【最新】八年级英语下册 module9 Hero Unit1 She missed the final practice so that Kylie could play 课件 外研版 课件

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1、Module 9 Heroes,Unit1 She missed the final practice so that Kylie could play,Teaching aims,To understand the conversation with regard to heroes To describe ones hero and give reasons,Main points,Key vocabulary- so that, avoid; brave; excuse; thought; on ones own; come up; rewrite Key structure: Adve

2、rbial clauses with so, so that and because,Difficult points,adverbial clause,New words for Unit1,Words and expressions,hero,heroes,英雄,复数,有生命的加es, hero, potato,tomato, 英雄爱吃土豆和西红柿 无生命的加s, photo,piano, radio,zoo,kilo, 一个例外kangaroos,1.so that:目的是,引导目的状语从句 He got up early so that he could catch the first

3、 bus. 2. Sothat:由于 以至于(以便于):引导结果或目的状语从句。 He got up so early that he caught the first bus,avoid:v.避免、逃避 avoid sth: 避免某事 avoid doing sth: 1. I tried to avoid meeting him because he often bored me. 2.Luckily, we were able to avoid the accident,on ones own come up rewrite bet,3.勇敢的,brave adj,一个勇敢的男孩,a b

4、rave boy,It is brave of her,她非常勇敢,It is kind of you,excuse: n.借口 an excuse v.原谅,常用于在打搅别人之前或做错事之后的礼貌用语。 1. I dont want to listen to your excuse. 2. Excuse me. Can you tell me where Star Lake Hotel is? 3. Sorry to break your cup, Please excuse me. 4. She always makes excuses for being late,1.on ones o

5、wn:=by oneself=alone:独自 I want to finish the work on my own,2.出现,发生,come up,出现 appear,发生 happen, take place,rewrite-rewrote-rewritten:重写 Please rewrite it. retell:复述 recall:回忆 Replay Reuse repeat,Bet v. 打赌,I bet Sally wins, because shes the real hero tonight,我打赌(保证)Sally 会赢,因为今晚她才是真正的英雄,I bet “我敢打赌,

6、相当于I am sure 我保证,I bet it will rain tomorrow. 我保证明天会下雨,bet-bet-bet:v.打赌 make a bet:打赌 lose(win) a bet:赌输(赢) -I want to make a bet with you. -No problem.Im sure I can win the bet,Listen and answer the questions,1、Whos speaking? 2、What are they mainly talking about,Listen again then answer the questio

7、ns,1、How does Sally usually feel when she plays on her own? 2、What do Lingling and Betty think of Sally? 3、What does Mrs Styles know,Listen and read,Listen and answer questions,Where are the children? A. at the cinema B. at the Starsearch concert C. at home and watching TV. What is Betty looking for

8、ward to? A. the last piece B. the first piece C. the third piece (3) Who will play at last, Sally or Kylie? A. Sally B. Kyile C. both of them,Listening,B,A,C,Sally missed the final practice because her hand hurt. She said her hand hurt so Kylie could play on her own,3.Kylie is having problems with h

9、er parents, and Sally is trying to be kind. 4.Lingling is guessing why Sally and Kylie are both standing up,5.Kylie asked Mrs Styles to rewrite the dance music because she couldnt play it on her own,Read aloud,Did Kylie know what was really wrong with Sally? Do you think Sally is a hero,Exercises,1.

10、Yu Fei is one of the most famous _ in China. hero B. heros C. heroes 2. It is very kind _ you to lend me the books. to B. of C. for 3. He got up early _ he could get to school on time. A. because B. so that C. as that,C,B,B,Make a survey,A: Who is your hero? B :Its Jackie chan! A: Why ? B: Because h

11、e is a great film star, I think all his film are fantastic,Report like this :Jims hero is Jackie Chan, because Jackie Chan is a great film star, and all his films are fantastic,Grammar practice,Ask the students to read the following sentences and say what type of clause. 1). Theyre standing up becau

12、se theyre both going to play. 2). He also wrote books so that doctors could learn new treatments. 3).There were few doctors, so he had to work very hard,原因状语从句,目的状语从句,结果状语从句,小结,Homework,two heroes,three photos,four potatoes,five tomatoes,six radios,seven pianos,eight excuses,nine good thoughts,I bet

13、,play on ones own,Play by oneself,rewrite,avoid problems,1.老师讲得很慢,为的是大家都能听清楚。 2.这封信他航空寄去,以便他们能及时收到。 3.她非常勇敢的与小偷打斗.(it was ) 4. 他独自改写了那部小说,The teacher speaks slowly so that everyone can hear clearly,He sent the letter by air mail so that they could get it in time,It was very brave of her to fight with the thief,He rewrote the novel on his own,Thank you



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