高二英语Unit4 reading课件 人教(通用)

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1、Unit 4 A garden of poems Period 2 Reading ENGLISH POEMS,Beside my bed a pool of light, Is it hoarfrost on the ground? I lift my eyes and see the moon, I bend my head and think of home,Thoughts in the Silent Night Li Bai,床前明月光,疑是地上霜。 举头望明月,低头思故乡,静夜思 李白,I left home young and not till old do I come bac

2、k, My accent is unchanged, my hair no longer black. The children dont know me, whom I meet on the way, Where do you come from, reverend sir? they smile and say,Coming Home He Zhizhang,少小离家老大回,乡音无改鬓毛摧。 儿童相见不相识,笑问客从何处来,回乡偶书 贺知章,1. How many English poets are mentioned in the text, and who are they? 2.

3、When is the great moment for European literature to come to China,Fast reading,1. That refers to “Poetry plays with sounds, words, and grammar”. 2. its refers to “English poetrys”. 3. their refers to “The poems by William Wordsworth, George Gordon Byron, and John Keats”. 4. they refers to “Modern po

4、ets”. 5. They refers to “Poems and literature.,Words in bold,) Modern English poets ( ) Chinese poets and poetry ( ) Early English poets ( ) Why more people are interested in English poetry ( ) Why we read poetry ( ) The 19th century English poets ( ) The introduction of English poetry into China,Th

5、e main idea of each paragraph,5,3,1,7,6,4,2,1600,1800,1900,2000,1700,W. Shakespeare,W. Wordsworth,J. Milton,J. Donne,A. Pope,G. Byron,J. Keats,R. Frost,William Shakespeare (1564 1616,John Milton (1608 1674,John Donne (1572 1631,Alexander Pope (1688 1744,George Byron (1788 1824,John Keats (1795 1821,William Wordsworth (1770 1850,Robert Frost (1874 1963



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