【最新】六年级英语上册 Module 10 Unit 2 Go straight on课件

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1、Unit 2 Go straight on,Module 10,Lead-in,同学们,你们在生活中有没有注意马路上的那些交通标识?下面我们一起来认识一些吧,禁止向左拐弯,禁止行人通行,人行横道,禁止鸣喇叭,禁止停车,向右拐弯,New words,cross,穿过(马路等);渡过(河,Look, listen and say,1,Listen and read,2,Grammar,Go straight on! 直走! (1)本句中的straight是副词,修饰动词“go”,意思是 “成直线地”。go straight 后还可以加上“for+一段时间”, 表示动作需要持续一段时间。如果表示“一

2、直走到某地”,应用“go straight on + to+地点名词”。 【例句】Go straight on to the shop. 直走到商店,常用指路语: Go straight on!直走! Go along this street/ road. 顺着这条街/路走。 Go on until you reach the end. 继续走到路的尽头。 Turn right at the next corner, 在下个拐弯处右转。 (2)本句是一个do型祈使句,可以用来表示请求、命令或劝告等。它的结构是:动词原形+其他.。 【例句】Look at the blackboard! 看黑板,

3、Look at the map. Then give directions,3,school,zoo,department store,toy shop,A: Excuse me. How do I get to the school? B: Turn right and go to White Street. Go straight on. Turn left at red street. The school is on your right. A: Thank you,Grammar,How do I get to the school? 我怎样到达学校? 这是一个询问如何到达某地的问句

4、,助动词do随着主语的变化而变化。如果主语是第三人称单数,助动词do要改为does。“get to”的意思是“到达”,后面接表示地点的名词,如果表示地点的词为副词,则要省略to。 【例句】I often get there . 我经常到那儿,表到达的词组,Listen and learn to say,4,Please hurry. Go straight on! Look at the library rules. Dont turn right here,Listen and say. Then sing,6,Please come here and stand in line. Look

5、 at all the rules. Dont talk here! Please come here and stand in line. Look at all the rules. Please be quiet here,Game,小组合作游戏,当指令中有“please”时,参与者执行此动作; 当指令中没有“please”时,参与者保持不动。违规者被淘汰出局,Write and talk,7,Write some school rules and talk about them,School Rules 1. Dont be late for school. 2. Be quiet i

6、n class. 3. Dont play football in the classroom. 4. Please,参考答案: School Rules There are many rules in our school. Here are some important ones. 1. Dont be late for class. 2. Dont eat in the classroom. 3. Dont fight. 4. Please be quiet in the library. 5. Please be nice to the others,Exercise,英汉互译。 1. 在图书馆里 _ 2. 排队 _ 3. 保持安静 _ 4. go straight on _ 5. library card _ 6. turn right _,in the library,stand in line,Please be quiet,直走,借书证,向右拐弯,看图,选择正确的选项,1. A. go straight B. turn left C. turn right,2. A. look at B. sit down C. stand in line,3. A. be quiet B. stand up C. sit down


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