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1、高考英语复习:主谓一致专练一、单项选择1The teacher, as well as the students, _ interested in the activities.AwasBisCareDwere2Many cattle _suffering from the terrible disease at that time .AareBwereCisDwas3The number of people in the world _about 6 billion, and thus large quantities of waste _each year.Atotals; has bee

2、n producedBtotal; is producedCtotals; are producedDtotal; are being produced4- Lily, _ you _ your ticket?- Not yet!Adid; findBhas; foundChave; foundDdo; find5What _ the number of students in your school?About two thousand. A number of them _ from the countryside.Ais; isBis; areCare; isDare; are6You

3、rather than I _ going to go camping.Awill beBamCisDare7E-mail, in addition to mobile phones, _ an active part in daily communication.AplaysBplayCtakesDtake8A talented painter can feel that certain shapes and colors, out of the countless billions possible, _ exceptionally interesting for them and wor

4、th _ to the public.Ais; showingBare; being shownCare; showingDis; to be shown9A new kind of PC _ with more functions.Ahave been builtBhave builtChas been builtDhas built10You, who _ always ready to offer him your assistance at any critical moment, are a true friend indeed.AisBareCwasDwere11Whats the

5、 noise outside?It comes from the construction site.A library_.Ais builtBis buildingCwill be builtDis being built12Singapore is a playground for the wealthy, so its surprising that in the past five years, most of the purchasing desire _ from those at the bottom of the economic pyramid.AcameBcomesChas

6、 comeDhave come13Terry received about ten gifts on his birthday, _ were from his lovely classmates.Amost of themBone of whichCmost of whichDand most of which14It is reported that many a new house _ at present in the disaster area.Aare being builtBwere being builtCwas being builtDis being built15The

7、writer and poet_ to give us a speech on English study next week.AareBisCwasDwill be16The number of_ in our class _ fifty.Astudent; isBthe student; areCthe students; is17It is reported that many a new house at present in the disaster area.Ais being builtBis builtCare being builtDhave been built18In o

8、ur school library there a number of books and the number of them growing larger and larger.Ais; areBhas; isCare; isDhave; are19The number of the students in the competition _written down already.Ahave beenBhas beenCareDis20The girl, like many boys who often _ sports, _fond of sports.Aplays; areBplay

9、; isCplay; areDplays; is21Small acts of kindness can make a big difference, if they by people with love.Awill rememberBare rememberedCremembered22What caused the accident and who was responsible for it_ a mystery to us.AremainsBremainCisDlook like23More than one person_ involved (参与) in the case.Ais

10、BareChasDhave24The students who always_to school arent walking to school today.AwalksBwalkedCwalkDwalking25Since it first debut on the airwaves in 2007, The Big Bang Theory”_ the ratings and won numerous victories at the Emmy, Golden Globe and Peoples Choice awards.AtoppedBhas toppedCwas toppedDhad

11、been topping26It is said that _of confirmed cases(确诊病例) in Beijing _over 300 during the past days.Athe number; has reachedBa number; has reachedCthe number; have reachedDa number; have reached27The people trapped in the ruins _ that rescue teams _ here without delay.Adesire; are sentBdesiring; were

12、sentCdesire; be sentDdesiring; be sent28This is one of the best novels that_appeared this year.Ahave beenBhasChad beenDhave29It is you rather than he who _ deliver a speech in the meeting tonight.AIs going toBare going toCwas going toDwere going to30 of the students in our class going to the summer

13、camp in Beijing next week.ATwo fifths, is BSecond fifths, areCSecond fifths, isDTwo fifths, are31In our class of the students girls.Athird fifths; isBthird fifth; areCthree fifth; isDthree fifths; are32The secretary and the manager _very busy now.AisBareCwasDwere33Two-thirds of the coins dug up on t

14、he island _ from the year 275AD to 221BCAdatingBdateCdatesDare dated34More than one student _ been sent to Japan since 2000.More than one hundred students _ been sent to Japan since 2000.Ahave; haveBhas; hasChave; hasDhas; have35More than one passenger _ injured in the air crash.AwereBisCareDwas36A great number of small power stations _


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