五年级上册英语教案Unit 2《My week》第四课时 Part B Let's try & Let's talk 人教PEP

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1、Unit 2 My week教案第四课时(Part B Lets tryLets talk)教学目标1. 能够听、说、读、写Saturday, Sunday两个单词和play football, listen to music, read books三个短语,并能结合所给句型在实际情景中运用。2. 能够理解Zhang Peng和Sarah的谈话内容。教学重点能够听、说、读、写Saturday, Sunday两个单词和play football, listen to music,read books三个短语,并能结合所给句型在实际情景中运用。教学难点句型Do you often on the w

2、eekend? 句型的关键词的替换与运用。教学工具ppt教学过程一、 Warm-up(一)、Play a game单词回家,将英文与相应的汉语连线。(二)、Revision1. 复习有关星期的单词:Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday, weekend.2.然后教师问Do you like weekend? What do you do on the weekend?3.教师出示图片让学生根据图片说出相应的英语: watch TV, read books, water the flowers, do hom

3、ework, sing and dance, wash the clothes. play ping-pong, play football, listen to music.4. 教师问What do you do on the weekend?Ss: I often (常常)5. 教师出示几个句子,让学生根据句意填空。 I often _on the weekend.I often _at home.I often _ at school.I often _on the playground.6. 教师问Do you often on the weekend?引导学生回答Yes, I do

4、./ No, I dont.7.教师出示图片问Do you often _ on the weekend? 引导学生填空play football. 设计意图这个复习环节,首先复习所学单词和句型What do you do on the weekend? 引导新句型Do you often on the weekend?通过图片方式可以提高学生的学习兴趣,活跃课堂气氛,提高教学效率。二、呈现新课(Presentation)1.Lets try1). 教师出示课文中的图片说Its Saturday morning. Zhang Peng calls Oliver. 然后出示他们的对话内容。2).

5、 Zhang: Hi, Oliver. This is Zhang Peng. Lets play football this afternoon.Oliver: Sorry. I will clean my room.Zhang: Do you often clean your room on Saturdays?Oliver: Yes, I do. Zhang: OK, bye. See you on Monday.Oliver: Bye.3).根据对话内容回答问题 What does Oliver often do on Saturday? 引导学生回答Clean the room.2.

6、 Lets talk1).教师用多媒体课件出示本部分的教学挂图,并简单介绍情景。如:Its Saturday afternoon. Zhang Peng plays football in a park. He meets Sarah. Sarah reads books in the park. (1)第一次领学生读对话,全班学生跟读,了解对话的大致内容。(2).第二次领读,学生跟读。(3).学生分小组分角色朗读,并上台表演。2). Questions.-Tick or cross.判断正误。 Sarah reads a storybook. Sarah often reads books

7、in the park. Zhang Peng often plays football in the park. Zhang Peng and Sarah like this park.3).教师创设情境,张鹏在公园里还见到了吴一凡,要求学生把他们的对话排序。( ) No, I dont. I often do homework. Do you often play football in the park, Zhang Peng? ( ) Me too. ( ) Hello, Wu Yifan. Do you often play basketball in the park?( ) Ye

8、s, I do. I often play football on the weekend. I like this park. 3. Pair work学生同桌合作,利用情景图中提供的信息替换示例对话中的关键词,编写对话,如:1). S1: Do you often play ping-pong on the weekend? S2: Yes, I do. S1: Do you often listen to music? S2: No, I dont.2).S1: What do you often do on the weekend?S2:I often do homework on t

9、he weekend.S1: Do you often do homework on the weekend?S2: Yes, I do.然后教师请几对学生上讲台表演对话,表扬表演到位的学生。三、Practice(一)、英汉互译1.Saturday morning_ 2.play football_ 3.in the park_ 4.看书_ (二)、按要求改写句子1.Do you often listen to music?(做否定回答) _2. They often play football in the park.(对划线部分提问) _ 四、Summary1.词汇与短语: often,

10、park, read books, play football, listen to music, on the weekend, Saturday morning/ afternoon.2.句型 : Do you often read books in the park? Yes, I do. / No, I dont. 五、Homework1.将词汇与短语often, park, read books, play football, listen to music, on the weekend, Saturday morning/ afternoon抄写五遍。 2.两人一组练习句型 : Do you often read books in the park? Yes, I do. / No, I dont. 板书设计 Unit 2 My week1.词汇与短语: often, park, read books, play football, listen to music, on the weekend, Saturday morning/ afternoon, do homework, watch TV.2.句型 : Do you often read books in the park? Yes, I do. / No, I dont.


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