【最新】八年级英语上册 Module 11 The Weather课件 外研版 课件

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1、Welcome,Module 11,THE WEATHER,Warming-up,Weather,snow,rain,shower,wind,cloud,storm,描述天气的形容词,多云的: 多雨的: 下雪的: 有风的: 晴朗的: 寒冷的,cool,warm,cold,hot,cloudy,snowy,sunny,rainy,windy,freezing,practise,Whats the weather like in Its,伦敦的冬天 (cold,昆明的春天 (warm,practise,Hows the weather in Its,北 京 的 秋 天,cool,Check ()

2、the true sentences : 1 Its always cold and wet in February in England . 【 】 2 Its often freezing in February in England . 【 】 3 Its always warm and dry in winter in England . 【 】 4 Therell sometimes be snow in winter in England 【 】 5 Its usually hot in February in Australia. 【 】 6 It sometimes isnt

3、warm in winter in Hong Kong . 【 】 7 Its always too hot in the USA . 【 】 8 Its usually dry in winter in Hong Kong . 【,Language points (一,1 You must be joking,2 It may not even be cold,3 It might be windy,情态动词: must may might,1 must (一定): 表示具有很大的可能性,He must be ill . He doesnt come today,2 may (可能): 暗含

4、不确定的意思,He may be at home,3 might :表可能,但它的含义比may 更不确定,He might come soon,Language points :(二,天气将会怎么样: What will the weather be like ? - It will be,出发: be off,We are off to Beijing,干某事的最好时候: the best time to do sth,Spring is the best time to plant trees,既不也不 : not or,I havent been to Shanghai or Beiji

5、ng,Complete the table,freezing cold,wet windy,hot and sunny,cool and dry,Weather report,根据表格内容当一回天气播音员,Good morning! Heres the weather report for some big cities .Beijing will be,Listening,7: minus seven degree 1: plus one degree 5 8: between five and eight degrees . -1 14: minus one to plus four degrees 10 21: between ten and twenty one degrees 1720 : between seventeen and twenty degrees,Goodbye,Have a good time


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