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1、 美国总统奥巴马在全美年度教师颁奖典礼上的讲话 2009年4月30日,新上任的美国总统奥巴马在白宫的玫瑰园举行了全美年度教师颁奖典礼,在这个典礼上,新任总统与新任年度教师的两段致词感动了许多人。 总统先生说:“我和米歇尔都没有令人羡慕的家庭背景,我们能够来到这里的唯一原因,就是在人生的关键时刻,有像托尼,马伦这样的老师将我们引入了正确的方向”。而托尼老师说在得知自己获奖的消息之后,很多记者都问他一个问题,那就是他心目中的好教师究竟是什么样的? 托尼想了三个词汇,激情,专业和毅力。激情是夺目的光芒,无法让人视而不见,专业是技术保障,毅力是个性品质。但除了这些,托尼认为一定还有一些更重要的东西,所

2、以才有了那段著名的颁奖感言:“真正优秀的教师具有一个重要的品质,那就是能够读懂故事,他知道每一个来到自己跟前的孩子,都有一个独一无二的故事。好老师不仅能够读懂故事,还能够把信心和成功写入孩子的故事,他帮助孩子编辑错误,和孩子一起创作更美的故事”。以下是原文: 奥巴马总统在文中提到: You know, weve got a lot of teachers here today and Im a big fan of teachers because every single day in classrooms all across America, you are making a diffe

3、rence. You dont always get the recognition that you deserve. We dont always value the teaching profession like we should. But every once in a while, I think people start to understand not just in their own lives but in the lives of the nation how important the teaching profession is and how weve got

4、 to do a better job of lifting it up. In a global economy where the greatest job qualification isnt what you can do but what you know, our teachers are the key to our nations success; to whether America will lead the world in the discoveries and the innovations and economic prosperity of this new ce

5、ntury. And thats why as President Im committed to doing everything I can to support the work of teachers. Thats why were working to create better standards and assessments that teachers can use in their classroom. Thats why were promoting innovation in teaching and learning, making critical investme

6、nts in early childhood education, and helping more Americans walk through the door of higher education. And its why were taking ground-breaking steps to recruit, prepare, support and reward outstanding teachers - to encourage our best and brightest young people to follow in the footsteps of folks ju

7、st like you. This is especially critical right now, as so many teachers from the baby boom generation are preparing to retire - although they all look pretty young back here - (laughter) - were not worried about that. And recent evaluations of student performance show that while were making progress

8、, we still have a long way to go. I know personally, Michelle knows that what teachers do is not easy. My sister, Maya, is a teacher; Jill Biden, a teacher. We know how hard teachers work. And I know what all of you do by staying past that last bell; staying up late grading those papers; putting tog

9、ether lesson plans; spending your own money on books and supplies; and going beyond the call of duty. You do it because you know thats what will make a difference, because you believe that theres no such thing as a child that cant learn; that every child has their own gifts, and its up to us to disc

10、over them - and its up to us to see in our children what they cant yet see in themselves.(看来总统还是清楚教师这一职业并给与认可和高度评价的!) And for you, those teachers who are in attendance today and for so many of your colleagues across this country, teaching is not just about a paycheck - its a passion and its a callin

11、g.下面是托尼老师的部分获奖感言: When I was named Connecticut State Teacher of the Year, a local reporter approached me and asked me what makes a good teacher. I told him that passion, professionalism, and perseverance are three main traits a good teacher must display in the classroom - and they are. But as I drov

12、e home that day, the reporters question began to nag at me because I knew good teachers possess some other special quality that make them able to connect to students, to make students feel important and wanted. I pondered the question because, although he may not have realized at the time - the repo

13、rter got a 10-second sound bite and I was handed a Rubiks Cube - the question did not seem to have an easy answer, because good teachers use a variety of teaching techniques to help children learn well. But the investigator in me was looking for a common thread that linked all good teachers. And I f

14、inally came to realize that the very best teachers have one common quality: They know how to read a story. They know that each and every child arrives at their classroom door with a unique and intriguing, yet incomplete story. The really good teachers are able to read a childs story, and recognize t

15、he remarkable opportunity to help author that story. The really good teachers know how to script confidence and success onto the blank pages. They know how to edit the mistakes. And they want to help write a happy ending. Really good teachers know they have the ability to make a child happy or sad, to make a child feel confident or unsure, to make a child feel wanted or discarded. And students know when we care, when we care enough to read their stories.(此话很有道理,为人师者应从之!)


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