【最新】八年级英语上册 Unit4He said I was hard-working重点知识归纳课件 外研版 课件

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《【最新】八年级英语上册 Unit4He said I was hard-working重点知识归纳课件 外研版 课件》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《【最新】八年级英语上册 Unit4He said I was hard-working重点知识归纳课件 外研版 课件(30页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、初三英语(上册,Unit 4 重点知识,1曾经;永远 2消息; 3假定;认为;期望 4神经紧张的 5bad的最高级 6真实的 7幸运的 8复制;抄袭21疯狂的;狂热的22小吃23信封24学期25使人失望的26(大学)毕业生27志愿者28乡下的;乡村的9自己的29海平面10乡村30幸运地11地区;地域31宿舍12米;公尺32边界;边境13稀薄的33爷爷;外祖父14eat的过去式34再;还;今后15决定;决心35(名物代)她的16丈夫36危险的(adj)17开始;开端37大学18影响38教育(名词)19家乡;故乡39部;部门20危险40ride的过去式,完成该单元重点词组。 1首先: 2.传递:

2、3.被期望或被要求; 4.照料;照顾: 5.高中: 6.努力工作的: 7.在方面做的好: 8.身体健康: 9.中国少先队员: 10.教育部: 11成绩单: 12.北京大学: 13.打开: 14.克服;恢复;原谅: 15.为疯狂: 16.不再: 17.怎么样?: 18.希望做: 19.希望某人做: 20.感冒: 21.期末考试: 22.感到紧张: 23.别紧张: 24.在花费许多时间; 25.令人失望的结果: 26.送某人某物; 27.忘记将要做: 28.好主意: 29.一天三次: 30.回到,一、单词 1.mad (adj) 疯狂的;狂热的 be mad at sb 对某人恼火/生气 = be

3、 angry with sb be mad on / about sth 热衷于;对狂热 2. anymore (adv) 再;还;今后(常与not连用) = any more,即notany more 不再 3.message (n) 消息;信息leave a message 留言 take a message for sb给某人捎个口信 4.suppose (v) 假定;认为;期望 be supposed to do sth.被期望或被要求做 5.nervouse (adj) 神经紧张的;不安的= stressed out 6.semester = term 学期 7. luck (名)

4、幸运;运气 lucky (形) 幸运的 luckily (副) 幸运地= fortunately 8.graduate (名词) (大学)毕业生 (动词)毕业; graduatefrom 从毕业 9. thin (adj) 稀薄的 反义词 thick 厚的 thin 瘦的 反义词 fat胖的;肥的,10.fortunately (副) 幸运地 fortunate (形)幸运的 11.decision (n) 决定;决心 动词: decide 决定 make a decision 做决定 12.husband 丈夫 wife 妻子 13.danger (n) 危险 in danger 处于危险中

5、 dangerous (adj) 危险的 二、短语及知识点 1.pass sb sth = pass sth to sb 把某物递给某人 pass on 传递(代作宾,放在心:即代词作宾语时放在中间) 如:Please pass it on to me. 请把它递给我。 2.have a cold = catch a cold 感冒 3.be in good health = be well 身体健康 4.do well / OK in = be good at 在方面好/擅长于 do better in = be better at 在方面更好/ 更擅长于 5.end-of-year exa

6、m 期末考试 6.get/ be nervous = get /be stressed out 紧张,7. have a hard time 日子难过/处于困境 have a hard time with 在方面处于困难 have a hard time doing 做很难 如: She has a hard time finding anyone she likes.她找一个她喜欢的人很难。 8.be surprised to do : 做感到吃惊/惊讶 9.find + 宾语 +形:觉得如何/怎样 eg. I find math very easy 我觉得数学很简单。 10. disapp

7、ointed(某人)感到失望的(1)做主语(主语是人)(2)不能做定语 disappointing (某物)令人失望的 (做表语)主语是物(2)还可做定语eg.1)He was _ when he heard his team lost the game. 2)The result is _. 3)This is a _ result,11.have a fight 打架 have a fight with 和打架 12. get over 克服,战胜困难/ 从恢复过来,恢复eg.1)Youre sure to be able to get over the difficulty(diffic

