【最新】四年级英语下册 Lessonhere do you live?

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1、Lesson 20 Where do you live ,学习目标,1、掌握本课重点句型: Where do you live ? I live in a/an 2、了解house与 apartment的区别,学习目标,3、能够认读单词house、 apartment、park. 4、通过学习能够熟练运用 Where do you live ? I live in a/an,1、A house and an apartment,This is a house,This is an apartment,An apartment is in an apartment building,2、Wher

2、e do you live ,I live in a/an 我住在,你住在哪,根据汉语意思补全单词,sch l 学校 apartm e n t 公寓 p k 公园 h se 房子,o,o,e,n,a,r,o,u,我是小小翻译家,1、This is an apartment . 这是一套公寓。 2、Where do you live ? 你住在哪? 3、I live in a house . 我住在一幢房子里,我是小小翻译家,4、Can you play with me today ? 今天你能跟我玩吗? 5、Its far from school . 离学校很远,英汉互译,live 在公园里

3、near 和玩,居住,in the park,近的;附近,play with,英汉互译,远 离,apartment building,far from,公寓楼,单选,)1、This is apartment. A、a B、an C、two ( )2、Can you with me today ? A、play B、to play C、plays,B,A,)3、I live a house . A、on B、to C、in ( )4、Where you live ? A、am B、are C、do,C,C,)5、Its far school . A、for B、from C、to ( )6、Its the park . A、far B、near C、is,B,B,谢谢指导,再见



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