【最新】六年级英语上册 Review of Unit 3课件

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1、Review of Unit 3,完成任务就可以消灭害虫啦,快来帮七星瓢虫消灭害虫吧,Task 1,Recite the key words,相邻的两个意思相同的单词可以消掉,学生读单词,老师点击。 注意一定要看好再点,否则无法返回。 当出现没有相邻的同色椭圆时, 游戏失败,课,词典,晚上,拜访,postcard,word,超市,visit,comic,tomorrow,旅行,lesson,dictionary,在今晚,supermarket,明信片,tonight,trip,电影,单词,滑稽的,明天,film,evening,space travel half price together

2、mooncake poem moon,太空 (尤指长途)旅行 一半 价格 一起 月饼 诗 月亮,see a film take a trip next week comic book word book,看电影 去旅行 下周 (儿童的)连环画册 单词书,Recite the key phrases,去滑冰 堆雪人 去野餐 中秋节 聚会 许多,go ice-skating make a snowman go for a picnic Mid-Autumn Festival get together lots of,1.时间:_,即时演练,将下列单词或词组分类,A B D,A. tonightB.

3、 tomorrowC. dictionary D. next weekE. see a filmF. comic book G. take a tripH. word bookI. wash clothes J. make a snowman,2.活动:_,3.纸质书类:_,E G I J,C F H,即时演练,火眼金睛选不同,1. A. evening B. cinemaC. supermarket 2. A. mooncake B. postcardC. dictionary 3. A. visit B. poem C. travel 4. A. see B. buyC. comic 5.

4、 A. together B. tonight C. tomorrow,即时演练,读一读,选一选正确的汉语,1. lots of 2. half price 3. see a film 4. space travel 5. comic books,A.看电影,B.半价,C.许多,D.太空旅行,E.连环画册,即时演练,从方框中选择正确的选项,A. draw picturesB. go for a picnic C. wash clothes D. make a snowman E. go ice-skatingF. have an English class,)1.洗衣服 ( )2.去滑冰 (

5、)3.堆雪人 ( )4.去野餐 ( )5.画画 ( )6.上英语课,A,B,C,D,E,F,即时演练,根据句意及图片提示完成句子,1. Im going to _ this weekend. 2. I am going to _ with my friends. 3. Tim is going to _ next week. 4. Linda is going to _ with her aunt,visit my grandparents,see a film,take a trip,go to the supermarket,Task 2,询问对方打算做什么的句型及答语,问句,答语,Wha

6、t are you going to do+其他,Im/Were going to +动词原形+其他,问句,答语,Where are you going,Im/Were going (to) +地点,询问对方打算去哪里的句型及答语,问句,答语,When are you going +(其他),将来时间,询问对方打算何时去做某事的句型及答语,即时演练,翻译:你明天打算做什么? 我要上美术课,What are you going to do tomorrow? Im going to have an art lesson,即时演练,翻译:你们打算去哪儿? 我们打算去电影院,Where are yo

7、u going? Were going to the cinema,即时演练,翻译:你什么时候去北京? 下星期三,When are you going to Beijing? Next Wednesday,从方框中选择合适的句子补全对话,即时演练,A. We are going at 4 oclock. B. Im going with my father. C. Im going to the bookstore. D. What are you going to buy? E. How are you going there,Tom: Where are you going this af

8、ternoon? John: 1._ Tom: Who are you going with? John: 2._ Tom: 3._ John: Im going to buy a dictionary. Tom: When are you going? John: 4._ Tom: 5._ John: We are going by car,C,B,D,A,E,按要求改写句子,即时演练,1. I am going to write a letter.(就画线部分提问) _ _ _ going to do? 2. She is going at 8 oclock.(就画线部分提问) _ _ _

9、 going? 3. He is going to make a snowman.(改为一般疑问句) _ _ going to make a snowman,What are you,When is she,Is he,请选用下面方框中的单词组成句子。(至少4个,即时演练,When What Where,is am are,we you they she,going going there going to do going to buy,tomorrow tonight next week this afternoon this evening,例:What are you going to

10、 do tonight,1. When is she going? 2. What are you going to do tomorrow? 3. What are they going to buy next week? 4. Where are you going tonight,Task 3,请你根据下列提示用英语写一篇有关你的家人周末打算做什么的短文,要求不少于五句话,提示: weekend / Saturday / Sunday / go to the supermarket / bookstore /buy some books/ clean the room / do home

11、work / wash the clothes,读读范文,My family are going to have a busy weekend. On Saturday, well go to the supermarket together. Then, Im going to the bookstore to buy some books. On Sunday, my dad is going to clean the room. My mum is going to wash the clothes. And Im going to do my homework. This is a b

12、usy weekend plan,A busy weekend plan,1.时态:本文是一篇有关周末计划的短文,所以短文内容均采用了一般将来时态来进行写作,理理思路,2.写作思路:本文属于利用英语知识描述家人周末计划的短文,所以短文围绕家人周末打算做的事情进行了具体描写。由于短文内容的计划性比较强,写作时需要合理安排计划内容,3.写作模板,开头,首先总述自己及家人周末行程的特点,My family are going to have a busy weekend,中间,然后按时间顺序,详细而有条理地陈述家人要做的事,On Saturday, we will. I/ My father/ My

13、 mother will. We/I will . on Sunday,This is a busy weekend plan,结尾,最后抒发感想,总结全文,请根据范文及提示,结合自己的周末活动,以”My Weekend Plan”为题,写一篇小短文。要求不少于五句话。 提示:tomorrow/ Sunday/ bookstore restaurant /Renmin Park/ read books eat/ play,练练典题,My Weekend Plan,_ _ _,My Weekend Plan,Tomorrow is Sunday. Im going to the bookstore to read some books. Then Im going to a restaurant to eat delicious food. In the afternoon, Im going to Renmin Park. Im going to play with my friends. Wow! It will be an interesting weekend,真厉害! 害虫都被消灭啦



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