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1、牛津英语7B 期中考试必考考点汇总和练习1. Shall we invite them to have dinner with us?我们邀请他们和我们一起共进晚餐怎么样?表示建议的句型 Would you like to do sth.? Shall we do sth.? Why not do sth.? Why dont / doesnt sb. do sth.? Lets do sth. How about / What about sth./doing sth.? Youd better (not) do sth.考题链接.- _try some fish? It looks del

2、icious. - It smells _. I dont want to eat it.A. Why dont, bad B. Why dont, good C. Why not, good D. Why not, bad2. Is it enough for a tin of dog food? 那够买一罐狗粮吗?enough的用法 enough + n. enough修饰可数名词复数或不可数名词。 adj./adv. + enough enough修饰形容词时放在其后。be enough for 对足够be + adj.+ enough to do sth. 足够可以做某事考题链接. A

3、fter a _ rest, he is feeling _to go to work now.A. three-day; enough good B. three days; enough well C. three-day; well enough D. three days; good enough3. We are looking forward to meeting you soon.我们盼望很快见到你! look forward to sth. 期待某物 look forward to doing sth.期待做某事4. Im going to show you around my

4、 hometown.我要带你参观我的家乡。show的用法show sb. around (+地点)带领某人参观show sb. sth.= show sth. to sb. 向某人展示某物show n.演出,展览,节目5.I can smell flowers and hear the birds sing.我能闻到花香,听见鸟唱歌。 hear/see/watch/find/notice sb. doing sth. 听见/看见/看到/发现/注意到 某人做某事的状态hear/see/watch/find/notice sb. do sth. 听见/看见/看到/发现/注意到 某人做某事的全过程

5、或指经常看到某事发生考题链接.Your cousin Peter must be good at playing the piano. Yes, I often hear him the piano.A. practise playing B. practising playing C. practise to play D. practising to play6.Some families raise cows, and others grow wheat. 一些家庭养牛,另一些家庭种植小麦。 some,and others意为“一些,其他的”other 意为“别的,其他的”+复数名词 o

6、thers= other +n. the other 作代词,指两者中的“另一个”,常用于“one,the other”句型中。another 泛指三者或三者以上的同类事物中的“另一个”,强调“再,又”,常接单数名词也有 “another+数词+名词复数”的结构,意为在原来的基础上再加一些,=数词+more+名词复数the others 在具体的语境中特指 “其他的XXX”eg. These three books are Lilys. The others are yours.(指三本以外剩下的书)=the other books.7Go straight on,and youll find

7、 the Panda House. “祈使句+andor +一般将来时表示在假设的某种条件下将会产生的结果,and通常后接好的结果,or意为“否则”,通常后接不好的结果。如:Hurry up, and well catch the early bus Hurry up,or well miss the early bus 8.What are your neighbours like?= How are you neighbours?你的邻居们(性格品质)如何?What be sb/sth like?你认为怎么样(性格品质)?(用形容词回答)What do/does sb. like?某人喜欢

8、什么?What do/does sb. look like?某人长什么样子(外貌)?考题链接 The local people, _ my father, _ jogging in the park in the morning. A. like; likes B. likes; likeC. like; likeD. likes; likes9.Some college students are ready to help.一些大学生乐于帮忙。be ready to do sth. 准备/乐于做某事 be ready for sth 为做好准备10. Theres something wro

9、ng with my computer. = My computer is broken.= My computer doesnt work.=My computer isnt working. 我的电脑坏了。something 指物的不定代词,“某事,某物”,看作单数。形容词修饰不定代词要后置,something interesting , something strange,不定式修饰要后置something to eat注:would you like /could you /can I结构还用something, 表委婉语气,或希望得到肯定回答。其他的不定代:someone/someb

10、ody anyone/anybody/anything everyone/everybody/everything考题链接. There is _with my bicycle. I will ask my uncle _it this afternoon.A .wrong something; to fix B. something wrong; fixingC. something wrong; to fix D. wrong something; fixing11. I am afraid they wont welcome visitors like you.我恐怕他们不会欢迎向你这样

11、的客人。afraid的用法be afraid to do sth 害怕去做某事 be afraid of sth /doing sth.害怕某物/做某事 be afraid+(that)从句考题链接. _ you afraid of _ late for class again? AAre; beBDo; beCAre; beingDDo; being12.How do I get there? 去那儿的路怎么走呢?这是问路的一种表达。还有如下同义表达:(1)Which is the way to? (2)Where is the?(3)Is there anear here? (4)Coul

12、d you tell me the way to?(5)Could you tell me how to get to/how I can get to?13.There are twenty restaurants in town. 镇上有二十家餐馆。There are about 8,000,000 people living in London. 大约有八百万人住在伦敦。表示某地有,用there be 句型,谓语动词就近原则。There _(be) an art room, a music room and two computer rooms in our school.表示有事情要做

13、,用there be sth to do。There are lots of things _(see) in Beijing.表示有某人正在做某事,用there be sb doing sth.。On game shows, there are always famous people_(talk) about their lives.考题链接 the show because there are lots of interesting things_.A. Not miss; to see B. Dont missing; to seeC. Dont miss; seeing D. Don

14、t miss; to see14. I hope to visit your home some day我希望有一天能去拜访你家。 hope to do sth.希望去做某事 hope +(that)从句,上句等于I hope I can visit your home some day. 常用I hope you have a good time.some day 将来有一天,总有一天 只用来指将来one day 某一天 可以指过去,也可以指将来the other day 前几天 常用于一般过去时15.I think we have to go up againhave(had/has) to意为“不得不,强调客观,愿意也要做,不愿意也要做 (否定式 dont have to)must强调主观,自己认为必须要去做, 但mustnt 意为“禁止,不准”,语气强烈。Dad, must I finish my homework before going shopping?爸爸,我必须要在购物之前完成作业吗?肯定回答:Yes, you must./


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