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1、Unit 6 In a nature park教案第一课时(Part A Lets tryLets talk)教学目标1. 能听、说、读、写单词和短语forest, lake, river, go boating.2. 能在创设的实际情景中灵活运用句型Is there.? Yes, there is./ No,there isnt.激发学生学习的兴趣。教学重点1. 能听、说、读、写单词和短语forest, lake, river, go boating.2. 能在创设的实际情景中灵活运用句型Is there.? Yes, there is./ No,there isnt. 激发学生学习的兴趣。

2、教学难点能在创设的实际情景中灵活运用句型Is there.? Yes, there is./ No,there isnt. 激发学生学习的兴趣。教学工具ppt教学过程一、 Warm-up1.Free talkT出示图片读flower, river, grass, forest,学生跟读,学习单词。T出示图片读sky, cloud, mountain, lake, 学生跟读,学习单词。2. T出示城市的图片说city. 然后说There is a nature park in the city.又出示图片问Whats in the nature park? Lets have a look.3.

3、 T出示图片说There is a river in the nature park.然后出示图片说There is a lake in the nature park.再出示图片说There is a path in the nature park. 出示图片说There are flowers in the nature park. There is grass in the nature park. There are trees in the nature park. There are mountains in the nature park.4. T出示图片问Is there a

4、lake in the nature park?引导学生回答Yes, there is. T出示图片问Is there a path in the nature park? 引导学生回答Yes, there is. Is there a farm in the nature park? 引导学生回答No, there isnt.5. T总结本节课的主要句型:Is there a in the nature park? Yes, there is. /No, there isnt.二、呈现新课(Presentation)1. Lets talk教师用多媒体课件出示本部分的教学挂图,并简单介绍情景

5、。如:T: Miss White is talking about going to the forest.Lets listen to what they are speaking.(1).第一次领学生读对话,全班学生跟读,了解对话的大致内容。(2).第二次领读,学生跟读。(3).学生分小组分角色朗读,并上台表演。2. Lets try学生与同桌合作,利用情景图中提供的信息替换示例对话中的关键词,编写对话,如:A: Theres a nature park in the city.B: Is there a _in the park?A: Yes, there is.B: Is there

6、a _?A: No, there isnt. 然后教师请几对学生上讲台表演对话,表扬表演到位的学生。请大家欣赏美丽的自然风光吧!教师出示几幅美丽的自然风光图片,师生共同欣赏。三、Practice(一)、英汉互译1.forest_2. river_3.lake_4.去划船_ (二)、按要求改写句子1.Is there a river in the forest?(做肯定和否定回答)_2.Lets go to the forest. (翻译成汉语) _ 四、Summary1.词汇和词组:go to the forest, river, go boating, lake.2.句型:Is there

7、a river in the forest? Yes, there is./ No, there isnt. 五、Homework1.将下列单词与短语抄写五遍: go to the forest, river, go boating, lake.2.两人一组练习句型: Is there a river in the forest? Yes, there is./ No, there isnt. 板书设计 Unit 6 In a nature park1.词汇和词组:go to the forest, river, go boating, lake.2.句型:Is there a river in the forest? Yes, there is./ No, there isnt.


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