石家庄教科所高中英语评优课资料11 Unit 3 A healthy life课件(通用)

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1、Unit 3 A healthy life,Aims: I. Master useful words and expressions II. Learn useful “it” structures,Learning about language,1.Why does grandad live a long and active life? 2. Why is it tough for grandson to quit smoking? 3. What are the effects of smoking on young grandad,Answer questions,We adolesc

2、ents should follow grandads healthy lifestyle,Reading,Advice from Grandad,accustomed to nicotine, addicted through habit,He became breathless and unfit,due to the healthy life he lives,Match the words with the same meanings,due to tough adolescent accustomed to quit effect addicted to unfit,be used

3、to because of influence young people unhealthy difficult stop unable to stop taking sth as a habit,Useful words and expressions,due to (be) accustomed to (be) addicted to effect adolescent unfit quit tough,Complete the passage,It is amazing to see grandad is still fit at 82. His long and active life

4、 must be the healthy life he lives. However, like many other , his grandson James smoking now. It was easy for him to begin smoking. But now he thinks it to smoking, for his body has been having nicotine in it. So grandad tells the harmful of smoking and warns him that when he realizes he is , it wi

5、ll be too late,is addicted to,due to,adolescents,unfit,tough,effects,accustomed to,quit,smoking,having,It is amazing to see grandad is still fit at 82. His long and active life must be due to the healthy life he lives. However, like many other adolescents, his grandson is addicted to smoking now. It

6、 was easy for him to begin smoking. But now he thinks it tough to quit smoking, for his body has been accustomed to nicotine. So grandad tells the harmful effects of smoking and warns him that when he realizes he is unfit, it will be too late,Find out “it” sentences,What are the use of “it”,Formal S

7、ubject,It is amazing to see grandad is still fit at 82. It was easy for him to begin smoking. He thinks it tough to quit smoking. It will be too late,Formal Object,Impersonal: time, weather, distance,It is amazing to see grandad is still fit at 83. It was easy for him to begin smoking,Discovering th

8、e sentence structure,It is a rule to keep silent in the meeting. It is a duty to help others,Formal Subject,It is +,It is + n + to do sth,adj + to do sth,Quit drinking? Tough,Complete the “it” sentences,give up drinking, hard, it is, for them,It is hard for them to give up drinking,It is tough for t

9、hem to _,quit drinking,It is + adjn+ to do sth,See! A big hen ploughing,It is a surprise _. (看到如此大的一只母鸡是一件很惊讶的事情,to see so big a hen,It is a wonder _,to see a big hen ploughing,It is no goodno use _ (cry over spilt milk,Oh! My milk is spilt(溢出,crying over spilt milk,It is+ _ + doing sth,no useno goo

10、d,1. It is amazing that at my age I am still fit. 2. It is a wonder that he is still alive. 3. It is said that smoking can cause cancer,Discover other “it” structures,It is + adjn + to do sth. It is + no useno good + doing,Group work,Try,It is believed that _ (popular than,PK,It is interestingan int

11、erest that _,Xiao Shenyang wears womens clothes,Xiao is more popular than Zhao,thinkfind,I think important to make a summary in time. I find a good habit that we make a summary in time. How can we learn English well? 1). 我认为每天读英语很重要。(think it to do) 2). 我发现我们多说英语很有帮助。(find itthat,I think it importan

12、t to read English every day,I find it helpful that we speak English as much as possible,it + adjn + to dothat,it,it,Formal Object,it” used as Formal Subject 1. It is surprisinga surprise to see so big a hen. 2. It is no goodno use crying over spilt milk. 3. It is wonderfula wonder that I am still al

13、ive. It is said that smoking can cause cancer,Lets review “it” structures,it” used as Formal Object 1. I think it necessary to make a summary. I find it important that we should make a summary. 2. I think it a wonder to see the opening ceremony on water. I find it a surprise that the torch was lit b

14、y fireworks,Lets review “it” structures,Competition,I think wonderful to see Chinese athletes get so many gold medals,it,Correct the sentences,It said that Shrek is ugly outside but warm-hearted inside,is,It is surprising that China produces one third of worlds cigarettes,surprising,It is no use to

15、try to quit on a stressful day,trying,Complete the sentences,Its never too late to learn. It never rains but it pours(泼水). It takes three generations to make a gentleman. It is easy to open a shop but hard to keep it always open,十年树木,百年树人,不鸣则已,一鸣惊人,创业容易守业难,活到老,学到老,Translate the proverbs(谚语,The Asian

16、 Games are being held in the city of Guangzhou now. It was great fun _ (watch) the opening ceremony. _ was fine that night and it was _ (amaze) that the torch was lit by fireworks. Although _ is far away from Shijiazhuang to Guangzhou, we think it easy _ (enjoy) the athletes performance. From them, we can learn that it is necessary for us _ (give



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