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1、Unit 2 Revision,8Bunit2短语集锦,go on a trip be fun take you out bring everything with come on go hiking go skiing see the beautiful view take photos a symbol of have a birds-eye view of HK,外出旅行,有趣,带你出去,随身带,快点,去远足,去滑雪,看美丽的景色,照像,的标志,鸟瞰香港,in all show sth. to sb. wait in the line get in enjoy the ride be e

2、ndless a trip to South Hill three and a half hours= three hours and a half,总共,共计,向某人展示,排成队,进入,享受骑车,无尽头的,一次去南山的旅行,三个半小时,have a really fantastic time the whole day a famous theme park go to Disneyland by underground at the entrance one of the attractions exciting roller coaster move at high speed be (

3、not) interested in (doing) sth. such as celebrate their fifteen years of marriage,玩的真的很愉快,一整天,一个著名的主题公园,乘地铁去迪斯尼乐园,在入口处,其中一个景点,令人激动的过山车,以很快速度前进,对(做)事(不)感兴趣,例如,庆祝他们15年的婚姻,couldnt stop /helpdoing wave to sb. march across all the way scream with joy buy some stationery for sb. at the end of look shiny a

4、nd beautiful under the fireworks,忍不住做某事,向某人招手,行进穿过,一路上,快乐的尖叫,为某人买一些学习用品,在的尾未,在烟火下看上闪闪发光很漂亮,A. Opposites of Adjectives possible polite correct complete welcome common regular honest,Prefix-im,Prefix-in,Prefix-ir,Prefix-dis,impossible,impolite,incorrect,incomplete,irregular,dishonest,unwelcome,uncommo

5、n,Prefix -un,Suffixes -ful and -less,Helen is a careful student. But Henry is a careless one,后缀-ful表示full of或是having the quality of,less表示without或是having the quality of,harmful,helpful,useful,harmless,helpless,useless,Try to add -ful and -less. If you cannot add -ful or -less to a word, put a cross

6、in the box,cheerful,colourful,careful,delightful,endless,hopeful,cheerless,colourless,careless,hopeless,1.There is _ (end) homework to do before the exam. 2. Betty is a kind and _ (help) girl. 3. Some people are always happy. They can be _ (cheer) every day. 4. Smoking is _ (harm) to your health. 5.

7、 This TV dropped to the ground and couldnt be mended. Its _ (use) now. 6. Amy saw so many _ (color) dresses in the shop that she couldnt stop buying one after another,endless,helpful,cheerful,harmful,useless,colorful,练一练,7.We all like John. Because he is a _ boy. He does his homework _ every day. He

8、 also takes good _ of his little sister. (care) 8.Tom gave me a _ look just now, but I thought it was _ and I didnt know what he _. (mean) 9.There were many people waiting at the _ of Dongfeng Road and the line seemed _. (end,careful,care,carefully,meaningful,meaningless,meant,end,endless,10. The fi

9、reworks at night were _ (colour). 11. Mr. Sun was _ (thank) for Wang Fangs help. 12. John is a nice and_ boy (care).He never does his homework _. 13. Miss Zhang is _ with our English studies. (help,colourful,thankful,careful,carelessly,helpful,14. The dictionary is _ in our Chinese study.(use) 15. T

10、he line outside Hello Kittys house was _(end), I thought it was _ to get into the house.(hope) 16. Daniel is a _ boy. He plans everything well.(thought) 17. Disnyland is a _ place to visit.(wonder,hopeless,thoughtful,wonderful,useful,endless,词的正确形式填空: 1 My mother doesnt like this _ (shine) red dress

11、. 2 Our teacher told us this the nice news with great _ (excited). 3 Millie is _ (tie) her dog to the tree. 4 Now some young people like to hold their _ (marry) in a church. 2.When we heard the funny story, we couldnt stop _. (laugh) 5. Sandy and her parents _ their hands while watching the parade.

12、(clap) 7. How _ the singer is singing! (beauty,shiny,excitement,tying,marriage,laughing,clapped,beautifully,8. I wish all of you a _ (pleasure) trip. 9. On Sundays, Mr. Ma often goes _ (hike) with some friends. 11. Its about 20 minutes bus _ (ride) from here to Sunny Street. 12. The _ (perform) of t

13、he show are all super stars? 13. The day of our trip to Japan _ (final) arrived. 14. I cant hear your voice(声音) _ (clear). 15. A lot of _ (tour) go to Zhalong to watch birds,pleasant,hiking,ride,performers,finally,clearly,tourists,根据汉语提示填空 1、I dont know what made him scream _(激动地). 2、_ in this show

14、_ so well that the audience were pleased with their _. (表演) 3、The children were very excited and they couldnt stop c_ their hands. 4、The farmer is t_the horse to the tree. 5、My classmates had a wonderful time v_the cultural center last week,excitedly/with excitement,Performers,performed,performances

15、,lapping,ying,isiting,知识梳理,Language points,1. go on a trip to South Hill go on a trip to 去某地旅游 2. take you out for a few days带你出去玩几天take sb out带某人出去 3. go hiking, go skiing gov-ing去做某事 4. a symbol of Japan the symbol of的象征 e.g. Red is the symbol of danger. 5. have a really fantastic timehave a good/great/wonderful timehave funenjoy oneself,6. at the entrance在入口处 at the exit在出口处 7. move at hi


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