高二英语unit17 reading课件 人教(通用)

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1、Unit 17 Disabilities,unit 17,Disabilities,Paralysis 瘫痪,lame,mute,deaf,blind,disabilities,Color blindness,Brainstorm,Mental disabilities,Discuss the following questions: Should disabled students be allowed to go to college? Should they get any extra help? Do you know of any famous people who are disa

2、bled? What do they do,Disabled ? Not Me,Task 1. Listen to the tape and grasp the main idea of the text. Task 2. Underline the following sentences,Fast reading,1. She has already created . received an award at her provinces science fair,2. The Beijing Union University has launched a special education

3、 college where . the help they need to succeed,Part I (para 1-2) Part II (para 3) Part III (para 4-5) Part IV (para 6,C. Introduction to Zhong Xiaowen,D. The best way to help the disabled,A. A magazine for blind people,B. The feelings of the disabled and some advice,Match the main idea of each part,

4、Task 1. Answer the following questions and choose the best answer . Task 2. True or false statements,Careful reading,Make an introduction to Zhong Xiaowen,16, a middle school student, best, won an award for young scientists,Born disabled, no feeling below the waist, wheelchair, computer science, cre

5、ate many programs,No . 1/3 are blind and the rest are deaf or have no disability,They not only learn how to assist disabled people, but also learn the importance of cooperating to reach their goals in life,2. Are all the students in the Beijing Union University disabled? What do they learn ,3.How do

6、es she get around? 4.What do the articles in Literature of Chinese Blind Children talk about,In Para2, the word “fair” in the sentence receive an award at her provinces science fair. has the same meaning as the one in _. A. It is not fair to separate blacks from whites. B. Tom is a tall man with fai

7、r skin. C. As the weather forecast predicted, it turned fair in the afternoon. D. Many VIP will attend the food fair to be held in Wenzhou,In Para 3, The Beijing Union University has launched a special education college, here the word “launch means the same with _,Part 2,A. Launch a satellite B. Lau

8、nch a new ship C. Launch a new project,The disabled in the authors opinion need all except _. recognition B. sympathy and help C. discrimination D. inspiration and encouragement,What can be inferred from the title “ Disabled, not me”? The disabled are not satisfied with their condition. B. The disab

9、led always dream of becoming normal ones. C. They are sure they can play a valuable role and make contributions to society as normal people. D. They want to escape from the reality of being disabled,1. The disabled people hope everyone can help them because they are disabled,F,2. It is important for

10、 the disabled to receive education,T,F,3. Therere few opportunities for the disabled to make achievements,OR,4. Although disabled in physics, the disabled can also enjoy their lives and be successful,T,OR,5. It might be frustrating and challenging to live with disability,T,6. Xiaowen was disabled wh

11、en she was born, she cannot move her legs and arms,F,7.Xiaowens story serves as an example to show that physical disabilities need more sympathy than the others to get success,F,Discussion,How do you think of the disabled beggars in the street ? Imagine that you were a disabled student, how would yo

12、u like to be treated, and what kind of help did you need,Although the world is full of suffering, it is full also of the overcoming of it. -Helen Keller, American writer 虽然世界多苦难,但是苦难总是能战胜的 -美国作家 海伦凯勒,Great works are performed not by strength, but by perseverance. - Samuel Johnson 成就的取得不光靠力量,而且靠毅力. -塞缪尔约翰逊,Enjoy the theme song of the Summer Olympics in Athens, 2004 , “ Pass the Flame” and look at some pictures about the disabled people,Motto: An Ever Burning Flame 永不熄灭的火焰,Motto: Welcome Home 欢迎回家,One World, One Dream 同一个世界, 同一个梦想



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