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1、Unit 1 Friends Reading (1,Qualities of good friends,1. Friendly 2. Polite 3. Helpful 4. Kind 5. Generous 6. Keep secrets 7. Humour 8. clever,Betty,slim,short hair,Who are mentioned in the texts,Max,tall,poor eyesight,Who are mentioned in the texts,May,pretty,straight, shoulder-length hair,Who are me

2、ntioned in the texts,slim,tall 1.75m,short hair,wear glasses,small,shoulder-length hair,pretty,generous helpful,a good sense of humor,keep secrets,Listen to the tape and fill the table,kind,Something about Betty,I want to _ _ _(告诉你关于的事) my best friend Betty. She is _ _ _(和一样苗条) I am. She has short h

3、air. We have been best friends _ _ _ _(一段很长的时间,tell you about,as,slim as,for,a long,time,Something about Betty,Betty is generous. She is willing to share things _ her friends. She is also very helpful and is ready to help people any time. She helps me _ my homework and she always gives seats _ peopl

4、e _ need _ the bus,with,with,to,in,on,Something about Betty,Betty _ _ _ _ _(想要当一名歌手) and _ _ _ _(环游世界) when she _ _(长大). We may not get to _ _ _(看见彼此)often but we will always be best friends,wants to be a singer,travel around the,world,grows up,see each,other,The writer is as fat as Betty. Betty is

5、willing to help others at any time. She likes to share school things with her classmates. 4. She only gives seats to old men in need on the bus. 5. She wants to be a dancer and travels around the world,) ( ) (,Betty (“T”or “F”,F,T,T,F,F,Something about Max,I have a _(出色的)friend _(叫做) Max. He is very

6、 tall - _(几乎) 1.75 metres. However, he has _ _ (视力不好) _ _ (因为) _ _ (太多的) computer work _ _ (在夜晚). He _ (戴) small, round _ (眼镜) and they make him _ _ (看上去聪明的,wonderful,named,almost,poor eyesight,because of,too much,at night,wears,glasses,look smart,Something about Max,Max _ (富有幽默感). I never _(觉得厌烦或不开

7、心) when he _(与我在一起). He _(讲述奇怪的笑话) and always _ (使我开怀大笑,has a good sense of humour,feel bored or unhappy,is with me,tells funny jokes,makes me laugh,Something about Max,His legs _ (be) very long and they _ (not fit) under the school desks. He can _ (walk) _ (fast) but when he _ (walk) _ (pass / past

8、) the desks, he often _ (knock) over our books and pens. He _ (be) so funny,are,dont fit,walk,fast,walks,past,knocks,is,Answer some questions about Max,How tall is Max? He is almost1.75meters tall. 2. Does Max wear glasses? Yes he does. 3. When we are with Max, How do we feel? Why? We never feel bor

9、ed or unhappy, because Max has a good sense of humour,Do his legs fit the school desks? No they dont. 5. What happens to him when he walks past the desk? He often knocks over our books and pens,Answer some questions about Max,Something about May,I _ _ (想到) my good friend May when I read your adverti

10、sement. She is small and she has _ (直直的), _ (齐肩发) hair. Everyone _ (认为) she is pretty,thought of,straight,shoulder-length,thinks,Something about May,May is a _ (忠实的)friend. When something _ (困饶我), I can always go to her. I can tell her _ (任何事情) because she can keep a _ (秘密). She is kind and never _

11、(say) a bad word about _ (someone,true,worries,anything,secret,says,anyone,B Choosing the best friend,1._ is a _ friend she can keep a _. 2. _ looks _ and has a good sense of _. 3. _ is _ and _ - she is always willing to share things and help others,May,true,secret,Max,smart,humour,Betty,generous,he

12、lpful,Part B1,What makes a best friend? Part C1,1. Betty is generous to old people only. ( ) _ 2. Betty wants to be a singer and travel around the world. ( ) _ 3. Max does a lot of computer work. ( ) _,F,Betty is generous to everyone,T,T,4. Max is very good at telling jokes. ( ) _ 5. May is a true f

13、riend. ( ) _ 6. May likes to tell others her friends secrets. ( ) _,What makes a best friend? Part C1,T,T,F,May can keeps a secret,Who will you vote for the best friend in our class? Why,Vote for your best friend,最新】八年级英语Reading课件,Unit1 Book8AReading(2,最新】八年级英语Reading课件,Revision,一个诚实的男孩 一个长得好看的女孩 相信

14、他所说的 对我很友好 一些喝的 分享我的快乐 干净整洁,an honest boy,a good-looking girl,believe what he says,be friendly to me,something to drink,share my joy,clean and tidy,最新】八年级英语Reading课件,8.视力不好 9.感到厌烦 10.准备好帮助别人 11.愿意和我分享快乐 12.幽默感 13.直的,及肩的长发 14.撞翻我的铅笔盒,poor eyesight,feel bored,be ready to help others,be willing to share joy with me,sense of humour,straight, shoulder-length hair,knock over my pencil-box,最新】八年级英语Reading课件,15. 又高又瘦 16. 给需要的人让座 17. 周游世界 18. 长大 19. 使我大笑 20. 经过桌子 21. 和我一样苗条,tall and slim,give seats to people in need


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