高二英语unit19 reading 人教(通用)

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1、Reading & Integrating skills,the Merchant of Venice(1,Fast-reading,Read the texts, Place the pictures in right order.,1,2,3,4,5,6,Fast reading,The text mainly tells about_. Antonios kindnessB. Portias cleverness C. Shylocks crueltyD. all of the above 2.In the text the author shows us human beings me

2、rit(优点) of _. A. bravery B. pride C. kindnessD. tolerance,Careful reading,1. Whats the turning point of the play,Portias turning up in the court is the turning point,2. What mustnt Shylock take,He mustnt take any blood out of Antonio,3. It seemed that the Duke in the court supported _. A. PortiaB. A

3、ntonio C. ShylockD. none of the above,4. What does Shylock decide to take instead of the pound of flesh,He decided to take three times the money more than Antonio borrowed from him,5. Find out the right order: Shylock insisted on having one pound of Antonios flesh. B. Portia asked Shylock to show hi

4、s mercy on Antonio. C. Antonio said his last words to Bassanio. D. Portia warned Bassanio of the impossibility of changing the law,B,A,D,C,6. Why cant he take the money then,Because he only wants justice,7. Shylock was charged with(指控) _. A. murderB. stealing C. cheatD. ill-treatment,8. To punish a

5、murderer, the law of Venice would _. A take everything that he owned away B. sentence him to imprisonment C. sentence him to death D. both A and B,Post-reading,Analyze the main characters. Find sentences in the text to support your ideas,greedy and mean,cold-blooded stone-hearted,vengeful(复仇心重的,craf

6、ty(狡诈的,Shylock,Portia,smart wise,kind merciful,decisive brave,generous,weak sheepish胆怯,kind friendly,Antonio,1. Why do you think Shylock prefers to take his pound of flesh instead of the money from Basanio,Antonio is his enemy. Shylock hated him because had many times scolded Shylock publicly for be

7、ing greedy and cruel. Shylock wants to use this opportunity to kill him,2. What are two meanings of “Ill pay him back with all my heart” ,Literally: with the heart which he shall cut out of my body. Metaphorically: whole-hearted, willingly,Note: in English “with all your heart” means with all your s

8、trength, emotion or energy,3. What is usually weighed with a balance? What goes into the scales left and right,A balance is used to weigh things. The goods for sale go into one scale and the weight goes into the other,4. Why a balance is needed in the play,To make sure that Shylock can only take exa

9、ctly one pound of flesh from Antonio,5. Whats the deeper meaning of the balance,The deeper meaning of the balance is that it stands for justice. In Portias court the different heart is weighed,Read the following sentences that could be spoken in the play. Who says what and to whom,sentence,spoken by

10、,spoken to,I feel sorry for you. Youve come to face an enemy with a heart of stone, who knows neither pity nor mercy.,I dont have to give you answers that will please you,Dont worry! Before he can even take one drop of your blood, he will first have to take my flesh, blood, bones and everything else

11、.,Dont feel bad that a friend paid back the money you owed, but feel bad that you lost him.,Duke,Antonio,Shylock,Bassanio,Bassanio,Antonio,Antonio,Bassanio,According to the following pictures, retell the texts in your own words,Among these persons, who do you like best? Why? Which quality do you think is the most important to a person? Give your reasons,Free talk,By saying “be reasonable.” the Duke wants Shylock to be _. forgivingB. calm C. kind-heartedD. reasonable 2. The word “scold” in the second paragraph means _. fool withB. laugh at C. criticizeD. make known



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