【最新】八年级英语上册 Unit 2 Topic 3 Must we do exercise to prevent the flu课件 仁爱版 课件

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《【最新】八年级英语上册 Unit 2 Topic 3 Must we do exercise to prevent the flu课件 仁爱版 课件》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《【最新】八年级英语上册 Unit 2 Topic 3 Must we do exercise to prevent the flu课件 仁爱版 课件(12页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Topic 3 Must we do exercise to prevent the flu,一、 细节语法,crowd - crowded interest - interested,2. final - finally easy - easily care - careful - carefully,3. do some cleaning / shopping / washing,4. between : 两者之间 : I sit between my parents. among: 三者或三者以上之间 SARS spreads easily among people,look / sme

2、ll / sound / feel 感官动词 + Adj. look pale 看起来苍白 smell good 闻起来很香 sound great 听起来很棒 feel sick 觉得生病了,Must 疑问句: Must I return the book today? Yes, you must. No, you neednt. / No, you dont have to,take a message “捎一个口信” (接电话人说的.) leave a message “留一个口信” (打电话人说的.) give sb. the message “把这个口信给” 1)- Could I

3、speak to Tom? - Sorry, he isnt in. Can I take a message? 2) - Id like to speak to Tom. - Sorry , he is too busy right now. - May I leave a message? - Sure, go ahead. - - OK. Ill give him the message,8. 喜好 doing like / love / enjoy/ hate / + doing sth. Be fond of / be interested in / + doing sth,二、 话

4、题整合,1. 如何抗击非典:How to fight SARS,First, we should eat healthy food and do more exercise Second, we should keep our rooms clean and often open the widows Third, we should not go to crowded places. Fourth, we should change clothes often. Fifth, we should wash hands often. Sixth, we must keep away from

5、the animals. Finally, if we feel sick , we should go to see the doctor,注意罗列的方法,2. 电话留言: 学会转化为对话,1,From: _ To: _ Time:_ Date: _ Message: _,2,Message: Maria, Michael phoned. _,3. 反身代词,第一人称,第二人称,myself ourselves,yourself yourselves,形容词性物主代词 self / selves,第三人称,himself herself itself themselves,宾格 self /

6、 selves,词组,hurt oneself,teach oneself,enjoy oneself,by oneself,help oneself to,relax oneself,4. 请假条,Dear., Yours,Im sorry to tell you that I cant go to school,I had a bad cold last night . The doctor told me to stay in bed and take care of myself,So ld like to ask for two days leave,I hope I will be

7、 better and come back to school soon. Thank you,三、 词组复习,与交谈_ 在电视上_ 快点!_ 开始_ 多做运动_ 绿色食物_ 拥挤的地方_,talk with,on TV,Hurry up,Go ahead,do more exercise,healthy food,crowded places,8. 尽力_ 9. 换衣服_ 10. 大扫除_ 11. 呆在家_ 12. 一直_ 13. 远离_ 14. 请稍等_ 15. 此刻_,do ones best to do sth,change clothes,do some cleaning,stay

8、at home,all the time,keep away from,Just a moment,right now,16. 打电话给_ 17. 接通(电话)_ 18. 留个口信_ 19. 告诉某人去做某事_ 20. 照顾_ 21. 给回电话_ 22. 严重的疾病_ 23. 积极参加_,ring sb. up,get through,leave a message,tell sb. to do sth,call sb. back,serious disease,take an active part in,care for / take care of / look after,24. 在电

9、话里_ 25. 是某人的职责_ 26. 日日夜夜_ 27. 很久没见_ 28. 自学_ 29. 在网络上_ 30. 玩的开心_ 31. 自己_ 32. 同意某人_,on the phone,Its ones duty to do sth,day and night,Long time no see,teach oneself / learnby oneself,on the net / Internet,enjoy oneself / have a good time,by oneself,agree with sb,32. 请随意吃_ 33. 害怕_ 34. 染上流感_ 35. 在过去_ 36. 在古时候_ 37. 请假_ 38. 在某人去的路上_ 39. 迷路_ 40. 搭错公交车_,help yourself to +食物,Be afraid of sb./sth/ doing sth,catch the flu,In the past,In the old days,ask for .leave,on ones way to,get lost,take the wrong bus


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