五级英语上册 unit4 what can you do课件 人教PEP(通用)

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《五级英语上册 unit4 what can you do课件 人教PEP(通用)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《五级英语上册 unit4 what can you do课件 人教PEP(通用)(10页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、义务教育课程标准实验教科书,快乐英语 FUN WITH ENGLISH Book4 Unit 2,Whats this,Its a ping-pong,I can play ping-pong. Can you play ping-pong,Yes ,I can./ No, I cant,Its a football,Yes, I can ./ No, I cant,Whats this,I can play football. Can you play football,Whats this,I can play the violin. Can you play the violin,Its

2、 a violin,Yes, I can ./ No, I cant,Whats this,I can play the piano. Can you play the piano,Its a piano,Yes, I can ./ No, I cant,learn to say,Lets act,A: Were going to have a party. What can your do ,boys and girls? B: I can sing . C: I can dance. A: Good! Can you play the piano, Li Ming? B: No, I cant. But I can play the violin. A: Who can play the piano? C: I can! A: Wonderful,Listen and match,知识拓展,play football /play ping-pong play the violin/ play the piano 在球类名词前不用the ,而在乐器名词前要用the,Homework,听录音,读课文,说对话 练习书写句子: an you play the violin? No, I cant



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