【最新】Section B(1a-1e)课件 八年级英语下册 Unit 3 Could you please clean your room Sectioon B (1a-1e)

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【最新】Section B(1a-1e)课件 八年级英语下册 Unit 3 Could you please clean your room Sectioon B (1a-1e)_第1页
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《【最新】Section B(1a-1e)课件 八年级英语下册 Unit 3 Could you please clean your room Sectioon B (1a-1e)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《【最新】Section B(1a-1e)课件 八年级英语下册 Unit 3 Could you please clean your room Sectioon B (1a-1e)(27页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Unit 3 Could you please clean your room,Section B 1 1a-1e,1. After dinner, you need to _. 2. After the washed clothes are dry, you need to _ . 3. If the dustbin is full, you have to _,do the dishes,fold the clothes,take out the trash,4. If there is lots of dust on the floor, you have to _. 5. After

2、you get up in the morning, you need to _. 6. If your clothes are dirty, you need to _. 7. If your bike is dirty, you had better _,clean the floor,make the bed,do the laundry,clean the bike,teenagers,Q1: Do you help your parents do chores at home? Q2:Do you always ask your parents to do a lot of thin

3、gs for you? Q3:Do your parents ask you to do a lot of things for them,What do your parents always ask you to do,study hard,go to the store / supermarket to buy things for them,do chores,What can you ask your parents permission for,borrow money from your parents,Invite friends to a party,_ 4. invite

4、my friends to a party _ _ 5. go to the store _ _ 6. use your CD player _ _ 7. take out the rubbish _ _ 8. make your bed _,What do teenagers ask their parents permission for? What do parents ask their teenagers to do? Write parents or teenagers next to each phrase,_ 1. buy some drinks and snacks _ _

5、2. borrow some money _ _ 3. clean your room _,1a,teenagers,teenagers,parents,teenagers,teenagers/parents,teenagers,parents,parents,invite sb. (to sth.) 邀请某人 Have you been invited to their party? 你接到参加他们的聚会的邀请了吗? invite sb. to do 邀请某人做某事 He invited us to spend the holiday in the countryside. 他请我们去乡下度

6、假,1b,Use the phrases in 1a to make conversation,Parent: Could you clean your room? Child: Yes, I can,Child: Could I invite my friends to a party? Parent: No, you cant have a party. You have a test on Monday,PAIR WORK,Work in pairs to make conversations using Could you ? or Could I ? between a child

7、and a parent,Parent: Could you make your bed? Child: Yes, I can. Parent: Could you make your breakfast? Child: No, I cant.,Child: Could I borrow some money? Parent: No, you cant. Child: Could I take out the trash? Parent: No, you cant.,Listen to a conversation between Sandy and her mom. Check () the

8、 things in 1a that you hear,_ 1. buy some drinks and snacks _ 2. borrow some money _ 3. clean your room _ 4. invite my friends to a party _ 5. go to the store _ 6. use your CD player _ 7. take out the trash _ 8. make your bed,1c,Listen again. Fill in the chart,1d,go to the store, buy drinks and snac

9、ks,clean her room, use the CD player,move the big chairs to the bedroom, clean the living room,go to the store buy drinks and snacks do the dishes clean the living room make your bed take out the rubbish do the laundry fold your clothes water the plants feed the animal,Make a list of the things you

10、do for your parents at home,After dinner, what do your parents like to say,1.Could you do the dishes,2. Could you sweep the floor,3. Could you clean the table,4. Could you put the left food into the fridge,How do you answer these questions,1. Could you do the dishes? Sure, Mom,2. Could you sweep the

11、 floor? Sorry, Mom. I have a lot of homework to do,3. Could you clean the table? Sorry, Mom. I have to listen to English now,4. Could you put the left food into the fridge? Sure, no problem,You want to go to your friends Jimmys birthday party, but you dont know your parents idea. How could you ask t

12、hem,1. Mom, could I go to Jimmys birthday party on Sunday,2. Daddy, could I stay out a little bit later,3. Mom, could I ride a bike to Jimmys house,4. Mom, could I go to the movies after the party,How will your parent answer these questions,1. Could I go to Jimmys party? Of course, you can,2. Could

13、I stay out a little bit later? Sorry, dear. You have to get home before 9 p.m,3. Could I ride a bike to Jimmys house? Yes, you can, but you must be careful,4. Could I go to the movies after the party? Sorry, you cant because it will be too late,1e,You are having a party. Ask your partner for help wi

14、th these things,PAIR WORK,go to the store buy drinks and snacks do the dishes clean the living room take out the rubbish,A: Could you please take out the rubbish? B: Yes, sure,一、根据句意及汉语提示填写单词。 1Id Iike to _(邀请)some friends to my birthday party. 2Could you please go to the _(商店)to buy some drinks? 3A

15、s a _(青少年), we should work hard at school. 4Could you help me buy some _(点心)? 5My bike is broken.May I _(使用) yours,invite,store,teenager,snacks,use,二、用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空。 6Could you _out the rubbish, Lily? Sure. 7Tom _his classmates to a party last week. 8Could I _some books from you? 9Sally often _the dishes after dinner. 10We _an English test yesterday,take,invited,borrow,does,had,三、单项选择。 11Could I watch TV this afternoon? Yes, you can.But first you _ do your homework. Ahave to Bcan Cmay DCould 12I would like to buy _


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