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1、2018年入学考试试题英语(本科)入学考试卷 考试批次:2018年入学考试试题 课程:英语(本科)(E10002) 题号 一 二 三 合计 已做/题量 10 / 10 3 / 3 2 / 2 15 / 15 得分/分值 12 / 20 24 / 30 50 / 50 86 / 100 一、单项选择题 (共10题、总分20分、得分12分)1. Today Chinese _by more and more people around the world. (本题分数:2 分,本题得分:0 分。) A、was spoken B、is spoken C、spoke D、speak 题目信息 难度:

2、1 正确答案: A 解题方案: 2. We are next-door _. (本题分数:2 分,本题得分:0 分。) A、neighborhoods B、neighbor C、neighborhood D、neighbors 题目信息 难度: 1 正确答案: C 解题方案: 3. The young lady coming over to us _ our English teacher; the way she walks tells us that! (本题分数:2 分,本题得分:0 分。) A、must be B、can be C、would be D、could be 题目信息 难度

3、: 1 正确答案: D 解题方案: 4. _ these honours he received a sum of money. (本题分数:2 分,本题得分:2 分。) A、Except B、But C、Besides D、Outside 题目信息 难度: 1 正确答案: C 解题方案: 5. As the bus came round the corner, it ran _ a big tree by the roadside. (本题分数:2 分,本题得分:0 分。) A、into B、on C、over D、up 题目信息 难度: 1 正确答案: C 解题方案: 6. -This i

4、s John.- _ (本题分数:2 分,本题得分:2 分。) A、Oh, I have never seen you. B、Yes, I am glad. C、Hello, John. Nice to meet you. D、How are you? 题目信息 难度: 1 正确答案: C 解题方案: 7. What is the train _ to Birmingham? (本题分数:2 分,本题得分:2 分。) A、fee B、tip C、fare D、cost 题目信息 难度: 1 正确答案: C 解题方案: 8. Do you know _ in English? (本题分数:2 分

5、,本题得分:2 分。) A、how say it B、how to say it C、how saying it D、how to saying it 题目信息 难度: 1 正确答案: B 解题方案: 9. How much is that meat, please?- _ (本题分数:2 分,本题得分:2 分。) A、Ten oclock. B、Ten yuan a kilo. C、I like it very much. D、I dont like. 题目信息 难度: 1 正确答案: B 解题方案: 10. -I went to the beach and got plenty of re

6、st.-_. You looked tired last time I saw you. (本题分数:2 分,本题得分:2 分。) A、I hope so B、Really C、Im glad you did D、The sound was nice 题目信息 难度: 1 正确答案: C 解题方案: Top 二、阅读理解单项选择题 (共3题、总分30分、得分24分)1. The French Revolution broke out in 1789. At the time France was in a crisis. The government was badly run and peo

7、ples lives were miserable. King Louis XIV tried to control the national parliament and raise more taxes. But his effort failed. He ordered his troops to Versailles. The people thought that Louis intended to put down the Revolution by force. On July 14, 1789, they stormed and took the Bastille, where

8、 political prisoners were kept. Ever since that day, July 14 has been the French National Day. Louis tried to flee the country in 1792, to get support from Austria and Prussia. However, he was caught and put in prison. In September 1792, the monarchy was abolished. In the same year, Louis was execut

9、ed. A few months later his wife, Marie, also had her head cut off. The Revolution of France had frightened the other kings of Europe. Armies from Austria and Prussia began to march against France. The French raised republican armies to defend the nation. The Revolution went through a period of terro

10、r. Thousands of people lost their lives. In the end, power passed to Napoleon Bonaparte. (本题分数:10 分,本题得分:10 分。) (1). Whats this passage about? (2 分)A、France B、King Louis. C、The French Revolution. D、Europe 题目信息 正确答案: C 解题方案: (2). Which did not happen in 1789? (2 分)A、The French Revolution broke out. B

11、、The national economy was developing rapidly. C、The government wasnt well run. D、King Louis XIV was in power. 题目信息 正确答案: B 解题方案: (3). Where were the political prisoners kept? (2 分)A、In Versailles. B、In Austria. C、In Prussia. D、In Bastille. 题目信息 正确答案: D 解题方案: (4). What does the underlined word abolis

12、hed mean? (2 分)A、Put off. B、Established C、United D、Ended 题目信息 正确答案: D 解题方案: (5). What was NOT the effect of the Revolution? (2 分)A、July 14 has become the French National Day. B、It brought some impact on the other European kings. C、Louiss wife, Marie was killed. D、The king tried to control the nation

13、al parliament. 题目信息 正确答案: D 解题方案: 题目信息 难度: 1 2. For several years,Americans have enjoyed teleshoppingwatching TV and buying things by phone. Now teleshopping is starting in Europe. In a number of European countries,people can turn on their TVs and shop for clothes,jewelry,food,toys,and many other th

14、ings. Teleshopping is becoming popular in Sweden,for example. The biggest Swedish company sells different kinds of things on TV in 15 European countries,and in one year it made $100 million. In France there are two teleshopping channels,and the French spend about $20 million a year to buy things through those channels. In Germany,until last year teleshopping was only possible on one channel for 1 hour every day. Then the government allowed more teleshopping. Other channels can open for telebusiness,including the largest American teleshopping company



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