高考英语一轮复习配套课件 Unit 5Travelling abroad 新人教选修7(通用)

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1、选修 7,Unit 5 Travelling abroad,考点要求,写出下列必考单词 1.客栈,小酒店n ._ 2.学院的,学术的adj. _ 3.家庭教师,助教,导师n. _ 4.签证n. _ 5.目的地n. _ 6.常规(事物),通常的,例行的n.qualification;qualifies2.required;requirement3.boarding;board4.Hopefully;hoping5.government;governing,翻译下列必背短语 1.适应,调节 _ 2.保持优秀成绩,继续干下去 _ 3.相适应,相融和 _ 4.上(船、飞机等),在(船、飞机)上 _ 5

2、.与平行 _ 6.感觉自在,无拘束 _ 7.占据,开始学 _ 8.惊讶得目瞪口呆 _ 9.不可能的,不值得考虑的 _ 10.迁入,安顿下来 _ 11.忙着做某事,忙于某事 _ 12.日复一日 _,adjust.to keep it up fit in(with sth.) on board be parallel to feel at home take up be numb with shock out of the question settle in be occupied with day in and day out,活学活用 根据句后的解释,选择适当的短语完成句子。 1.Beiji

3、ng is much colder than Hainan Island and at the beginning he had great difficulty _the climate there.(make oneself suitable for) 2.When I was told that he was killed in an accident,I _.(be shocked and cant speak or think) 3.I,m sorry I can,t go with you.You see,I _ the report.(be busy with) 4.I don,

4、t_ going out to the dinner party tonight.(want to,5.A good hostess usually has her own way to make her guests _.(be comfortable as if one belongs to where one is) 6.If you can _,you will get what you want.(continue doing or trying,答案:1.adjusting himself to/getting used to2.was numb with shock3.am oc

5、cupied with4.feel like5.feel at home6.keep it up,单元重点动词,recommend queue prepare comfort contradict acknowledge occupy govern revise substitute,活学活用 用上述动词的适当形式填空。 1.When you feel upset,you will feel comfortable when reading a good book,even if you have got no one _you. 2.Jack _in the second half beca

6、use of a knee injury,3._by a cruel dictator,people there lived a miserable life. 4.I will have the plan _to make it more practical. 5.No one doubted what he said about the cause of the accident,as it was a generally _fact,答案:1.to comfort2.was substituted3.Governed4.revised5.acknowledged,V.重点句型 But I

7、 was also very nervous as I didn,t know what to expect.(P38) 但是我也很紧张,因为我不知道我可以期待什么。 “what/how/where/when+to do”结构在句中可作主语、表语和宾语。 活学活用 模仿造句。 (1)他们还没有决定什么时候举办运动会。 _ (2)如何向他解释真相不关我的事。 _,答案:(1)They haven,t decided when to hold the sports meet. (2)How to explain to him the truth is none of my business,语篇领

8、悟 根据课文Keep It Up,XieLei完成下列短文 Six months ago,Xie Lei boarded a plane for London 1 complete a business qualification.When she came to England,she lived with a host family, 2 members always helped her.At the beginning she had to face 3 difficulties of daily life as how to use the phone,how to pay on t

9、he bus. 4 ,she also had to face difficulties of learning at the university. 5 (study)there was,quite different from studying in China and she needed some preparation first.She had to get used to a new way of life,which took 6 all her concentration.It was 7 (benefit)as well as difficult for her to st

10、udy in London.She learned 8 to fulfill Western academic requirements.Xie Lei also learned that as a student,she should not use other people,s work 9 try to express her 10 ideas,答案:1.to2.whose3.such4.Besides5.Studying6.up7.beneficial8.how9.but10.own,考点活用 用本单元所学词组、句型翻译下列短文 那是我第一次到英国。登上飞机那一刻,我相信自己很有可能迅

11、速融入英国人的生活。可是,一到英国,我就惊呆了:我听不懂英国人的话。我意识到自己必须尽快调节自我以适应新的环境。我重新学起了口语,一有机会我就和当地人对话,好心的人们经常鼓励我再接再励。我的口语进步很快,这帮助我更好地了解英国。很快,我就能表达自如,甚至适应了靠左驾驶。后来,我觉得在英国非常自在,有时竟有了宾至如归的感觉。 _,答案:It was my first time that I had been to Britain.When I went on board,I believed that I could fit in with the life in Britain very so

12、on.However,on my arrival in Britain,I was numb with shock:I couldn,t understand their language.I realized that I must adjust myself to the new surroundings as soon as possible.Therefore I took up oral English again and I seized every chance to talk with the local people,who always kindly encouraged

13、me to keep it up.I made rapid progress in spoken English,which helped me know better about Britain.Very soon,I could express myself freely and I even got used to driving on the left.Later I found it comfortable to live in Britain and sometimes I even felt at home to live there,自主学习,1Keep it up,Xie L

14、ei.(P38)谢蕾,再接再厉。 阅读下列句子,注意it的意思。 (1)Keep it up 不松劲,坚持下去。 (2)Take it easy别着急。 (3)So it seems好像如此。 (4)You will make it.你会成功的。 归纳总结:it本身词义模糊,只是帮助构成习语,即学即练 根据括号中的提示完成句子。 (1)If only she could_(坚持不懈),she could break the world record. (2)Keep working hard and you_.(总有一天会成功的,答案:(1)keep it up (2)will make it

15、 some day,2Chinese student fitting in well.(P38) 中国学生适应能力强。 (1)这是A Chinese student is fitting in well.的省略形式。英语标题中,为了简洁需要,常常只出现实词,而把虚词(冠词、介词、助动词、连词等)省去。省略是英语新闻标题的一大特点。又如: Saddam Hussein Captured=Saddam Hussein was Captured(萨达姆侯赛因被抓捕) (2)阅读下列句子,说出fit in with的意思。 The whole group work hard and fit in well.(相处融洽)



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