高一英语人教版必修三课件 Unit 4 Astronomy the science of the strars-语言运用

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1、Book 3 Unit 4,语言导学案,自主学习】 Task I 单词: 1. 系统 n. _ 2. 理论 n. _ 3. 猛烈的 adj. _ 4. 不像不同于 prep. _ 5. 有害的 adj. _ 6. 存在 vi. _ 7. 使困惑 vt. _,system,theory,violent,unlike,harmful,exist,puzzle,词组: 8. 及时; 终于 _ 9. 下蛋 _ 10. 产生; 分娩 _ 11. 轮到某人 _ 12. 阻止; 制止 _ 13. 感到高兴; 感到振奋 _ 14. 既然 _ 15. 突发; 爆发 _ 16. 密切注意; 当心; 提防 _,in

2、 time,lay eggs,give birth to,in ones turn,prevent.from,cheer up,now that,break out,watch out,1. They were in time to produce carbon dioxide, nitrogen, water vapour and other gases, which were to make the earths atmosphere. 译文:他们最终产生了二氧化碳,氮气,水蒸气和其他多种气体,从而形成了地球的大气层。 2. They multiplied and filled the o

3、ceans with oxygen, which encouraged the later development of early shellfish and all sorts of fish. 译文:他们繁殖起来就使海洋充满了氧气, 这为早期的贝类及其他各种鱼类后来的进化创造了条件,Task II: structure analysis: 解析:以上两句的which 引导的是非限制性定语从句。 练习: 1) 李明迟到了,这使张先生生气。 Li Ming was late, which made Mr.Zhang angry. 2) 他们把过多的二氧化碳释放到大气层中,这使得地球上的热不能

4、释放到太空中去。 They are putting too much carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, which prevents heat from escaping from the earth into space,in time: 1) 及时; 2) sooner or later迟早 Youll learn how to do it in time. 你早晚能学会做这件事。 我赶得上那趟火车吗? Will I be _ the train? *in time (for sth./to do sth.): not late,in time,for

5、,to catch,与time相关的短语: in no time for the time being from time to time at times at a time at one time once upon a time on time at no time,立刻, 马上 暂时 不时地 有时 每次 从前,曾经,一度 从前,很久以前 按时; 准时 决不(置于句首时,句子要部分倒装,1.每次服两粒。Take two pills _. 2.他曾经那么沉迷于弹钢琴。 He was _ so devoted to piano playing. 3.从前有一个公主。 _ there was

6、a princess. 4.闹钟准时把我闹醒了。 The alarm clock awoke me _. 5.我及时赶上了飞往伦敦的航班。 I arrived just _ my flight to London,at a time,at one time,Once upon a time,on time,in time for,6. 我马上就回来。Ill be back _. 7.有时海上波涛汹涌,她就会晕船。 It was quite rough _, and she was seasick. 8. 目前下结论尚早。 _ it is still early to come to any c

7、onclusion. 9.他生病的时候她的女儿们时常去探望他。 Her daughters visited him _ when he was ill. 10.在任何时候你都不应放弃读书。 _ should you give up studying,in no time,at times,For the time being,from time to time,At no time,3. It was not immediately obvious that water was to be fundamental to the development of life. 译文:水会对于生命的发展

8、起关键作用,这一点在当时并不太明显. 解析:It is/was obvious/clear that.很明显 It 引导的类似句型: It is an honor that 非常荣幸 It is natural that很自然 It is strange that奇怪的是 It seems that 似乎 It is reported that 据报道 It is said that 据说,4. This produced , which made it possible for life to develop. * make + it + adj./n. + (for sb) to do O

9、.-clause 我已养成凡事从容不迫的习惯。 Ive made _ a rule _ . 我们必须让每个学生清楚英语是非常有用的。 We must make _ clear to every student _ English is _ great use,it,never to hurry,it,that,of,This disappearance made possible the rise of mammals on the earth. 它(指恐龙)的灭绝使地球上哺乳动物的产生有了可能. * make + sb./sth. (O.) + adj./n.(O.C.) 这句为使句子结构保

10、持平衡,将较长的宾语(名词短语)移置补足语之后. 望远镜使人们能够观察遥远的星球。 The telescope _ the _ of the far-off stars,made possible,observation,Task III: 理解课文一些单词的词性变化及重点词组的用法。 词性互换: solar (adj.) sun (n) religion (n.) _ (adj.) globe (n.) _ (adj.) violent (adj.) _ (n.) present (adj.) _ (n.) react (v.) _(n.,religious,global,violence,

11、presence,reaction,练习: 1. Some students were doing a _ (biology) experiment in the lab with the help of the teacher. 2. What made her surprised was that her parents _ (react) to the news was very calm. 3. After a long journey, the couple returned home, safe but _(exhaust,biology,reaction,exhausted,4.

12、 _ (globe) warming will bring changes to the weather patterns of the whole world. 5. Was he at the meeting yesterday? I didnt notice his _ (present). 6. With the development of science and technology, people can use _ (sun) energy to do many things,Global,presence,solar,Task IV:Important words and e

13、xpressions 1. fundamental 基础的,根本的,重要的 be fundamental to . 对 . 是必要的(不可缺的) 必须苦干才能成功. Hard work is fundamental to success. 新鲜空气对于身体健康是必不可少的。 Fresh air is fundamental to good health,2.They multiplied and filled the oceans and seas with oxygen, multiply v.- reproduce in large numbers 1)It is possible to

14、multiply these bacteria in the laboratory. 2) 6 _(multiply) by 3 _ (be) 18,multiplied,is,3.They produced young generally by laying eggs. 它们一般是通过孵蛋而繁衍后代的. (P26-39) young: adj. 年幼的,有朝气的,青年的 n. pl 年轻人, 幼小的动物, 崽,lie vi. 说谎,躺着 lay vt. 放置; 下(蛋) 用lie或lay的正确形式填空: 1) Crocodiles produce young generally by lay

15、ing eggs. 2) Guangdong lies in the south of China while Beijing in the north. 3) He lied about his reasons for being late. 4) Please help me lay the table. Supper is to be ready. 5) Its wonderful lying / to lie on the beach all day,4. exist vi. to be, to be real存在; to live生存 英语中没有这个字。 That word _ in English. 她只靠牛奶生存。She _ on


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