【最新】五年级英语下册 知识树课件 外研版(三起)-外研级下册英语课件

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《【最新】五年级英语下册 知识树课件 外研版(三起)-外研级下册英语课件》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《【最新】五年级英语下册 知识树课件 外研版(三起)-外研级下册英语课件(13页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、小学英语知识树,教材的内容结构,旅游的见闻与常识,对所见所闻进行描述,对事物过去和现在的情况作比较,对日常信息进行询问,对某时间吃了某种食物进行描述,Module 1,Module 2,Module 3,Module 4,Module 5,Module 8,对事物的特征进行描述 寻求建议表达自己的看法,发送电子邮件和用电子邮件进行交流,Module 6,Module 10,Module 9,Module 7,Module2,句型,学习策略目标,词汇,功能,She learnt English. Hes learning English now Did she learn any foreign

2、 language? Yes , she did ./No , she didnt,学会如何进行人物介绍及描述过去 或现在经常发生的事情,learnt (learn), these, dancer, yesterday,向同学介绍你自己; 拿出父母的照片向他人介绍; 调查同学或周围的人过去或现在 是否经常做某项活动,Module3,句型,学习策略目标,词汇,功能,What do/did she have for breakfast? She has/had eggs and sausages. Sam ate six hamburgers.He likes hamburgers very mu

3、ch. What do/did you eat/drink last night? I eat (ate) /drink (drank) I like What are you going to eat /drink tonight? Im going to eat/drink,谈论中西方的日常饮食; 谈论饮食习惯和最喜欢的食物,egg, email, sandwich, traditional, delicious hamburger, ate, gave, drank, tonight,积极运用所学英语知识 进行谈论英国人的饮食习 及自己的饮食习惯,词汇,句型,Module4,librar

4、y, find, CD-ROM, bring, use, card, easy,Where can you find out about?You can find out about in / on,Where is/are the about,please? Its/Theyre/They are on Shelf C,词汇,功能,句型,Whats this? Its a/an,hard,pocket,heaby,Module 5,Its big and bright. Its got two pockets. Its for you. Its too big for you Try thi

5、s one in white,broken,light,描述物品的特征;如何表达自己的看法,Module6,words,ability,谈论旅游见闻;描述地理方位,noun,verb,drills,Did you go with ,Where is Its in the north/ south/east/west of China,Where did you go for your holiday,week,stay,parent,rode,jclimb,When did you go to school ? I went there last year,horse,photo,Module

6、7,words,ability,描述发送电子邮件、电子贺卡的简要程序; 通过电子邮件进行交流,noun,adjective,drills,Lets send an email to Dad. Click on “Email” Click on “Write”. Write your message. Click on “send”. I am working very hard. Ill be home at seven oclock,idea,busy,office,another,message,computer,Module8,语言知识目标,情感目标,学习策略目标,文化意识目标,能力目标

7、,能用句型:What about? Why dont you?给别人提建议,能四会掌握9个的单词,能运用句型What do you suggest? What about ? Why dont you ? How about ,有兴趣给别 人提建议,了解英语中如何 向别人提出建议,1、在学习集中注意力。 2、对所学习内容能主动 练习和实践,Line A is longer. Is Line A the same as Line B? I think so. / I dont think so,1、听、说、读写单词:suggest, America, Chinese 2、能听、说、认读单词:qu

8、ickly、excited、dragon,Module9,语言知识目标,情感目标,学习策略目标,文化意识目标,1、听、说、读写单词: wore, women, actor, told, joke 2、能听、说、认读单词: funny、after, show, ready,The man wore womens clothes. The actors told lots of jokes. 描述过去的动作和状态,1、善于模仿, 积极参与课堂活动。 2、有兴趣听别人对 过去动作和状态的描述,了解不同国家的文化,1、在学习集中注意力。 2、积极运用所学英语 进行表达和交流,掌握不规则动词wear 的过去形式wore,语言知识目标,句型,学习策略目标,词汇,能听、说、读、写、单词 shoes, ticket, toothbrush,能听、说、认读单词 list, airport,where are you going to go,list, airport、shoes ticket, toothbrush,1、在学习中集中注意力。 2、积极与他人合作, 共同完成学习任务,能用句型:Where are you going to go ? 表示想要做什么,Module10,Thank you!Bye-bye



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