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1、Unit 6 过关测试卷一、单选题(20分)1Whats wrong with Greg?He is sad these days _ the bad grades. Lets help him.AbecauseBbecause ofCso farDso that2Andy is my brother. _ often takes _ dog for a walk in the park.AShe ; herBHe ; himCHe ; hisDShe ; his3Mary never argues with others. When she disagrees with someone, s

2、he often keeps_ .AsilentBawakeCactiveDclean4 is knocking at the door. Go and see who it is.ANobodyBSomebodyCAnybodyDEverybody5To save more energy, we can ride shared bicycles. Good idea! _, we should form a habit of recycling the waste.AAnywayBInsteadCOtherwiseDMoreover6Our English teacher is very_

3、not only in all his own work, but with every one of us.AactiveBoutgoingCstrictDhandsome7I feel a little about speaking in front of people. Please relax yourself, and youll be better.AangryBproperCnervousDbored8If you _ to do something, you say to someone that you are sure to do it.AmanageBpromiseCre

4、fuse9Nick was _ to talk with me last night, so I had no idea about the progress of the project.Asleepy enoughBsleepy too muchCtoo sleepyDvery sleepy10You cant be allowed to enter the museum _ you take your ID card with you.AifBasCunlessDsince11Could you look through this report when you have a(n) _

5、moment? With pleasure.AexactBmagicCspareDtouching12She felt sad _ her grandmother died several days ago.AalthoughBbecauseCunlessDif13Tom, it smells so terrible here. Sorry, mum. I will _my socks and wash them right away.Aput offBtake offCturn offDcut off14Do not your personal information unless it i

6、s a safe website.Agive outBgive inCgive upDgive away15Class One _ Class Five and _ the football game.Awon; beat.Bbeat;wonCwon; wonDbeat; beat16Do you think Kevin can win a prize in the singing competition?Yes! All of us think he has a good _.AvoiceBdecisionCnoiseDhabit17选出划线部分发音为/a/的单词。_ AwindBriseC

7、windowDkid18Where is Tom?Im not sure. Maybe he is in the music room. He was often heard songs in it.AsingBto singCsingingDsang19Fire is very dangerous. You cant be careful with it!AveryBquiteCsoDtoo20Where were you at this time yesterday?My bike was broken, so I _ it.ArepairedBhave repairedCwas repa

8、iringDam repairing二、完型填空(20分)先通读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后在每小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。Coming Across Aliens(外星人)It was a fine night. Carl was on his way home from his friends party.While Carl was walking along the path near his house, he saw a 21 in the sky. It landed on the road at once. Three

9、 aliens came out. Carl was 22 , because he could understand their language. He learned that they had decided to take all the 23 out of the city.Carl was worried about this. He called his friends quickly. While he was 24 for them, he looked at the aliens. They pointed at a tree, and then the tree, li

10、ke a bird, flew quickly 25 the UFO. One by one, many trees flew away. Soon Carls friends arrived. They asked them to stop, but 26 didnt work. Then Mr. Bright, a police officer, came. He 27 at the aliens, but it still didnt work. One of the aliens pointed at Mr. Bright. Mr. Bright became very small.

11、Everyone was 28 with the aliens. Carls friend Bill ran to them. He shouted at them in a big 29 To their surprise, the aliens turned away in no time and ran into their UFO. Then the UFO flew away.The alarm clock rang. Carl realized that he was lying in his bed. It was just a funny 30 21AplaneBstarCUF

12、ODobject22AboredBsurprisedCrelaxedDorganized23AtreesBcarsCbuildingsDstreets24ApayingBvotingCtrustingDwaiting25AontoBout ofCintoDaway from26AhimBitCthemDyou27AshotBshouted C, lookedCpointed28AhappyBworriedCsurprisedDangry29AnoiseBmusicCvoiceDsound30AstoryBdreamCsleepDreport One evening when I was hav

13、ing coffee in a cafe, a boy came to me. He opened a box and took out the shoepolishing (擦鞋) tools. Before I 31 , he had taken off my shoes and begun to shine them.The boy was busy with his 32 when it suddenly began to rain. People rushed into the cafe for protection from the heavy rain. More and mor

14、e people hurried in and 33 the boy from me. Hours passed, and it turned 34 . I had no shoes on my feet and I kept wondering where he had been. I thought he wouldnt 35 my shoes and I would have to walk home without shoes. When the rain stopped, people started to go out. A waiter was to close the 36 . Just as I went to the gate, I saw the boy sleeping on the floor near the gate, 37 he was holding closely a package (包裹) made of his shirt.I woke him up. T



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