2011届高三英语 模块十一第一单元Language points课件 牛津版选修11

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1、Careers and skills,Homework,Teachers job appears very relaxing. In reality, it is very tiring and challenging.,1.老师的工作看上去很轻松,但实际上很累人且 富有挑战性。 (in reality ),2.老师必须和各种各样的人打交道,他们也必需应对 来自学生、家长和领导的各种各样的批评。(deal with),Teachers have to _.They also have to _ from students, parents and leaders.,deal with all

2、kinds of people,deal with all kinds of criticism,Translate the following sentences into English,3.老师有提高自身素质和改进教学方法的压力。 (be under huge pressure),Teachers are under huge pressure to improve their self-qualities and teaching methods .,4.老师应该使他们的课适合各个层次的学生。(suitto),Teachers should suit their lessons to

3、the students of all levels .,5.爱心、耐心和奉献对老师来说是必不可少的。 (be essential to ),Love, patience and devotion are essential to teachers.,Teachers job appears very relaxing, but is actually very tiring and challenging. Some people admire teachers for their two long vacations. (1) _, they have to give lessons to

4、 the students even on their holidays. Every day, they have to spend long hours (2) _ their lessons and checking the students homework. Teachers also have to (3)_their lessons to the students of all levels to attract their attention. Meanwhile, they are(4) _ huge pressure to improve their self-qualit

5、ies and teaching methods to satisfy students and their parents .,My thoughts on teachers jobs,In reality,preparing,suit,under,Some students, especially some girls have (5) _ to become successful as a teacher, but they do not consider the stress and (6) _ that come with the job. For example, teachers

6、 have to deal with all kinds of people. They also have to (7)_ all kinds of criticism from students, parents and leaders. Besides, love, patience and devotion are (8)_to teachers. In a word , it is not easy to be a good teacher.,ambitions,pressure,deal with,essential,Yang Min wrote a short summary a

7、bout her thoughts on the article about different jobs. Use the words from the box to complete her summary .,travelling options glamorous ambition moral technical society decisions lawyers diet,My thoughts on careersYesterday, I read an article in a teen magazine about jobs. It really gave me somethi

8、ng to chew on and made me think about the different (1)_ available to me. The article talks about people with (2)_ jobs like models, and shows that there are negative aspects to these types of jobs such as (3)_ long distances, living out of your luggage and always being on a (4) _! I like to fry my

9、food, but if I were a model , I could not do this any more,options,glamorous,travelling,diet,because it would make me gain weight. The article also notes that (5)_ and business people often have a lot of stress. My uncle is a business man, and he is under great pressure when he makes (6)_ that might

10、 hurt other people. He has to think carefully to make sure his decisions are(7) _.My (8) _ is to be successful like my uncle, but not by doing business. I am very interested in doing scientific research into chemicals. I know it involves a lot of (9)_ work, but the idea of dealing with dangerous sub

11、stances like radium and hydrogen sounds very challenging and exciting. Overall, however, the article did make me aware that all jobs are vital to make our(10) _ function.,lawyers,decisions,moral,ambition,technical,society,Language points,1.考虑一份工作的方方面面2.事实上3.适合,适宜 4.做普通的、不那么令人向往 的工作来养活自己 5.应对无休止的媒体关注

12、6.对必不可少; 对非常重要7.在我们日常生活(过生活)中8. 继续他们的日常生活 9.节食10.清理垃圾,1.consider all the aspects of a job2.in reality / in fact / actually / as a matter of fact3.be suit to 4.hold ordinary, less glamorous jobs to support oneself5.deal with constant media attention6.be essential to / be essential for7.go through our

13、 daily lives8.go about their daily lives 9.be/go on a diet/lose weight10.clear up rubbish,11.做普通但重要的工作12.有助于社会运作 13.在巨大的压力下14.伴随与发生 15.相比之下 16. 也许不那么受人青睐,却同样有趣17.体重增加,增肥(P5)18.从.中获得乐趣(P15,L52),11.perform ordinary but vital tasks12.help society function13.under huge e with 15.in contrast 16. .might n

14、ot be popular,but are interesting regardless17.gain weight(P5)18.take great pleasure in dong sth (P15,L52),用课文中的词填空1.Her son was filled with to become a great inventor. 2.She had just attended her sons and she was happy that her son would live on his own.3.He is and never cares what others say.4.He

15、has decided to try his best to choose a job to support his family.5. tough moral issues,Arnolddecidedtoaskhis parentsforadvice.6.There is one issue that stands out above all the rest, one in which every American is concerned, of what group he may be a member and of where he may live.7. Nothing can be more to the eye. 8. I accepted his of my behavior.9. Susan was completely weighed down by the of examinations. 10. Would you please stop at the store and pick up some tissues,toothbrush and soap?,



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