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1、North 北京北玻安全玻璃有限公司Beijing Northglass Safety Glass Co.,Ltd.Glass 北京北玻宣传册-终稿.indd 1 2010-8-10 17:11:322世界超大建筑玻璃制造商3北京北玻安全玻璃有限公司成立于1999年,是一家拥有自有尖端技术,专业研发、生产高品质光学质量超大钢化、夹层、中空玻璃的创新型企业,是全球顶级建筑高端玻璃的专业供应商。经过多年对玻璃加工技术的研究创新和发展,北京北玻已成为世界最大的超大玻璃深加工基地,是建筑结构玻璃制造者先驱。创新无止境国家大剧院内外装工程玻璃系统供应商北京北玻宣传册-终稿.indd 2-3 2010-8

2、-10 17:11:364世界超大建筑玻璃制造商5高品质超高超宽钢化玻璃北京北玻凭借多年对超大钢化玻璃的研发及生产经验,目前能生产业界最高光学品质的钢化玻璃,拥有业界最完备的生产工艺、控制手段和检测设备。最大尺寸:3600mm18000mmHigh-quality Superwide and Superhigh Tempered GlassBy many years experience for supersized tempered glass, Beijing Northglass can produce high optics quality tempered glass and hav

3、e most complete production control method.Maximum Size:3600mm18000mm北京北玻宣传册-终稿.indd 4-5 2010-8-10 17:11:406世界超大建筑玻璃制造商7两层或多层钢化玻璃与SGP结构胶片粘接,从而使玻璃具有极高的抗压、抗弯、抗冲击强度,可以作为建筑结构件使用。产品特点:撕裂强度是PVB玻璃的5倍; 自然耐候试验无缺陷; 40至82摄氏度无缺陷; 边部稳定性,与结构胶兼容良好; 与金属高强度粘接能力,可以将金属件预埋在玻璃内部,在使用上可以起到结构作用; 泛黄指数低于2.5%,与PVB玻璃相比,更加透明; 广泛

4、应用于玻璃面板、玻璃肋板、玻璃楼梯踏步、地台、展柜等。规格:最大尺寸:3600mm18000mm最小尺寸:300mm300mm结构玻璃北京北玻宣传册-终稿.indd 6-7 2010-8-10 17:11:498世界超大建筑玻璃制造商9Two layers or multi-layers tempered glass cohere to SGP film provide the glass with high compression resistance, bending resistance and impact resistance, this is preferable use for

5、glass structure. Product features:The tear strength is five times the PVB glass. Natural theatricality experiment without defect. - 40-82 degrees without defect. Edge stability, good compatibility with silicon. High intensity bonding ability with metal,it used as structure and can be hidden inside o

6、f glass. Compare with PVB The yellow index is under 2.5% and more transparent.it is the best configuration with ultra clear glass. The products have been widely used in glass fin, stair, platform, exhibiting shelf etc. Specification:Maximum Size:3600mm18000mmMinimum Size:300mm300mm Structrual glass北

7、京北玻宣传册-终稿.indd 8-9 2010-8-10 17:12:0410世界超大建筑玻璃制造商11北玻夹胶玻璃工艺精湛,独特的工艺可以使玻璃之间夹不锈钢网、铜网,也可以与石材、金属粘接,玻璃之中的金属件镶嵌工艺可以为设计师提供无穷的想象空间。规格:最大尺寸:3600mm18000mm最小尺寸:300mm300mm夹胶玻璃Beijing Northglasss tempered glass with exquisite technology, enable the glass cohere to stainless net, copper net, stone and metal. Met

8、al inset between glass give infinite imaginary space to designer.Specification:Maximum Size:3600mm x 18000mmMinimum Size:300mm x 300mmLaminated Glass北京北玻宣传册-终稿.indd 10-11 2010-8-10 17:12:1712世界超大建筑玻璃制造商13北玻中空玻璃采用奥地利李赛克全自动进口中空生产线,铝条自动折弯,使整块玻璃仅有一个接口(仅限正常尺寸玻璃);采用自动封闭分子筛灌装系统,立式合片、立式自动打胶,从工艺上保证了高品质中空玻璃的生

