种方法去惩罚你,例如:把垃圾倒在你家里等等的方法,直到你肯给他们糖果为止。,Halloween is an _festival. On that day ,children often wear scary_. They go to peoples _and they _the people. They say_. Then the people give them_to eat .,autumn,clothes,whooooo,houses,scare,sweets,Womens Day Childrens Day Teachers Day Christmas Day Foolish Day,A June B March C December D September E April,


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