【最新】四年级英语上册 Review of Unit 2

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1、Review of Unit 2,Im a _ (书包). There are many things in my body,schoolbag,Can you say,maths book,Chinese book,English book,storybook,notebook,candy,key,toy,Other words,哇;呀 可爱的 丢失(lose的 过去式形式,wow,cute,lost,Other phrases,非常地 在你的手里 蓝白色的 一些玩具,so much,in your hand,blue and white,some toys,即时演练,一、根据英文选择恰当的

2、图片,) 1. key A. B. ( ) 2. candy A. B. ( ) 3. notebook A. B. ( ) 4. toy A. B,A,A,B,B,) 5. notebook A. B. ( ) 6. schoolbag A. B. ( ) 7. English book A. B. ( ) 8. maths book A. B,A,A,B,A,二、选出每组中不同类的单词,1. A. Chinese B. English C. teacher 2. A. book B. schoolbag C. foot 3. A. pen B. pencil C. pear 4. A. m

3、aths B. orange C. white,5. A. eraser B. panda C. ruler 6. A. black B. white C. fat 7. A. pencil B. hand C. book 8. A. schoolbag B. storybook C. maths book,9. A. colour B. white C. blue 10. A. toy B. notebook C. storybook 11. A. candy B. chair C. desk 12. A. maths B. English C. key 13. A. near B. und

4、er C. book,三、看图,给下列句子配上相应的图片,)1. Put your maths book under your schoolbag. ( )2. Put your Chinese book in your desk. ( )3. Put your eraser near your pencil box. ( )4. Put your pencil box on your English book,C,A,D,B,四、看图,选择句子回答问题,A. A key, a toy and two notebooks. B. Three keys, a Chinese book and t

5、wo notebooks. C. Three keys and three notebooks,B,like,kite,five,nine,rice,连一连,rice six kite five,选出下列单词画线部分有几种读音,A.一种读音,B.两种读音,A,B,B,B,A,选出每组中画线部分读音不同的单词,1. A. pig B. Mike C. five 2. A. like B. six C. nine 3. A. ice B. fine C. it 4. A. nice B. big C. English 5. A. Chinese B. white C. in,询问对方某处有什么物品

6、的句型,Whats in your 其他,物品名称,询问物品颜色的句型,What colour be动词(is/are) 物品,Its/Theyre颜色词. /颜色词,翻译:这只铅笔是什么颜色的?是红绿相间的。 What colour is the pencil? Its red and green. 它们是什么颜色的?是绿蓝相间的。 What colour are they? Theyre green and blue,即时演练,1. I have a _ book. A. English B. chinese C. Chinese 2. I have _ storybooks. A. a

7、B. an C. two,一、单项选择,3. _ in your schoolbag? A. Whats B. What C. Who 4. Put _ Chinese book in your desk. A. I B. your C. you 5. Mynewpencilboxisyellow _ blue. A. a B. and C.,二、情景交际,1.Mike想知道你的书包里有什么东西,你想让他 猜一下,你应该说: A. Guess. B. How are you? 2.你想知道小明的手里有什么东西时,你应该问: A. No, its a crayon. B. Whats in yo

8、ur hand,3.Sarah过生日时爸爸给她买了一个新书包,她 到校后,会高兴地对朋友说: A. Look! I have a new pen. B. Look! I have a new schoolbag,4.你想让妹妹把橡皮擦放进文具盒里,你可以说: A. Put the eraser in your pencil box. B. Put the eraser on your pencil box. 5.你想告诉朋友你有三本故事书,你可以说: A. I have a storybook. B. I have three storybooks,6.你想告诉同学你的书包是黑白相间的,你可以

9、说: A. My schoolbag is black white. B. My schoolbag is black and white. 7.你想知道对方铅笔盒里有什么,你可以问: A. Whats in your pencil box? B. Wheres your pencil box,三、选择恰当的句子补全对话,A. Itsblueandwhite. B. Whatsinit?C. Hereitis! D. Ilostmyschoolbag,Jim: Excuseme. 1._MrsWhite: Whatcolourisit? Jim: 2. _MrsWhite: OK!3._ Ji

10、m: AnEnglishbook,twotoysanda notebook.MrsWhite: 4. _ Jim: Thankyou,D,A,B,C,四、根据对话帮Susan将物品归类摆放一下,Susan: Whats in the box, Mum? Mum: A toy car, a key and some candies. Susan: Whats in the schoolbag, Mum? Mum: A Chinese book, an English book, two pens and an eraser,_,_,B C D,A E F G,五、阅读短文,判断正(T)误(F,I

11、 have a new schoolbag. Its white and brown. I have many books in it. An English book, a maths book and four storybooks. I like storybooks very much. I like my schoolbag, too,) 1. I have a white and blue schoolbag. ( ) 2. I have an English book, a maths book and four storybooks. ( ) 3. I dont like storybooks. ( ) 4. I like my schoolbag,F,T,F,T


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