9、产。规格:最大尺寸:3600mm18000mm最小尺寸:300mm300mm中空玻璃The insulated glass is made by the Lisec full automatic production line,which is imported from Italy.The aluminium bar is bent automatically with only one joint is left on normal size.Automatic molecular-sieve filling system,vertical coupling and vertical au

10、tomatic sealing can technically guarantee the production of high-quality coating without bulbs among the layers.The outward appearance is remarkably better than ordinary insulated glass.Specification:Maximum Size:3600mm18000mmMinimum Size:300mm300mmInsulated Glass北京北玻宣传册-终稿.indd 12-13 2010-8-10 17:1

11、2:1914世界超大建筑玻璃制造商15Low-E玻璃,即Low Emissivity Glass的简称,即低辐射玻璃。它是一种镀膜玻璃,具有可见光透过率高,强阻隔红外线等特点,能够发挥自然采光和隔热节能的双重功效。冬季可以有效地减少室内热量的外散流失,夏季也能阻隔室外物体受太阳照射变热后的二次辐射,从而达到节能降耗目的。同时,Low-E玻璃在可见光波段具有较高的透过率,可以使室内更多地利用自然采光,迎合了现代都市人普遍追求回归自然的心理愿望,又节省了照明用电。Low-E玻璃品种较多、颜色丰富多样,为业主和建筑设计师提供了更多更广的选择余地。规格:最大尺寸:2500mm7000mm最小尺寸:30

12、0mm300mm低辐射Low-E玻璃中国北京银泰中心外装玻璃10000m2北京北玻宣传册-终稿.indd 14-15 2010-8-10 17:12:3516世界超大建筑玻璃制造商17Low-e Glass, namely the Low Emissivity Glass,Low radiation Glass. It is a kind of coating glass, not only with high visible light transmittance, and also can prevent infrared strongly, can play a natural ligh

13、ting and insulation energy-saving dual efficacy. After using this kind of glass, in the winter can effectively reduce heat loss indoor, in the summer lso can prevent the secondary radiation which is scattered by outside objects, achieve the research of purpose of energy efficiency.At the same time,

14、low-e glass is with high light transmittance during the visible light wave, can better utilize natural lighting in the room, according to satisfy the modern peoples reasonable desire to pursue nature, mean time saving the electricity universal lighting. Specification:Maximum Size: 2500mm7000mmMinimu

15、m Size:300mm300mmLow-Emissivity Glass北京北玻宣传册-终稿.indd 16-17 2010-8-10 17:12:4118世界超大建筑玻璃制造商19丝网印刷玻璃是将无机色釉通过丝网印刷机印在玻璃表面,再经过烘干、高温烧结,使色釉永久附着于玻璃表面。丝网印刷玻璃具有的独特质感是其它材料无法取代的,可以把客户喜爱的图案及造型清晰、保真地印在玻璃上,经过高温烘烤后,可耐酸耐碱,永不褪色。丝网印刷玻璃以环保、清透、保真、绚丽的优点广泛应用于建筑外墙、内墙、家具、橱柜、展台、屏风、家电、太阳能等领域。丝网印彩釉玻璃特点:强度高、安全、耐热冲击,具备钢化玻璃各种性能;色

16、彩、图案多样性,可按客户的要求定做,装饰效果突出;彩釉玻璃会吸收、反射部分太阳能,遮阳效果明显;丝网印刷玻璃釉层具有很好的化学稳定性,对各种酸碱具有良好的抗腐蚀性;可制成彩釉平钢化、弯钢化、半钢化玻璃产品。规格:最大尺寸:2500mm4500mm最小尺寸:300mm300mm玻璃厚度:3mm-19mm北京北玻宣传册-终稿.indd 18-19 2010-8-10 17:12:5520世界超大建筑玻璃制造商21Screen printing glass is a kind of glass on which inorganic enamel is printed by screen printing machines and then dried and heated under high temperature to make



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