【最新】八年级英语《U12 Sectiion B》课件

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1、Unit 12Whats the best radio station,Section B,1a,quietest,best,funniest,funniest, most creative, quietest, best,Write these words and phrases next to their opposites in the chart,2a Listen to people talking about the school talent show. Write the names under the picture,Vera,The Math Teachers,Dennis

2、,Eliza,Steve,worst,loudest,best, excellent, great,funniest,most creative,2b Listen again. What do the people say about the performers,2c Pair work: Make a conversation according to the information in 2b,A: Who was the best performer? B: Eliza was the best performer,Who was the best performer,Eliza w

3、as the best performer,3a Read the article about the school talent show. Fill in each blank with one of the words in the box,Last weeks talent show _ a great success(成功). There _ fifteen acts. Eliza Clark won the prize for the _ performer. She played a beautiful piano piece. Hu Yue was the _ performe

4、r. He danced without (没有) music. The prize for the _ act went to Steve Tian and his dog, Fido. They _ a cute song together,was,were,best,quietest,funniest,sang,1. Last weeks talent show was a great success. 上周的天才表演真是非常成功。 success 是名词,它的形容词是successful “成功的”,Explanation,2. He danced without music . 他无

5、音乐伴奏跳舞。 without为介词,含义为“没有”, 和with是相对词。如: Without my friends help, he couldnt succeed. 没有朋友们的帮助,他不会成功。 Look, there is a girl with red hair there. 看, 那儿有一个红头发的女孩,3. The prize for the funniest act went to Steve Tan and his dog , Fido. 最有趣表演奖给了Steve Tan 和他的狗 Fido。 go to的含义是“去,到”,此时含义为 “由得到”、“被授予某人”,是比较

6、形象而简单的表达。如: All the mans money went to his eldest son. 这个老人所有的钱由他的长子得到了,4 Groupwork: Interview three classmates. Write down their answers in the chart below,A: Who do you think the funniest actor is? B: I think Jim Carrey is the funniest actor,1. Excuse me. Is there a supermarket _ here? 2. Your dau

7、ghter is old _ to go to school. 3. His brother went out _ breakfast. 4. Is Zhengzhou in Henan _? 5. I know Qingdao has _ beaches,请从方框中选出适当的单词完成下列句子,without, enough, province, lovely, near,near,enough,without,Province,lovely,请根据汉语提示完成下列句子, 每空 一词。 1. Last Tuesdays _ (才艺表演) was a great success. 2. Its

8、cold outside. You need to wear _ (暖和的衣服,talent show,warm clothes,4. _ (的价格) this sweater is about fifty dollars. 5. Sanya is _. (在中国南部,The price of,in Southern China,1. Mr Green often _ (puts on / wears) a white shirt in summer. 2. I think Vera is the best _ (perform / performer). 3. Who do you thin

9、k is the funniest _ (actor / act),wears,performer,actor,从括号中选出适当的词语完成句子,4. Which do you like best, chocolate, apples _ (and / or) hamburgers? 5. They need some _ (another / more) singers for the talent show,more,or,Homework: Make a Survey,Interview your father and mother about quality of things and the prices in the supermarkets near your home, then make a list


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