高二英语Unit17 Disabilities课件 人教(通用)

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1、The Special Olympics黑龙江省大庆市60中学 刘凌凇,Lead in,Flame of Hope,What kind of people can take part in the Special Olympic Games ,The mentally disabled athletes,Sailing,Powerlifting, Tennis , Volleyball , golf, cycling, baseball, badminton,国际特奥会主席与智障小朋友击掌祝福。Timothy P. Shriver,中国特奥会副主席、上海市特奥会主席 施德容博士接受捐款,6月1

2、0日,姚明和演艺界明星庾澄庆(下排左)、孙楠(下排右)、金海心(上排右)在媒体见面会上合影留念。当日,“超级明星关爱特殊奥林匹克”活动在沪举行。将于2007年在上海开幕的世界特殊奥林匹克运动会引起了众多明星的关注,Reading,Questions,1.What are the similarities and differences between the Special Olympics and regular Olympics,2. What attitude did people use to have towards the mentally disabled,3 What are

3、the aims to host the Special Olympics,paragraph 1,Similarities,Every four years,Be surrounded by grand ceremony,The competition is fierce,A strong sense of unity and friendship,Train for many years and overcome More fear and hardships to reach the games,Differences,Taking part in the games is a vict

4、ory,The spirit is stronger,paragraph 2,What attitude did people use to have towards the mentally disabled,attitudes,No dignity and respect,Little treatment or,Shame,paragraph 3,When and where were the first Special Olympics held,aims,develop,improve,make,Fill in the chart about different Special Oly

5、mpics mentioned in the last paragraph,1968,Chicago,2,1000,3,2003,Ireland,150,6500,21,2007,Shanghai,Exercises,A,B,C,D,1.The reason why taking part in the Special Olympics is a victory is that _,the Olympic spirit at the Special Olympics is as strong as at the regular Olympic Games,winning is about be

6、ing the first one,winning is about being the best one you can be,winning is about scoring the most goals,A,B,C,D,2. How to understand “Athletes at the Special Olympics are fighters in more than one way”,They dont only fight for one award,They fight against more than one disability,They have to fight

7、 against the disabilities as well as other athletes, and maybe some other difficulties,They take part in all,A,B,C,D,3. This passage mainly wants to tell us _,that taking part in the Special Olympics is an honor,athletes at the Special Olympics are fighters in more than one way,the Special Olympics

8、is not as important as the regular Olympic Games,the Special Olympics helps society to improve the quality of life for all its citizens,A,B,C,D,4.How do the Special Olympics help mentally disabled people,Help them to make more money,Gain greater self-confidence,Help them to be famous people,Make mor

9、e people help them,A,B,C,D,5. Why do you think the Special Olympics is becoming more popular,To host the Special Olympics can earn more money,It is the honour for the cities to host the event,More or less people are interested in the Special Olympics,It can improve the local living level,Summary,Read the text again. 2. Read the passage on P109,Thank you,Bye



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