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1、学校 班级 姓名 学号 装订线城东镇小学六年级英语阶段性质量调研试卷2019.10得分_听力部分 (共30分)一、选出你所听到的内容。(10分)( ) 1. A. fit B. foolish C. festival( ) 2. A. when B. weather C. wear ( ) 3. A. happy B. happen C. how ( ) 4. A. honey B. windy C. sunny( ) 5. A. want B. walk C. watch( ) 6. A. spring B. ring C. bring( ) 7. A. street B. want C.

2、looked( ) 8. A. where B. when C. wet ( ) 9. A. become B. became C. got( ) 10. A. point at B. look at C. look after二、根据所听到问句选择合适的答句。(10分)( ) 1.A.Im fine. B. It was rainy. C. It is cloudy. ( ) 2.A.You look happy. B. Yes, it is. C. I lost my bike.( ) 3.A. What a pity! B. Well done! C. A good idea.( ) 4

3、.A. There was a parrot. B. There is a chair. C. Yes, there was.( ) 5. A. It was Friday. B. It is Friday. C. We were happy.三、听录音,填入所缺单词。(10分)1. There _ a lot of _ in the street yesterday.2. Its your _ now. Please _ one sentence.3. A _ boy pointed at the king and _.4. The weather _ windy and _.5. We _

4、 many _ parrots.笔试部分(70分)一、判断下列单词画线部分读音是否相同,相同 “T”不同“F”。(6分)( ) 1. visit lion ( ) 2. pear near( ) 3. got clothes ( ) 4. farm hard( ) 5. cloudy sunny ( ) 6. walked shouted二、按要求写词。(10分)1. twenty (序数词) 2. fly (过去式) 3. happy(反义词) 4.sunny(名词) 5. Sam (所有格) 6. want (第三人称单数) 7. bring (过去式) 8. good (副词) 9. i

5、s (过去式) 10. clever (反义词) 三、翻译下列词组。(5分)1. 下一周 2. climb up the hill 3. 变成 4. walk through the city 5. 嘲笑她 6. wear jeans 7. 很久以前 8. cheer together 9. 看到一些蚂蚁 10. think hard 四、选择题。(15分)( )1. I _ TV a moment ago. A. watch B. watched C. looked ( )2. Tom _ the farm _ his family yesterday. A. visit, with B.

6、visited, for C. visited, with( )3.Whats the weather like today?A. Its Friday. B. Its sunny. C. Its seven oclock. ( )4. Each student one picture. A. draw B. draws C. to drawing( )5. She usually _ new clothes his doll. A. makeswith B. makefor C. makesfor ( )6. Mrs Brown can English stories. A. speak B

7、. say C. tell( )7. Were there _ trees in the street? A. some B. any C. a( )8. The clothes are beautiful. Please _. A. try it on B. try on them C. try them on ( )9. it often sunny in your city in spring? A. Does B. Is C. Are( )10. like to wear a kilt. A. The Chinese B. The Scottish C. The American (

8、)11. Yesterday Nancy was sick, her mother her carefully. A. looked after B. looked at C. looked for ( )12. The witch(女巫) the prince a lion. A. turned on B. talkedwith C. turnedinto ( )13. The lion always walks _ the forest every day.A. on B. under C. through ( ) 14. It was time _ have lunch.A. to B.

9、 for C. on( ) 15. What happened? My kite away.A. fly B. flies C. flew五、用所给词的适当形式填空。(12分)1. Last week, Liu Tao wanted _( fly) kites.2. Sam _ (find) Bobbys kite. So Bobby was very happy.3. Look at _ (she) new clothes. They _ (fit) her very much.4. Miss Li _ (tell) a story every day. 5. We _ (see) a fi

10、lm. It was very interesting. 6. The old man _ (walk) by the house, and then picked a flower.7. The children _ (be) in the playground a moment ago.8. A boy looked at the blackboard and _ ( laugh) yesterday.9. It often _ (rain) in summer in Guangzhou.10. It was _ (cloud). There were black _ (cloud) in the sky.六、按要求改写句子。(6分)1. Miss Fox and her students are playing a game. (对划线部分提问) _ are Miss Fox and her students _?2. Mike is washing some clothes at home.(改为一般过去时)Mike_ _ _at home. 3. There was a parrot show in the park. (改为否定句) There _ _ a par


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