8、ult的名词形式). 你肯定能够战胜困难的。 2) Colds sometimes take a long time to get over. 感冒有时需要很长时间才能痊愈。 13. sound+形容词 sound like + 名词 如:1)The music _ beautiful 这音乐听起来很优美。 2) That _ a good idea. 14.sea level 海平面 15.three times a day 每天三次 five times a week 每周五次 16.There is no difference between you and them 你和他们之间是没有

9、区别的,sounds,sounds like,17.open up ones eyes to sth: 开阔某人对某事的视野 / 眼界。 18.be a good influence in 在方面有好的影响 19.derect speech 直接引语 reported speech 间接引语 20.report card 成绩单 21.care for = take care of 照看;照顾 22.first of all 首先,三、语法:直接引语和间接引语 直接引语:直接引述别人所说的话,有引号标明;间接引语:转述别人的话,相当于我们的宾语从句,不能加引号。 1.直接引语变间接引语应注意:

10、 1)直接引语是陈述句时,变成that引导的宾语从句 eg. 1)He often says, “China is great.” He often says (that) China is great. 2)He said, “I am a student.” He said (that) he was a student. 2)直接引语是一般疑问句、选择疑问句、反意疑问句时,变成if / whether引导的宾语从句。 eg.1)He says, “Are you in Class 1?” He asks if / whether I am in Class 1. 2)He says, “

11、Is Tom a teacher or a student?” He asks whether Tom is a teacher or a student.(注意:与or / or not 连用一般用whether,3)直接引语是特殊疑问句时,变成疑问词引导的宾语从句。 eg. He said, “Where is she going?” He asked Where she was going. 4)直接引语是祈使句时,变成不定式作宾补的形式。 eg. He said to him, “Tom, come here.” He asked Tom to go there. 2.直接引语变间接后

12、人称的变化: 二人称变一人称 一人称要与主句主语一致。 eg.1)He says, “Are you in Class 1?” He asks if / whether I am in Class 1. 2)He said, “I am a student.” He said (that) he was a student. 3.动词的变化: say to sb 变成 tell / ask sb to do 问句中say 变成 ask/ wonder/ want to know come 变成 go,eg.1) He said to him, “Tom, come here.” He aske

13、d Tom to go there. 2)He said, “Where is she going?” He asked where she was going. 4.时态的变化:遵守宾语从句中时态的要求 eg.1)He said, “I will go to Beijing tomorrow.” He said that he would go to Beijing the next day. 2)She said , “The earth is round.” She said that the earth is round.(客观事实) 5.时间状语的变化: today 变成 that

14、day tomorrow变成 the next day this morning变成 that morning next week 变成 the next week last week变成 the weekbefore now变成 then,SUMMARY,直接引语是疑问句,变间接引语时,要从疑问语序变为陈述语序。 直接引语是一般疑问句,变为间接引语时,用连词 if 或 whether 连接。 直接引语是特殊疑问句,变为间接引语时,仍用原来的疑问词作连词来引导,直接引语是祈使句,变成间接引语,把动词原形变成动词不定式,并在动词不定前加tell, ask, order , advise等动词的宾

15、语。 注意:否定句,在动词不定式前加not或never,SUMMARY,Choose the best answers,1) Mr Wu said he _ us to the zoo this week. A. would take B will take C take D takes 2) The witness said he _ under the table at that time. A hide B have hidden C was hiding D hidden 3) The police asked if anyone _ tell him some information

16、. A could B can C is able to D will,A,A,C,A,4)Can you tell me _? A how far is it B how can I get there C how can I get to there D how I can get there 5) Sandy said she _ all the work. A finished B had finished C has finished D will finish 6) He said he _ his book at your home. A leave B leaves C had left D was leaving,D,B,C,一、单项选择题(40分) ( )1._ I was talking on the telephone, David


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